Captain Cadaver said:
Limits have always been shown to be broken pretty easily. Kuririn believed that the Ginyu Tokusentai (minus Gurd) were beings he could never rival, yet surpassed them all just a few hours later. Vegeta believed himself to have reached his limit after receiving a Zenkai from Dende's healing, yet that clearly wasn't the case. Goku's nonchalant and bored attitude to Elder Kaioshin saying he can bring someone far beyond their natural limit shows how little meaning the word holds in the series beyond being a temporary wall, with Elder Kaioshin's ritual being the only possible exception in the manga (prior to Super, anyway).
It's more accurate to think of "limits" as just a wall that's formed in terms of how far a certain regime can take someone and the only alternative is to switch up the routine. It seems somewhat fitting in Toriyama's love for Kung-Fu films as it fits well with a philosophy Bruce Lee had - "There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them."
Wouldn't the fact that Goku unlocked SSJ2 and 3 imply he definitely hit a wall though? I mean, he wouldn't need the transformations if he could get so strong.
UltimateGohkan said:
In other world he was dead, he pretty much loss all the restraints he had when he was alive. This allowed him to get stronger.
He didn't lost all of his limitations, he still got tired as shit after fighting Boo for example, but i can see your point. He's not limitless, but his dead body is a notch better than if he were alive, right?
Evil Vegeta said:
Special training allowed him to surpass his limits.
What kind of training? He spend most of his time with Kaio, who already teached him everything he knows on the Saiyan Arc. There's nothing special for Goku to do, only basic stuff like lifting weights and image training.
What kind of training?