How do the Shichibukai work again?

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
They give portion of their loot to the marine but when Yosaku first explained them, he made it seem more like the government was evil and they take whatever money they can get. However he also said that some pirates call them "government's dogs" and in the Alabasta Saga it was said that in some-ways they are on the government's side (Smoker said Crocodile can't be trusted and Crocodile said Smoker saw right through him unlike the goverment) as in not a hindrance or anything but how can they be if they loot from civilians? Isn't that unlawful? Then Crocodile stopped some evil privates a bunch of times and took their assets. Later-on when Crocodile got arrested it was said that all the stuff he seized from unlawful people or something goes back to the government (or something like that). So how does it work? Is it only taking from criminals or also from civilians?

This post is a mess.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Their looting process was explained? I have no recollection of that tbh. Regardless, the simplest explanation I can give is that they are pirates who are on contract with the government who by law are allowed to continue their pirating. However they are still bound to the government. In the event that the government requires their services (Marineford), the Shichibukai are forced to lend their power. If they refuse then they will be removed from the Warlords.

Again I'm not sure exactly on the looting process, but everything Crocodile was doing in Alabsta was purely an act for an image. I dont think other pirates in the Schocibukai would go as far as to help civilians just for the sake of it.. They do not have to unless requested by the World G.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
But wouldn't that go against the Government's (at-least believed by the public, not withstanding corruption) interest? They'd be breaking the law. Wouldn't that cause an uproar of sorts?

Yosaku explained the pillaging stuff in the chapter where they went to Arlong-Park with Sanji. Chapter 69.

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