How powerful do you think these characters would be with Ultra Instinct?


Low Class Warrior
Dec 26, 2016
1. Hit

2. Goku Black

3. Majin Buu

Ultra Instinct is something not unique to the saiyans so potentially any alien race could achieve it. Though of course some characters would be more powerful with it than others.

I think each of these characters have got more than enough base power, and potential for UI to give them maybe an even bigger boost than what Goku got.

Current Hit is anywhere from Current SSB-Current SSBKKx20 level (I personally think he's current SSBKKx20 level for being able to withstand the same glare technique Jiren used to knock Goku out of SSBKKx20 but at a higher rate of fire). Hit's also got massive potential with how he was never challenged until just recently and he taps into that potential each time he improves mid-battle. Lastly being able to use his One-Hit-Kill Hax abilities automatically would be a huge benefit for Hit.

Goku Black Post Rage Boost seemed to be on the same level as Post HTC training SSB Vegeta power-wise and he could get seemingly endless zenkai boosts prior to reaching his limit and needing the rage boost against Vegeta. So it's safe to say he has fairly huge potential as well.

Lastly Majin Buu. Majin Buu reached Current Base Goku level with only a few hours of training (Slim Buu). His potential could be ridiculously high with that considered. And he may able to handle the strain of UI very well with his unique body structure.


High Class Warrior
Aug 9, 2016
1. HIT.
Not very much at all.
He relies far too much on TimeSkip & hiding in a pocket dimension anyway.
Ultra-Instinct is the body's ability to react on its own.
I don't see much added beyond dramatically increasing HIT's cheapness factor.

I also greatly disagree with HIT being equal to SuperSaiyan Blue Kaioken x20 Goku.

OR withstanding more punishment Goku did against Jiren for that matter.
HIT spent half the fight hiding behind TimeSkip & hiding in a pocket dimension while Goku was stuck experiencing every physical attack not having the luxury of TimeSkip or hiding in a pocket dimension.

2. Goku Black.
Probably the same as Goku/Vegeta

3. MajinBuu.
KidBuu i think 50% already fights using instincts, an Ultra-Instinct KidBuu would be extremely powerful & deadly.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Assuming the power of Ultra Instinct is based on the fighter's base power rather than their peak, UI Hit may even wreck Zen-Oh. I don't think it'd improve his fighting style much though on even grounds.

Black's base form is already equal to a SSB, so his Ultra Instinct would be far stronger than Goku's. He'd likely end up in between Daishinkan and Zen-Oh. That is, unless you belive UI's power is based on it's peak, in which case he'd end up in between KKx20 SSB Goku's Genki-Dama and UI Goku. As far as skill goes, Zamasu already seemed to have a more skillful fighting style than Goku during their battle in the present timeline and Black's blade and scythe techniques would make him even more deadly.

Assuming UI's power is based on base power, Boo would end up more or less as strong as UI Goku. As far as his fighting style goes, it'd end up being very unpredictable like Pure Boo's, with his ability to effortlessly counter making him the most dangerous of the three on equal grounds with techniques like the candy beam.


High Class Warrior
Aug 18, 2016
Captain Cadaver said:
Assuming the power of Ultra Instinct is based on the fighter's base power rather than their peak, UI Hit may even wreck Zen-Oh. I don't think it'd improve his fighting style much though on even grounds.

Black's base form is already equal to a SSB, so his Ultra Instinct would be far stronger than Goku's. He'd likely end up in between Daishinkan and Zen-Oh. That is, unless you belive UI's power is based on it's peak, in which case he'd end up in between KKx20 SSB Goku's Genki-Dama and UI Goku. As far as skill goes, Zamasu already seemed to have a more skillful fighting style than Goku during their battle in the present timeline and Black's blade and scythe techniques would make him even more deadly.

Assuming UI's power is based on base power, Boo would end up more or less as strong as UI Goku. As far as his fighting style goes, it'd end up being very unpredictable like Pure Boo's, with his ability to effortlessly counter making him the most dangerous of the three on equal grounds with techniques like the candy beam.

these are all logical assumptions,and Super is devoid of logic,We all though that merged zamasu is gonna be whis tier but look how that turned out? I wouldnt be surprised that if those guys had UI they would be only as strong as goku

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