Hatchiyack was stated to be slightly above LSSj Broly (Movie 8).
It can be inferred in Movie 10 that LSSj Broly (Movie 8)<=SSj Broly (Movie 10), who is stated to be above Boo Arc SSj Goku (Boo Arc) by the Daizenshuu.
So, Hatchiyack is basically slightly above SSj Goku (Boo Arc) and Majin SSj Vegeta. So the Saiyan duo wins pretty easily IMO.
Either one of them would solo imo. I don't follow the diaz so I have
Hatchiyack >= SSJ Broly (M10) = LSSJ Broly (M8) = CG MSSJ Gohan. I put Buu Saga Goku twice as strong as he was during the Cell Games and Vegeta after the dying is Goku's equal so either one of them could handily beat Hatchiyack.