Each power-up (before final form) adds to Freeza's power 530.000 units.
Freeza 1st form - 530 thousand
Vegeta - 480 thousand
Krillin - 150 thousand
Gohan - 160 thousand
Freeza 2nd form (initial) - 1.06 million
Gohan (fully enraged/6x) - 960 thousand
Freeza (powered up/toying) - 1.325 million
Piccolo (pre Nail/weighted)- 280 thousand
Piccolo (pre Nail/unweighted)- 350 thousand
Piccolo (post Nail/weighted) - 1.4 million
Freeza (powered up/full effort) - 1.59 million
Piccolo (post Nail/unweighted) - 1.75 million
Freeza 3rd form - 2.12 million
Gohan (zenkai) - 1.05 million
Gohan (zenkai/partly enraged/2x) - 2.1 million
The power-up when Freeza transformed into his final form must be a lot larger than any of his previous power-ups, considering how much time his last transformation took. So I gave Vegeta the same zenkai boost he received the previous time: 15x
Freeza true form (initial) - 7.5 million
Vegeta (zenkai/filler suppression) - 4.8 million
Vegeta (zenkai/full power) - 7.2 million
Freeza true form (speed-up) - 9 million
Goku (initial) - 9 million
Goku (full power) - 13.5 million
Freeza true form (no hands) - 15 million
Freeza true form (50% power) - 300 million
Goku (10x kaioken) - 135 million
Goku (20x kaioken) - 270 million
SSJ Goku (initial) - 337.5 million and increasing
Freeza (70% power) - 420 million
Freeza (100% power) - 600 million
SSJ Goku (peak) - 675 million
Gohan (fully enraged/6x) - 6.3 million (strong enough to shake Freeza's initial suppression in his 4th form and later fight Vegeta)
Recoome - 40 thousand
Jeice - 40 thousand
Burter - 40 thousand
Guldo - 7 thousand
Yamcha - 50 thousand
Tenshinhan - 80 thousand
Chaozu - 10 thousand
Gohan is as strong as before. Krillin's power has in the meantime kept increasing (Guru's boost) and reached Gohan's non-enraged level, since those two are still treated as equals in this part of the anime.
Gohan - 1.05 million
Krillin - 1 million
Salt - 1.25 million
Mustard - 1.1 million
Spice - 1.1 million
Vinegar - 1.1 million
Spice (Makyo boost/3x) - 3.3 million
Vinegar (Makyo boost/3x) - 3.3 million
Gohan (enraged) - 6.3 million
Piccolo - 2.2 million
Garlic Jr - 2 million
Garlic Jr (Makyo boost/3x) - 6 million
Gohan/Krillin are as strong as before. I made the other humans 10x stronger each so they're still relevant to Krillin.
Gohan - 1.05 million
Krillin - 1 million
Tenshinhan - 800 thousand
Yamcha - 500 thousand
Chaozu - 100 thousand
Piccolo - 11 million
Vegeta - 12 million
Mecha Freeza (initial/50% power) - 320 million
Mecha Freeza (powered up/70% power) - 448 million
Mecha Freeza (unseen 100% power) - 640 million
King Cold (initial) - 360 million
King Cold (unseen full power) - 540 million
Alternate Trunks - 15 million
SSJ Alternate Trunks - 750 million
Goku - 18 million
SSJ Goku - 900 million
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