withheldforprivacy said:
Which of the two is the best type of anime/manga and why?
Depends on what i'm looking for.
If it's anime then i'll take
ECCHI because i'm not looking for full on sex or pornography but i'm getting nudity & when ecchi has nudity that's when i consider it good.
ECCHI with just shots of underwear i find disappointing because it's like watching live-action DeadPool & they've edited out the swearing, or like watching a zombie movie but instead getting the World War Z movie.
Hentai for me is better in manga because it's a full on manga made purely for adults that isn't limited to censoring itself with ridiculously placed shadows hiding character nudity.
Also Hentai isn't limited to just japanese manga as there's erotic comics
EROTIC COMICS as well which can be both ecchi & full adult.
Hentai & Adult Comics/magazines i can find very interesting stories with full nudity done by either male or female artists.......YUP FEMALE ARTISTS.
With characters wearing normal clothes to skimpy outfits & there's no thought of them pulling a stupid Marvel DC or independent Comics whining why "There's No reason female characters has to wear tiny outfits" with writers coming in changing character's looks because female readers don't like the idea of Marvel DC or independent Comics characters wearing tight clothes or a bikini as a costume because it serves no realistic practical purpose.
WHILE forgetting it's nothing but FREAKIN fantasy.
FREAKIN FANTASY is suppose to be unrealistic.
So outfits go from this:
To this:
ALL because Boo-Hoo an audience that isn't interested just isn't interested, so like video games & movies the industry has to pander to the audience they don't have & screw you to the audience they already do have.
Yet Adult EROTIC COMICS you get artists that understand
FREAKIN FANTASY & i get the full unrestricted freedom of fantasy creation & unlimited imagination because they can stories & characters with all the unrestricted gore, nudity, swearing- violence & exaggerated characters possible with the only limitation at times is black & white.
Adult & EROTIC COMICS aren't limited to japanese or american artists either.
Italian, spanish, european, & more.