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[mention]Captain Cadaver[/mention]
Not necessarily. Gohan’s “True” power is supposed to be the 710 reading given the 1 reading comes from introverted/scared baby Gohan and that’s probably the power that was multiplied by 10 when he became an Oozaru (Since 1,307 isn’t tapped naturally and a mere 10 wouldn’t be a threat to Piccolo) so that rage boost would actually be lesser than 2x.
I think Vegeta’s “My Bulma” boost is a better example, but that one is just the biggest PIS ever. Both in size and reasoning.
No reason to waste so much time on the strainful and uncontrollable SSJ3 if he can reach that power with SSJ2.
Definitely PIS, unless one is trying to put Base Goku in a similiar plateau to SSJB or UI Goku. Surviving punches from stronger people was hardly a noteworthy feat in DBZ, let alone Super.
Official multipliers would put SSJ at almost 10% of SSJ3 which is dimensions below SSJG, so if we’re talking about numbers here it’s very unlikely less than 10% means something in the 6-8% range. It’s also worth noting Hit was rather intrigued by Goku, enough that he was doing unusual stuff like chatting, so it’s natural he wouldn’t go as harsh on him as he went on Vegeta, as evidenced by Base Goku actually keeping up with him in spite of his SSJ-like power.
And the far weaker Tenshinhan could pin down the far stronger Semi Cell with the Kikoho. They aren’t immovable objects, specially when they have their guard down or aren’t powered up.
The Super anime does however, which is the continuity you explicitly referred to.
Yes, it always is. Goku unlocked SSJ2 and 3 in the Afterlife, what corroborates the Daizenshuu’s claim that their power ups post Nameks came mostly from transformations and fusions.
And if he were as strong as Boo in Super Saiyan with solo training, it would defeat the purpose of SSJ2, 3, God, fusion, Rosat… Basically the whole story for the sake of a imaginary fight.
Trunks has fought Babidi and has an idea of the threat Boo could have been, so comparing him to Majin Boo would have been a good compliment.
Freeza also doesn’t compare Caulifla to a SSJ until she actually became one, implying Base Caulifla didn’t have the same strength as SSJ Goku on Namek.
Ch. 37, pg. 10.4-6
Context: Freeza survives Caulifla’s surprise energy attack
Freeza: “Interesting… Yes, you may indeed be different than the other Saiyans. The first Super Saiyan I ever fought wasn’t nearly this strong.”
The meta answer would be PIS. Using Gohan as a comparison, let's not forget Gohan's first rage boost eclipsed all later ones (at least from a multiplier perspective), despite this being at the time where he had the least control over his power.
Not necessarily. Gohan’s “True” power is supposed to be the 710 reading given the 1 reading comes from introverted/scared baby Gohan and that’s probably the power that was multiplied by 10 when he became an Oozaru (Since 1,307 isn’t tapped naturally and a mere 10 wouldn’t be a threat to Piccolo) so that rage boost would actually be lesser than 2x.
I think Vegeta’s “My Bulma” boost is a better example, but that one is just the biggest PIS ever. Both in size and reasoning.
I still don't see how this alone would go against the idea of Goku making such gains as to reach such a threshold either in base or as a SSJ/SS2.
No reason to waste so much time on the strainful and uncontrollable SSJ3 if he can reach that power with SSJ2.
He also took a hit from Jiren intended for his UI self and got up not long afterwards.
Even ruling that off as PIS, I'd say the Hit example does well to define his level. It would be pointless for Whis to refer to "less than 10%" for the SSB Vegeta Hit stomped if his power was in the range of say 1% or lower, which provides a good benchmark for how strong Base and SSJ Goku are.
The only Z characters that still gets placed on a pedestal are Pure Boo and Dai Kaioshin, the former being through a statement that would imply something as dumb as Boo > Zamasu (or at bare minimum, Hit) and the latter through a power he had long before Boo's rampage.
Definitely PIS, unless one is trying to put Base Goku in a similiar plateau to SSJB or UI Goku. Surviving punches from stronger people was hardly a noteworthy feat in DBZ, let alone Super.
Official multipliers would put SSJ at almost 10% of SSJ3 which is dimensions below SSJG, so if we’re talking about numbers here it’s very unlikely less than 10% means something in the 6-8% range. It’s also worth noting Hit was rather intrigued by Goku, enough that he was doing unusual stuff like chatting, so it’s natural he wouldn’t go as harsh on him as he went on Vegeta, as evidenced by Base Goku actually keeping up with him in spite of his SSJ-like power.
That kiai also sent Cell flying back so far he exited the city, hardly what I'd expect of someone far below Cell's level.
And the far weaker Tenshinhan could pin down the far stronger Semi Cell with the Kikoho. They aren’t immovable objects, specially when they have their guard down or aren’t powered up.
The Super manga doesn't seem to follow the anime's continuity, however, aside from minor artistic elements such as Namekians having five fingers, such as Ultimate not seeming to be a form.
The Super anime does however, which is the continuity you explicitly referred to.
The Boo Arc alone debunks the idea that his Cell Games self was the peak of Goku's power, not to mention he also raised the point that it was important to rest.
Yes, it always is. Goku unlocked SSJ2 and 3 in the Afterlife, what corroborates the Daizenshuu’s claim that their power ups post Nameks came mostly from transformations and fusions.
If he was imagining Boo as any weaker than his actual self, it'd defeat the whole purpose of image training.
And if he were as strong as Boo in Super Saiyan with solo training, it would defeat the purpose of SSJ2, 3, God, fusion, Rosat… Basically the whole story for the sake of a imaginary fight.
He said that Trunks was far stronger than that Gohan, which is the only real benchmark Goku had to use for Trunks as it's the highest power he knew Trunks was aware of. Saying Trunks was far stronger than someone he'd never met before would be completely pointless.
Trunks has fought Babidi and has an idea of the threat Boo could have been, so comparing him to Majin Boo would have been a good compliment.
Freeza also doesn’t compare Caulifla to a SSJ until she actually became one, implying Base Caulifla didn’t have the same strength as SSJ Goku on Namek.
Ch. 37, pg. 10.4-6
Context: Freeza survives Caulifla’s surprise energy attack
Freeza: “Interesting… Yes, you may indeed be different than the other Saiyans. The first Super Saiyan I ever fought wasn’t nearly this strong.”