Has the end-game already been introduced?

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Has he/she?

From the ones I know, I'd think most logically it'd be Shanks but in-terms of really evil adversary maybe Blackbeard.

I don't know.

Also CC's challenge is done.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
That's been a common question for many years that's still debated to this day. Blackbeard is often brought up as the main example due to being essentially evil Luffy, whilst the Gorosei are often treat as the other major choice due to their control on the World Government and knowledge of several ancient mysteries. After the reveal in the Reverie, however, it seems they answer to some higher source who is right now the most likely candidate for being OP's endgame, unless Oda decides to have the pirates all ally against the world government for a decisive battle before Luffy and Blackbeard settle the score.

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