Captain Cadaver said:Between Evil Boo and SS3 Gotenks. Kibitoshin saying Boo "somehow" absorbed him suggests he was someone Boo wouldn't be able to beat in a direct fight and it's easier to just have the boost be additive rather than having his God Ki have magical nonsense effects. As for the Gohan situation, Kibito only states "many" Kaioshin tried rather than all which doesn't confirm SK tried removing theDBZeta-Sword. I guess if you want to include Super into the mix, that just makes South Kaioshin being below a Pre-Ultimate Gohan even less likely too.
Captain Cadaver said:Well, regeneration, for one2
He didn't seem like he had any techniques capable of completely enveloping Boo, which would make a huge power advantage irrelevant.
Super Saiyan said:Flight is implied to be more advanced than simple ki blasts. Given that Kaioshin can fly, it would be absurd for him not to be able to use ki blasts.
Kenshi said:Super Saiyan said:Flight is implied to be more advanced than simple ki blasts. Given that Kaioshin can fly, it would be absurd for him not to be able to use ki blasts.
Videl learned to fly in like 10 days though...
Super Saiyan said:Kenshi said:Super Saiyan said:Flight is implied to be more advanced than simple ki blasts. Given that Kaioshin can fly, it would be absurd for him not to be able to use ki blasts.
Videl learned to fly in like 10 days though...
Goku produced a KHH on his first try. Considering Goten was able to use ki but unable to fly, when even Trunks was able to fly suggests to me that flying is more difficult.