Super Saiyan said:
They look for higher forms of Super Saiyan because it will give them access to greater power. Surely that isn't so difficult to understand. Goku had stated that there was no way that he or Vegeta could beat Cell unless they surpassed Super Saiyan. This ended up being false, but if you were considering Goku's power at the time of entering the RoSaT, he needed a higher power to beat Cell. And obviously not. But if Goku's Base form improves then I'd logically assume that the grade forms/SSJ2 would also improve along with it.
False how? Goku just said he needed more power to fight Cell. He came up to fight Cell was stronger. The goal was achieved. The Vegeta stated something was different also:
Chapter: 377 (DBZ 183), P8.3-5
Gohan: “Dad, am I going to get in the way of your training?”
Goku: “At first, yeah. But once you’re able to become a Super Saiyan, you’ll really come in handy as a training partner, Gohan. That’s my ideal, anyway. Obviously I intend to obtain power surpassing Super Saiyan. I want to be stronger than anyone, after all. But Gohan, I intend for you to even further surpass me.”
Chapter: 390 (DBZ 196), P6.1-2
Context: Goku and Gohan emerged from the Room of Spirit and Time
Vegeta (to self): “…What’s with them?!...Is that Super Saiyan…!? No…It has a slightly different atmosphere…They’re being so natural in that state…”
They do go back in forth between saying it's SSJ and not SSJ, but that's just semantics. Just like they do with SSJ2 sometimes.
Super Saiyan said:
When did he give anyone a chance to assess his all out Base power?
Estimatives can be made. Goku knew Piccolo's post Rosat strength with a glance, and so did Trunks depending on your stance. Vegeta also basically ignores Gohan's fit when he tried to fight :bitch, though it's arguable he had a rage boost covering up his slack.
Super Saiyan said:
And please do not embarrass yourself further. When have I ever tried to argue in a factual setting that fusions have a different Super Saiyan boost.
The title of the thread is "How do
YOU view...". So logically nothing here is to be taken as fact unless noted. I might have said that I don't get the other points (Otherwise I wouldn't stick with mine), but I'm not stoping you from following them lmao.
Super Saiyan said:
Yet again I don't know what you're arguing here. Hell, I don't think even you know what you're arguing. I literally said that there is a fixed boost because Goku is able to make these calculations in these head. He's able to accurately deduce that Gohan wasn't quite up to Boo's level post Z Sword, and he's again able to deduce that SSJ Gotenks would usurp his own SSJ3 power despite having only seen fusion once. Pretty accurate calculation if he's pulling their Super Saiyan boost out of his ass.
Lol I said that I wasn't understanding yours.
Goku wasn't able to accurately gauge anything about Gohan though. He flat out said he didn't know who was stronger. As for fusion, Goku planned for the boys to fuse as SSJs, he tells Piccolo about how they should do that way and how it's trickier for some reason. No need for headaches over multipliers here.
But I'm thinking this also calls for a explanation on your side. Do you think Goku expected Gotenks to be 20x stronger than Majin Boo or something, or for Base Gotenks to be weaker than he ended up being? Or do you think Goku only had a vague idea?
Super Saiyan said:
If you can prove that they were warming up I'd be glad to listen. Toriyama stated on that page that the contestants were "working hard" to finish up their training, and we can see that Gohan and Vegeta are straining themselves. Doesn't look anything like warm-up to me.
Well you're correct in that training in Super Saiyan should be more effective, seen by Goku waiting for Gohan to learn the form to start sparring in the RoSaT. However, we've only seen that being necessary for duo training. When training solo, I don't see how the training routine would change whether you were in Super Saiyan or Base aside from providing more strain on yourself (which there is no strain on FPSSJ anyway.
Your argument is flawed because Base and Super Saiyan are separate things. You're pretty well arguing that Goku could infinitely fight someone in Base because he is "suppressing" his power. If Goku fought Cell in Base at equal powers the battle would have gone exactly the same. It would have been equally as strenuous on his body/stamina over time. The form he is in serves as a way to generate more power and nothing more. Training all out in Base will certainly strain the body.
Well we know for a fact it's not their toughest training, since solo training doesn't hold a candle compared to the SSJ sparring from before. These are just random snippets of the training, the point of what they're doing could be anything; could be about getting stronger, could be about honing their skills, stamina, a warm up like I said before.
For example: Goku is shown only meditating, which doesn't yield gains by itself; it helped Goku imagine power up methods in the Rosat, but he's not implied to be any stronger because of it. Goes to show the variety of what the Z Fighters were doing while in training.
Well I think the routine also changes if they're solo. If Goku only tried lifting 40 tons while as a SSJ, there would be no gains because it's already easy for him. But if he tried this while in base he'd get much stronger, and by your logic much stronger as a SSJ despite this being a easy training for his SSJ form :mikey
Ironically, the very thing I'm trying to argue here is that Base and SSJ are completely different things in the overall picture. Maybe
some improvements in base could make a difference since it's well, the base of it all, but not much because of what I said above. They should be like different people when transformed: Their entire structure changes, down to the very Ki signature.