Captain Cadaver said:
Since you provided some answers, I feel obliged to make a last reply on this topic.
Captain Cadaver said:
Hyperbole or not, there's no clear scale for the difference between Hakaishin candidates, Hakaishin, Angels and the Daishinkan/Zen-Oh. Battle powers aren't a linear scale of destructive capabilities as if they were, 1st form Freeza being just 106,000x stronger than an average human wouldn't even make him a city buster, let alone a planet buster.
The same 1st form Frieza that 1-shot an entire planet?
But see that's another reason why i have no reason to believe The Grand Priest or Zeno couldn't stop it.
As you said Power doesn't scale in a linear fashion, but i think you are trying to apply rational to crazy. And it don't work.
So The Grand Priest, Zeno, the Angels, GodsOfDestruction, etc can be as far above with a power gap as wide as Toriyama wants them to be.
And i fully get & agree with what you're saying. That until we see 100% no doubt solid evidence, then we don't know where the upper limit is.
However till then if it's implied they are that powerful, then they are that powerful.
Captain Cadaver said:
And that Ki is still of divine origin.
Unless the energy is gathered from divine beings then No it's not.
IF it was what gives evidence that The Grand Priest who is ranked among the TOP 5 most powerful in the multiverse could not stop it or nullify it ?
Or the all powerful Zeno for that matter.
Captain Cadaver said:
Its stamina drain would make doing so immediately an unnecessary strain.
No it would be energy drain if Goku was adding his own ki to the SpiritBomb.
Goku exhausted has gathered energy for the SpiritBomb, the stamina is used in pushing it.
Captain Cadaver said:
Nappa could destroy a city in an explosion of which's power even Piccolo was shocked by whilst leaving his pod intact, despite it being something even those of Raditz's level could destroy. It's clear the damages of an explosion can still be controlled.
That was an attack, he wasn't blowing out an explosion lol.
That same attack is used in XENOVERSE & the player can lock onto an enemy, but once ignited the explosion hits that last spot of the intended target. The explosion doesn't chase them down.
You're moving the dynamite, not the explosion from the dynamite.
Captain Cadaver said:
And yet none of the more qualified characters such as Whis bothered to refute him.
Whis was refuting him with each observation made throughout the TournamentOfPower.
Also are you sure Shin was referring to the difference in power in relationship to the participants of the TournamentOfPower, or in relationship to The Grand Priest, the Angels, & Zeno himself ?
Captain Cadaver said:
From a lot of your initial point focusing on hyperbole, I'm not too sure of that.
Because as i said until it's officially stated or Toriyama says otherwise, then i have no doubt The Grand Priest or Zeno couldn't stop or nullify something of that magnitude.
You got anything official or Toriyama said otherwise ?
Captain Cadaver said:
1. Whis states he wouldn't stand the slightest chance against him, which is far from saying he absolutely needs to be several times, dozens of times or even hundreds of times weaker as you're suggesting.
2. Yeah, because it's actually possible when the most we're given is Whis stating Daishinkan's far above him and Daishinkan stopping two Hakaishin with a finger each means he automatically has to be dozens of times' Whis' superior..
I'm not simply suggesting that.
Try moving their scale of power way up.
See The Grand Priest could be only dozens of or hundreds of times stronger.
The relation in power could be close.
But the gap between divinity & mortal can be as far apart as Toriyama wants it to be.
2. The only dozens of times powerful is fan assumption trying to put Toriyama's logic into their own box reason & understanding in order to make it make sense.
Captain Cadaver said:
Actually acting as mature as most of the other members here would be a start, but I won't be the one teaching you how to do so.