Is One-Piece the greatest adventure story ever told?

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
Fantastische Hure said:
I can't think of anything that can top this.
The Lord of the Rings, for one.
I don't know about that. I never really got the story, even-though I know it's hugely popular.

Would you really say Lord of the Rings > One-Piece in-terms of story/journey/enjoyment?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
I don't know about that. I never really got the story, even-though I know it's hugely popular.
Well for one, the story allows the characters to form their own adventures due to the main group dividing at the end of the first book/movie, thus allowing for many more scenarios that wouldn't take place had the Fellowship remained whole. OP attempted this with the Sabaody Arc, but failed by comparison, as it only showcased the Straw Hats experiences (other than Luffy's) for about 1-2 chapters and a short training montage at the end of Part 1.
That, and the history and world building of Middle Earth are even vaster than OP, allowing us to see just as much of the scope of the story.

Would you really say Lord of the Rings > One-Piece in-terms of story/journey/enjoyment?
Story - Yes, considering it at least didn't rehash previous events like a few of OP's arcs, plus it's characters actually learnt from their mistakes. It does have some cheap plot devices, such as the Eagles and some plot armour, though OP has pretty similar things (Luffy's resolve boost against Lucci and the Straw Hats' durability in general).
Journey - Yes. For reasons such as failing to develop characters when the situation needed it (eg. Usopp and Luffy returning back to normal at the end of the CP9 Arc, or Luffy not developing after the timeskip), which makes the eventual payoff not as great as that of LotR, where it makes it clear the journey has changed each member of the Fellowship.
Enjoyment - Debatable. The books do take a bit too long fleshing out the setting, the Tom Bombadil chapter just felt like filler (though still better than the Davy Back Fight in OP since it actually helps flesh out the world somewhat) and some character motivations can seem a little simplistic at times, though the level of detail in the world building/history, the impact it had on fantasy and not having a huge drop in quality between parts like OP did with the New World material would have me rate The Lord of the Rings as more enjoyable and the superior work of fiction.

Even reducing the scope to just Anime/Manga, I'd say that FMA is a contender for a few similar reasons as I provided for LotR, plus Hunter X Hunter's adventure aspect is top notch as well. One Piece is one of the best series when it comes to adventure, but I wouldn't say it's the absolute best.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
Fantastische Hure said:
I don't know about that. I never really got the story, even-though I know it's hugely popular.
Well for one, the story allows the characters to form their own adventures due to the main group dividing at the end of the first book/movie, thus allowing for many more scenarios that wouldn't take place had the Fellowship remained whole. OP attempted this with the Sabaody Arc, but failed by comparison, as it only showcased the Straw Hats experiences (other than Luffy's) for about 1-2 chapters and a short training montage at the end of Part 1.
That, and the history and world building of Middle Earth are even vaster than OP, allowing us to see just as much of the scope of the story.

Would you really say Lord of the Rings > One-Piece in-terms of story/journey/enjoyment?
Story - Yes, considering it at least didn't rehash previous events like a few of OP's arcs, plus it's characters actually learnt from their mistakes. It does have some cheap plot devices, such as the Eagles and some plot armour, though OP has pretty similar things (Luffy's resolve boost against Lucci and the Straw Hats' durability in general).
Journey - Yes. For reasons such as failing to develop characters when the situation needed it (eg. Usopp and Luffy returning back to normal at the end of the CP9 Arc, or Luffy not developing after the timeskip), which makes the eventual payoff not as great as that of LotR, where it makes it clear the journey has changed each member of the Fellowship.
Enjoyment - Debatable. The books do take a bit too long fleshing out the setting, the Tom Bombadil chapter just felt like filler (though still better than the Davy Back Fight in OP since it actually helps flesh out the world somewhat) and some character motivations can seem a little simplistic at times, though the level of detail in the world building/history, the impact it had on fantasy and not having a huge drop in quality between parts like OP did with the New World material would have me rate The Lord of the Rings has more enjoyable and the superior work of fiction.

Even reducing the scope to just Anime/Manga, I'd say that FMA is a contender for a few similar reasons as I provided for LotR, plus Hunter X Hunter's adventure aspect is top notch as well. One Piece is one of the best series when it comes to adventure, but I wouldn't say it's the absolute best.
I like this. Very good answer, but I wouldn't say One-Piece ever rehashed ideas. I felt like the story felt fresh through-out from what I remember anyway.

The journey has been much longer and more memorable though in my opinion. I mean we saw the crew form at the beginning of the series back when they weren't known at-all and now they are so notorious.

Hunter x Hunter, I don't get the appeal of. The series looks like shiet to me.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
Very good answer, but I wouldn't say One-Piece ever rehashed ideas. I felt like the story felt fresh through-out from what I remember anyway.
Fishman Island lifted many plot points directly from Arlong Park and Dressrosa copied most of it's ideas from Alabasta. We also have many ideas being recycled throughout a number of arcs, such as the Straw Hats being captured due to splitting up or being antagonised by an island's inhabitants for misunderstandings until things are resolved near the climax, to the point many events feel predictable.

The journey has been much longer and more memorable though in my opinion. I mean we saw the crew form at the beginning of the series back when they weren't known at-all and now they are so notorious.
Yet only Zoro and Robin seem to have developed at all. The rest of them have only had superficial changes, still acting with the same attitude and mindset as shortly after their introduction.

Hunter x Hunter, I don't get the appeal of. The series looks like shiet to me.
Guessing you were looking at the manga (where the art is indeed shit). You'll probably have a different view by watching the 2011 anime all the way through. The main appeal is that it subverts the typical Shonen formula by having unconvential climaxes and far more depth to it's villains than in other Shonen, often blurring the lines between good and evil with it's well developed cast.

Aside from that, it also has a detailed, imaginative world, one of the most well thought out superpower systems in anime/manga, excellent character development for most of it's cast and overall, feels very different from most other Shonen. It's far from perfect, considering it had highs and lows that made the events prior to Yorknew average overall, plus the Greed Island and Election Arcs were shit, but the quality of the Yorknew and Chimera Ant Arcs are some of the best story arcs in anime/manga, let alone just Shonen, with them easily being enough for me to rate it superior to OP.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
Fantastische Hure said:
Very good answer, but I wouldn't say One-Piece ever rehashed ideas. I felt like the story felt fresh through-out from what I remember anyway.
Fishman Island lifted many plot points directly from Arlong Park and Dressrosa copied most of it's ideas from Alabasta. We also have many ideas being recycled throughout a number of arcs, such as the Straw Hats being captured due to splitting up or being antagonised by an island's inhabitants for misunderstandings until things are resolved near the climax, to the point many events feel predictable.

The journey has been much longer and more memorable though in my opinion. I mean we saw the crew form at the beginning of the series back when they weren't known at-all and now they are so notorious.
Yet only Zoro and Robin seem to have developed at all. The rest of them have only had superficial changes, still acting with the same attitude and mindset as shortly after their introduction.

Hunter x Hunter, I don't get the appeal of. The series looks like shiet to me.
Guessing you were looking at the manga (where the art is indeed shit). You'll probably have a different view by watching the 2011 anime all the way through. The main appeal is that it subverts the typical Shonen formula by having unconvential climaxes and far more depth to it's villains than in other Shonen, often blurring the lines between good and evil with it's well developed cast.

Aside from that, it also has a detailed, imaginative world, one of the most well thought out superpower systems in anime/manga, excellent character development for most of it's cast and overall, feels very different from most other Shonen. It's far from perfect, considering it had highs and lows that made the events prior to Yorknew average overall, plus the Greed Island and Election Arcs were shit, but the quality of the Yorknew and Chimera Ant Arcs are some of the best story arcs in anime/manga, let alone just Shonen, with them easily being enough for me to rate it superior to OP.
like this.

It's kind-of both. The manga art looks trash, but also the main-character looks off to me too. Gives me a real weird vibe which I don't like.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
It's kind-of both. The manga art looks trash, but also the main-character looks off to me too. Gives me a real weird vibe which I don't like.
:withheld jk

You needn't worry about that, considering Gon is one of the more meh characters in the series. Not a :trash protagonist (at least more consistent and slightly smarter than Luffy) though he is one of the weaker aspects of the series until the Chimera Ant Arc.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Supreme said:
Fantastische Hure said:
Supreme said:
I would argue that its Dragon Ball Super.
I like this too.

:wat :wat :wat

:gay2 :gay2 :gay2

Captain Cadaver said:
Fantastische Hure said:
It's kind-of both. The manga art looks trash, but also the main-character looks off to me too. Gives me a real weird vibe which I don't like.
:withheld jk

You needn't worry about that, considering Gon is one of the more meh characters in the series. Not a :trash protagonist (at least more consistent and slightly smarter than Luffy) though he is one of the weaker aspects of the series until the Chimera Ant Arc.
Not those kind-of vibes. :donovan :donovan :donovan

I like Luffy more. :idk :idk :idk

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
How about Harry Potter? I'm still in the 2nd book but given the clips from youtube of each movies, its a contender IMO.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Fearless Saiyaman said:
How about Harry Potter? I'm still in the 2nd book but given the clips from youtube of each movies, its a contender IMO.
Harry Potter has a self-insert protagonist who can't do anything without the help from others, a 1-dimensional villain who never learnt from his mistakes, inconsistent to no clear rules regarding magic, fatalism through a "chosen one" prophecy that pretty much provides you the knowledge of how the series will end long before it does and time resets/paradoxes to ruin continuity. Even Naruto was better, since at least it's character was proactive and had clear ambitions.

Sticking just to it's adventure aspect, it's still nowhere near LotR or many classical stories, given the adventures within it only last 1 book each, making the journey feel far less. It's characters barely have much development from the experiences to (especially with the time resets of the third book), thereby making a lot of the events seem far less memorable.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Yeah, the whole of Harry Potter is more fantasy. Not really adventure.

Also Hallelujah! I can finally like posts here now.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Fantastische Hure said:
Yeah, the whole of Harry Potter is more fantasy. Not really adventure.

Also Hallelujah! I can finally like posts here now.

That's bizarre. I wonder why it started working all of a sudden

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Supreme said:
Fantastische Hure said:
Yeah, the whole of Harry Potter is more fantasy. Not really adventure.

Also Hallelujah! I can finally like posts here now.

That's bizarre. I wonder why it started working all of a sudden

But it doesn't work for me in battle section.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Supreme said:
Fantastische Hure said:
Yeah, the whole of Harry Potter is more fantasy. Not really adventure.

Also Hallelujah! I can finally like posts here now.

That's bizarre. I wonder why it started working all of a sudden
I realised after...the thread was moved to One-Piece section. :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

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