Hit's strength during the rematch.


Low Class Warrior
Dec 26, 2016
While it ended in a tie I think there's a few factors that heavily point to Hit actually having more power than the current SSB Goku of that mini arc.

1. Almost every physical blow Hit landed on Goku had him reeling .

2. Hit knocked Goku out of SSB with much less wind up for his physical strike than True Golden Frieza did when he knocked Goku out of SSB with the Double KO. True Golden Frieza charged at Goku full force while Hit just cocked his arms back a bit and slammed down.

3. Hit had enough energy to fly all the way back to universe 6 after the fight was over despite taking a kamehameha from SSB Goku that drained him out of the form meaning he used every last bit of his energy and the multiplier for that kamehameha was higher than the normal multiplier .

I already know some of the arguments against this that people have made.

1. "Goku didn't use kaioken blue which he would've done if Hit was stronger than his current blue"

2. "Goku endured Hit's attacks during the rematch and kept fighting regardless"

3. "The attacks were all aimed at Goku's vital points so of course they'd make him reel"

My counterarguments for those three arguments would be:

1. Goku ALSO didn't use Kaioken Blue against Goku Black despite Black curbstomping him for the majority of the arc. He only finally resorted to using it for a kick against Merged Zamasu. Kaioken Blue is just too big of a risk if you aren't sure you can beat your opponent with it. In black and Hit's cases Kaioken Blue being used against them can actually make them stronger due to Zenkai and Improvement respectively.

2. Goku was only able to keep fighting because Hit's honor prevented him from attacking him while he was down. There were many opportunities during that fight where Hit could've continued striking Goku but didn't. There was one time where Goku was downed for more than a minute (When the fight was cut away from for Vados to explain timeskip and Hit's pocket dimension to Champa) but Hit still waited for him to catch his breath that entire time.

3. Back during the U6 tournament Hit struck SSB Vegeta's vital points with multiple barrages of punches during multiple timeskips but Vegeta could keep standing due to them being "light attacks". Hit ended the fight when he struck one of Vegeta's vital points with as Vegeta called it, a "heavy attack". Considering during the rematch almost every physical blow Hit landed had Goku reeling like the "heavy attack" Hit used against Vegeta (and Hit didn't even use timeskip like he did back then so Goku should have actually had time to react unlike Vegeta) it seems like Hit's physical strength and speed rose to the level where even his normal blows were like fast heavy blows to Goku. And the reverse did not seem to be true considering Hit could dodge Goku's counter punch and only get grazed. Hit could react and dodge Goku's counter punch from an extremely close distance whereas Goku couldn't seem to react in time to dodge any of Hit's punches during the rematch.

With all of that considered while I don't think there's a huge difference I am very confident in saying Mini Arc Hit > Mini Arc SSB Goku in pure power and speed. The general trend from what i've seen has been that after the universe 6 tournament Hit's continued to be a SSB level+ fighter even with current SSB getting stronger and stronger as Goku and Vegeta train. Hit also trains so since he was above it after his improvement during the U6 tournament he's still above it now with his increases from training matching each increase to current SSB level Goku and Vegeta make with their own training. Current SSBKK and its multipliers are a different story but Hit can reach them with improvement like he did before if he does face them.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
The fight was nothing more than a test for Goku if he can overcome Hit's new technique, that's all. Toei don't consider those stuffs seriously.


Low Class Warrior
Dec 26, 2016
Fearless 3:16 said:
The fight was nothing more than a test for Goku if he can overcome Hit's new technique, that's all. Toei don't consider those stuffs seriously.

It was not filler. As we saw in the ToP Hit still has those techniques he showed during the rematch and Vados even says something like "that's the technique he used when he fought Son Goku" when Hit uses the invisible/intangible shockwave attack on Kunshi.

My biggest point I would say is that Goku clearly could've been taken out multiple times during that fight had Hit not been honorable and waited for Goku to get back up again. That's a big testament to Hit's strength as even with vital point strikes if they did not have enough force behind him Goku would still at least be able to stand after getting hit by them. But almost every single time he was on the ground reeling after getting hit by one of Hit's punches or kicks and Hit had to purposely ignore opportunities to kill Goku for Goku to stand a chance.


Retired Staff
Sep 10, 2016
Goku was a moron during the rematch. Well, he's always a moron. I'm not sure Hit has more power than Goku, but he's definitely Blue tier-ish. The ToP makes me think Hit is between SSG and SSB. Hit has a vast array of superior techniques that allow him to overcome gaps in power, but he is still pretty strong.


Low Class Warrior
Dec 26, 2016
Paladin said:
Goku was a moron during the rematch. Well, he's always a moron. I'm not sure Hit has more power than Goku, but he's definitely Blue tier-ish.

What do you mean exactly? Goku needed some time to figure out how to have his blows reach Hit. Goku flailing around while he didn't know Hit was going into a pocket dimension to avoid attacks doesn't change just how damaging each of Hit's punches and kicks were to Goku. He just got downed over and over, and would clutch his chest in pain or scream out as he got nailed.

Paladin said:
The ToP makes me think Hit is between SSG and SSB. Hit has a vast array of superior techniques that allow him to overcome gaps in power, but he is still pretty strong.

No. SSB was not faster than Dyspo. Goku just read Dyspo's movements and used it in a short burst to surprise Dyspo but Dyspo still dodged despite that and kept on pushing Goku back.

Hit took hundreds-thousands of attacks from Dyspo but could still stand and fight without issue. Dyspo didn't even come close to actually wearing Hit out. Comparatively Dyspo went down and couldn't even stand after only a few attacks from Hit.

Most importantly Goku specifically noted how Hit's STRENGTH had increased again from what it was during the rematch after the fight with Dyspo ended.

My stance is that Hit is Current SSB level+ but I don't think he's above it by a huge amount. He's somewhere in the gap between Current Blue and Current Kaioken Blue and that's before improving any further.

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