I'll give it a try...
1. Base Saiyans> Freeza
2. SSJ3 Goku> Ultimate Gohan
3. Freeza having a body in the afterlife.
4. Freeza being revived even though he had been dead for years.
5. Freeza's body remaining in pieces after revival (at Cell Games,
all Cell's victims were revived with their bodies fully restored).
6. The way death works (Kaioshin being erased when dying at Trunkses
timeline, whereas Old Kai had kept his existence at Buu Saga).
7. Beeruses power retconned at every saga.
8. Roshi's power.
9. Piccolo's power.
10. Tenshinhan's power.
11. Krillin's power.
12. Eighteen's power.
13. Goku hurt by guns.
14. SSJ Blue Goku faring better against Jiren than KK 20x SSJ Blue
15. Anybody at TOP being back to full power after a few seconds of
16. The '48 minutes'.
17. Ginyu accessing the stolen body's full power.
I'm pretty sure there is much stuff i forgot.