With it being a certainty he'd be erased from existence if not being able to reason with Boo, Goku would just use Shunkan Ido to get the Dragon Radar himself and focus on helping the boys fuse. With Babidi still around, Gotenks probably gets killed on Babidi's order when he goes to confront Boo, Mr. Satan never gets the chance to befriend Boo and Ultimate Gohan ends up being the one to save the day. If Earth is completely destroyed before he can get there or Dende is killed, then Goku tells Kibito to take Gohan to New Namek to use Porunga to restore everything.
When Beerus wakes up, assuming he eventually gets sick of waiting around for SSG despite Boo's absence, then they use the Dragon Balls to bring Tarble to Earth for the ritual and Vegeta takes Goku's place. When Freeza comes to Earth, it's difficult to say if Vegeta would've unlocked SSB without a sparring partner like Goku and it's doubtful Vegeta's actions against Freeza would change much, so Freeza wins either way. Whether or not he'll continue his rule uninterrupted though depends on if he still has his forces visit Vampa and if he ever has the incentive to kill Paragus.