Flipping Trading Cards - Win Wagers


Oct 27, 2015
When I was kid I remember playing with the neighborhood kids in the Philippines with these Dragonball Z Texture Cards (We used to call the game Tecks).


I'm going to try to my best to explain the rules. So it's a duel between two people. Three cards are selected and the person flipping the cards by the flick of their thumb which ultimately sends the cards into the air. haha here I am trying to explain the rules but now I've forgotten!!!

This is a video as an example of how kids play it.

AH! Did a search I found a great explanation:
We used to play this game when we were young. It is also known as Up-Down, or Face Up-Face Down. This is the version how we played it.

The game is played between two players using collectible similar playing cards.

Each player would put up an equal number of cards, maybe two, five, ten, etc.

The players would choose between them who would be the flicker and who would be the caller.

The cards are then shuffled and given to the assigned Flicker.

As the Flicker flicks the cards into the air, the Caller would shout his call either Up or Down, meaning Cards Face Up or Face Down.

If the Caller shouts "Up", he will pick up the cards that falls down on the floor/ground, with the card's face up.

The remaining cards facing down belongs to the flicker. Whatever number of cards you pick up are yours.

Flickers and Callers are done alternately.

There are other versions of the game but this was how we played the game of Teks.

Has anyone played this game with their DBZ cards when they were younger?

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Father wrote on 最強のフュージョン's profile.
Bill Cosby will have the prep time that Pm. snake never had baby wooooooooo!!
Never watched that filler lol
INCORRECT, remember Princess Snake tried to sedate Goku and that shit didn't work