How strong do you think Base Kibito is?


Mid Class Warrior
May 31, 2015
@GreatSaiyaman123 I think it was the Chozenshuu, which I just got. I got some stuff to do today but I'll get those scans by tomorrow.
The "dense" line may be a dubism. I'll check into it. Could be hardness not density.
But anyway IIRC the line from the book is "The sword is so heavy not even a god like Kibito could lift it."

@Captain Cadaver@ For you as well, I would say from all of this info it would mean that Kibito is weaker than Gohan yet still within a close enough margin to give Gohan a good fight. So I'd say no less than 80% Gohan, probably no more than 90%.

EDIT Ok either I don't know how to tag people or this forum doesn't have a tag feature. Anyone care to help out?


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Dagon said:
EDIT Ok either I don't know how to tag people or this forum doesn't have a tag feature. Anyone care to help out?

You have to use the @ symbol and begin typing the user's name. A box should pop up with their name/avatar, and if you click it it will mention them.



Mid Class Warrior
May 31, 2015
Super Saiyan said:
Dagon said:
EDIT Ok either I don't know how to tag people or this forum doesn't have a tag feature. Anyone care to help out?

You have to use the @ symbol and begin typing the user's name. A box should pop up with their name/avatar, and if you click it it will mention them.


I just tried it and it didn't work. No drop-down box. I'm on PC so is it a mobile feature? Adblock and noscript is off. Using firefox.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Captain Cadaver said:
The size of muscles aren't as important as how honed they are, both in DB and real life. With Gohan having endured training such as the Rosat's gravity that would make him more resistant to intense weight, it'd be plausible to assume this difference in training regimes is what caused the difference in physical strength if wanting to defend the Daizenshuu statement.

"His battle power is considerably high, enough to give Gohan a difficult fight as long as he wasn't a Super Saiyan." - Daizenshuu 4, pg. 55

Doesn't sound as though it's saying his skills are the main reason when battle power is what's referenced, so it seems the only options are saying the Daizenshuu is right and the two have comparable power or it's wrong and the Z-Sword comparison is what matters.

But Gohan had slacked off, and Vegeta even called his body "dull". I don't see how Kibito could possibly have less lifting strength than a rusty equal of his.

There is one feat that reminds of the situation in Part 1 when Goku pushes that boulder that Roshi couldn't despite being weaker than him. The problem is, if anyone in this case has slacked off, it's Roshi...

But if the Daizenshuu thinks they're equals, then maybe Kibito was suppressed or gone SSjin 1 when he picked up the sword.

Dagon said:
GreatSaiyaman123 I think it was the Chozenshuu, which I just got. I got some stuff to do today but I'll get those scans by tomorrow.

Well the Chozenshuu is basically a improved version of the Daizenshuu 7, and there's an entry there about the Z Sword. It only refers to pulling the sword off the stone though, not holding it once freed.

Z Sword
First Appearance: chapter 471
Category: battle item
Explanation: A legendary sword which has slept within the ground of the Kaioshin Realm since ancient times. Numerous Kaioshins have challenged it in the past, but none were able to pull it out. Unexpectedly, the first person in the entire world to pull it out was Super Saiyan Gohan.
Special Characteristics: The strongest of swords, it’s said that whoever pulls it out would be able to gain tremendous power. It is extremely heavy and difficult to handle. However, it actually has no strong offensive power, and what was meant by one being able to gain tremendous power was that they would be powered up by the Elder Kaioshin sealed within the sword. Naturally, it being the “strongest of swords” was just a legend. It was easily broken when tested on Kacchin Steel. (Daizenshuu 4, p.162)


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Dagon said:
Super Saiyan said:
Dagon said:
EDIT Ok either I don't know how to tag people or this forum doesn't have a tag feature. Anyone care to help out?

You have to use the @ symbol and begin typing the user's name. A box should pop up with their name/avatar, and if you click it it will mention them.


I just tried it and it didn't work. No drop-down box. I'm on PC so is it a mobile feature? Adblock and noscript is off. Using firefox.

Interesting. It should be usable on desktop or mobile. I'll try Firefox in a bit and get back to you. Your permissions might have mentions turned off for some reason.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
[mention]Dagon[/mention] let me know if you're able to now. Edited your permissions.


Mid Class Warrior
May 31, 2015
[mention]GreatSaiyaman123[/mention] Here are the pics. It is in both Daizenshuu 4 and Chozenshuu 1. The exact same text is used. Check the text below the picture of Kibito trying to lift the Z Sword.

Daizenshuu 4:

Chozenshuu 1:

Google translation: "The Z Sword is so heavy that even Kibito, the attendant of the Kaioshin, cannot lift it."