Is this evidence that Present Androids=Alternate Androids?


Jun 19, 2015
Alternate Trunks said he could fight them evenly. But, when he returned to his timeline,
Androids are acting as if killing him is a trifle (Seventeen: 'This will make one less
toy for us but whatever.') Is it possible that the Androids could kill Trunks anytime
they felt like it, but they just didn't, thus making him believe they were weaker than
they were?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Chapter: 355 (DBZ 161), P8.5
Trunks: “They’re also somewhat different from the androids I know…They weren’t as outrageously strong as this…Even I could fight them fairly well…”

Fairly well =/= Evenly

Also, based on Trunks' previous statement, most of their prior battles likely consisted of one of the twins messing about with him 1-on-1.

Chapter: 335 (DBZ 141), P3.3-4
Goku: “For you, a Super Saiyan who instantly defeated Freeza and co., to call them monsters is really something…
Trunks “Yes…I’ve stood against them, but unfortunately…In any case, I’m up against two of them…Even fighting one-on-one, I could barely manage to escape…”

Future Cell also states that based on his previous data, Trunks shouldn't be a match for #17 and #18, likely referring to his pre-Rosat self since I highly doubt Gero's data would be more outdated than that. It's safe to say Trunks was only at the level where he could put up some sort of fighting against #17 or #18 individually, but have no chance of winning. I see no reason to go against Present twins > Future twins when the statement was clearly added for a reason and arguing the contrary would make it completely redundant, thus the arguments against it are likely just overthinking.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
This may count as evidence that the androids weren't taking Trunks that seriously, at least. According to Trunks' quotes voicing his opinion on the present vs future matter, he always made it sound like there was a rather big gap between both versions, saying the androids from his timeline weren't from another entirely different level or that the present androids are way more terrible than the future ones... which implies a pretty considerable gap, one which the androids from the present would be in a different level altogether. Yet, according to the Daizenshuu (can't remember which volume), the androids from the main's timeline are moderately stronger, since it worded it out like "the androids from the future are somewhat weaker than the ones from the main timeline", which would imply the gap isn't that big, it's moderate at best. So maybe, just maybe, the androids from Trunks' timeline were still not taking him that seriously (implied by the dialog), but still, their serious self would still lag in a bit behind the present androids as per the Daizenshuu's word. As in, the lack of seriousness from the androids in the future made Trunks envision the gap as bigger than it actually was, but still there was a gap nonetheless.

Present androids : 100

Future androids (fighting Trunks) : 75
--> Actual power : 88

Something like this, maybe.


High Class Warrior
Dec 16, 2015
Trunks could fight fairly well with androids that weren't fighting seriously in the future. A stronger vegeta didn't stand a chance against them not fighting seriously in the present.

I've never understood why people want to try making present = future a thing. Trunks comment is solely there to say the opposite.


High Class Warrior
Aug 18, 2016
I already posted this somewhere

Most people have F.17 and 18 on par with Goku and Vegeta but...
Gingertown cell thinks that hes still to weak to overpower and absorb the androids and he is stronger than Vegeta by at least a noticeable margin.Cell thinks that Present=future and even after absorbing piccolos arm he needs more humans to absorb.
This is the solid proof that Present androids are equal to Future ones

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Cell's statements imply Trunks killed Freeza in his timeline, so trying to use his timeline as a stand in for Trunks' doesn't really work. Even if assuming he somehow got intel on the happenings of both Trunks killing Freeza and the spy robot's internal logic whilst asleep (at which point you may as well start calling him omniscient), you still have such major timeline differences as the Time Machine in his timeline being set a year earlier.


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
Present Androids = Cell's Androids > Trunks's Androids

It is worth noting that the Cell from Trunks's timeline suggests that he is stronger than the Androids. Although there's also evidence to suggest that this Cell > pre-Gingertown Cell.

It's dumb tbh but yeah
One theory that often gets thrown around is that the Androids' "infinite energy" does in fact wane in some way, hence the ones in Trunks's androids having become weaker. Cell would then know this, somehow, or his data just takes into account their max strength. But then you'd think they'd grow even weaker in-between the time they killed Gohan and them fighting an older Trunks several years later, so meh.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
I don't agree with future = present either. Since Cell comes from a different timeline compared to future Trunks, it stands a reason the androids from his timeline would be different as well. Plus, Cell merely said that Piccolo could put up a bit of a good fight against the androids, which, even if you assume that the androids from Cell's timelines are the same as the ones from Trunks', it shouldn't really set a present = future scenario, as Piccolo can be stronger than the future androids and yet have problems with both (Zarbon and Dodoria fighting together can beat Vegeta)... maybe this points at the gap not being so big, like I said in my first post, but yeah.


May 30, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
Cell's statements imply Trunks killed Freeza in his timeline, so trying to use his timeline as a stand in for Trunks' doesn't really work. Even if assuming he somehow got intel on the happenings of both Trunks killing Freeza and the spy robot's internal logic whilst asleep (at which point you may as well start calling him omniscient), you still have such major timeline differences as the Time Machine in his timeline being set a year earlier.

I thought Goku had killed Frieza from Cell's Time Line. According to a scene from Cell's memories, Dr. Gero of the Cell Line says that Cell is stronger than Androids. Cell Initial> Androids (Cell Line).

 Also in case a Future Trunks had killed Frieza (Linea Cell), would Goku not have survived heart disease? in that case the Androids (Line Cell) would be good and Goku would be alive.

 I like DBM's belief that the Cell Line is the first, everything happens the same as the Future Trunks Line, the Trunks (Line Cell) travels to another past. In that past they stop the Androids with a device, then Trunks returns to their Line and stops their Androids, until Cell kills him and travels to another past (to the Main Line). Then on the Main Line, 2 travelers arrive in Time, Cell and a copy of that Trunks (Cell Line), the latter returning to the Future, makes a copy to the Cell Line, creating the Future Trunks Timeline.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
SIAD said:
Captain Cadaver said:
Cell's statements imply Trunks killed Freeza in his timeline, so trying to use his timeline as a stand in for Trunks' doesn't really work. Even if assuming he somehow got intel on the happenings of both Trunks killing Freeza and the spy robot's internal logic whilst asleep (at which point you may as well start calling him omniscient), you still have such major timeline differences as the Time Machine in his timeline being set a year earlier.
Also in case a Future Trunks had killed Frieza (Linea Cell), would Goku not have survived heart disease? in that case the Androids (Line Cell) would be good and Goku would be alive.
Goku doesn't have to, necessarily, be dead. Remember that there's no proof of another Cell traveling to future Cell's timeline, so it's possible that the time of Goku's heart virus was kept intact on Cell's timeline (like in Trunks') and that, therefore, Goku confronted the androids and ended up being killed by them. Trunks reached the conclusion that the Cell from a further into the future timeline also altered the occurences of the main's timeline, so the absence of a further future Cell in future Cell's timeline could set it into a parallel Universe in which Goku was given the medicine but still died nonetheless.


May 30, 2015
ahill1 said:
SIAD said:
Captain Cadaver said:
Cell's statements imply Trunks killed Freeza in his timeline, so trying to use his timeline as a stand in for Trunks' doesn't really work. Even if assuming he somehow got intel on the happenings of both Trunks killing Freeza and the spy robot's internal logic whilst asleep (at which point you may as well start calling him omniscient), you still have such major timeline differences as the Time Machine in his timeline being set a year earlier.
Also in case a Future Trunks had killed Frieza (Linea Cell), would Goku not have survived heart disease? in that case the Androids (Line Cell) would be good and Goku would be alive.
Goku doesn't have to, necessarily, be dead. Remember that there's no proof of another Cell traveling to future Cell's timeline, so it's possible that the time of Goku's heart virus was kept intact on Cell's timeline (like in Trunks') and that, therefore, Goku confronted the androids and ended up being killed by them. Trunks reached the conclusion that the Cell from a further into the future timeline also altered the occurences of the main's timeline, so the absence of a further future Cell in future Cell's timeline could set it into a parallel Universe in which Goku was given the medicine but still died nonetheless.

But if we go for the logic that only coming a Future Cell to a Timeline would make changes. The Androids should have the same power as in the Future and I doubt very much that they could defeat Vegeta SSJ, Future Trunks SSJ, Piccolo together and even more if Goku was with them.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Well, considering that Vegeta and Goku seem to be on par with the future androids based on the two strongest SSJs being still at Trunks' general level, I'd say them being defeated by the present duo is a plausible scenario, even with Goku in the mix. #18 had strength enough to shatter Trunks' sword when not even trying and she considered both Goku and Vegeta as nothing special. If we assume the androids from Cell's timline have the same strength as the main's one, then I can see it happening. Maybe Cell's timeline is a mix of the present and Trunks' timeline, as in, some things were altered by future Trunks' income, whereas other things were altered by future Cell's income. With only Trunks alterance on Cell's timeline, some things would change (e.g the androids' strength) whilst some other things would be kept intact (the androids' evil nature, Goku's heart virus)... that's what I figure... in the main's timeline we have both Cell and Trunks, leading to the occurences we are most familiar with, whereas in Cell's timeline, in which only one showed up, we'd end up with a mix of changes and occurences... and in Trunks' word, with neither interference, we'd end up with the events as displayed there.


May 30, 2015
ahill1 said:
Well, considering that Vegeta and Goku seem to be on par with the future androids based on the two strongest SSJs being still at Trunks' general level, I'd say them being defeated by the present duo is a plausible scenario, even with Goku in the mix. #18 had strength enough to shatter Trunks' sword when not even trying and she considered both Goku and Vegeta as nothing special. If we assume the androids from Cell's timline have the same strength as the main's one, then I can see it happening. Maybe Cell's timeline is a mix of the present and Trunks' timeline, as in, some things were altered by future Trunks' income, whereas other things were altered by future Cell's income. With only Trunks alterance on Cell's timeline, some things would change (e.g the androids' strength) whilst some other things would be kept intact (the androids' evil nature, Goku's heart virus)... that's what I figure... in the main's timeline we have both Cell and Trunks, leading to the occurences we are most familiar with, whereas in Cell's timeline, in which only one showed up, we'd end up with a mix of changes and occurences... and in Trunks' word, with neither interference, we'd end up with the events as displayed there.

Then you say:

Present Androids = Androids (Cell Line) In terms of power and the Androids (Cell Line) are just as bad as in the Future Trunks Line?

 I have thought about this theory, it would mean that when Future Trunks arrived at the Main Line, it would make the Androids more powerful, maybe because when this arrived, it made the Z Warriors become stronger and Gero would be present of that and would make Androids # 17 and # 18 are stronger. Cell to reach the Main Timeline, would make the Androids are not bad.

 That theory is good, but the big problem is that at one point Cell remembers his past and listens to Gero telling # 17 that Cell at birth would be stronger than them, therefore Cell (Initial) would be> Androids (Line Cell), therefore I would not ballast with the theory.

 I find it easier to think that AK was wrong in making a Fututure Trunks travel to the Cell Line. Besides supposing that the Androids of the Cell Line were as powerful as those of the Main Timeline and were bad, it would be difficult for me to think that Goku had not managed to survive having teleportation as an option.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
SIAD said:
Present Androids = Androids (Cell Line) In terms of power and the Androids (Cell Line) are just as bad as in the Future Trunks Line?
Yeah, basically. At least if we adhere to the manga panel of Cell's exposition in how some events unfold in his timeline. Since we know that Trunks and Cell's interference in the main's timeline changed up how the events were supposed to play, I think that the fact that only Trunks showed up might change some events -- in comparison to Trunks' timeline, while leaving some other events/occurences intact. Then the androids were as strong as in the main's timeline -- which alings with Cell foreseeing them being a match for Kamiccolo -- but at the same time as evil as they were in Trunks' timeline, which alings with all the Z warriors being exterminated at their hands... so it'd be kind of a mix between Trunks' and the main's timeline, resembling more the former though due to how much the world was devastated similarly to Trunks' timeline. That's how I like to see the events unfolding, which also adds in explaining why Cell's view on the androids seemed to match the present androids' strength.
I have thought about this theory, it would mean that when Future Trunks arrived at the Main Line, it would make the Androids more powerful, maybe because when this arrived, it made the Z Warriors become stronger and Gero would be present of that and would make Androids # 17 and # 18 are stronger. Cell to reach the Main Timeline, would make the Androids are not bad.
While I agree with this train of thought, I don't necessarily subscribe to the theory that the androids were stronger due to Goku surviving, therein leading to Gero making stronger androids... because if that were the case, why'd Gero opt to try conquering the world with himself and #19? They are still far less powerful than the future androids. But yes, I think Trunks changed some occurences while Cell did other ones. Still, I find that kinda tough to discuss as we are venturing too much in the events of a timeline that was merely mentioned by Cell in a page or so. It is still too much of an unmapped out territory -- by the story itself, I mean.
That theory is good, but the big problem is that at one point Cell remembers his past and listens to Gero telling # 17 that Cell at birth would be stronger than them, therefore Cell (Initial) would be> Androids (Line Cell), therefore I would not ballast with the theory.
Maybe Cell was indeed more powerful than the androids upon being born, but he regressed in power after reverting himself into an egg, as implied by the lack of an aura the Cell we know more of had when batling Kamiccolo whereas the Cell from Trunks' timeline promptly showed one when powering up. I think it'd make sense for Gero to program Cell into a being stronger than the androids right outta the gate, rather than him having to go through the problem of absorbing people to surpass the androids... maybe absorbing people was just necessary in the main timeline, as Cell had to hatch again in order to fit in the spaceship.
I find it easier to think that AK was wrong in making a Fututure Trunks travel to the Cell Line. Besides supposing that the Androids of the Cell Line were as powerful as those of the Main Timeline and were bad, it would be difficult for me to think that Goku had not managed to survive having teleportation as an option.
I see. While I also think AT simply recycling the panel is a viable thing, I like to think it was made intentionally so Cell's timeline can be changed enough to make his androids = the present ones a more viable option.


May 30, 2015
ahill1 said:
SIAD said:
Present Androids = Androids (Cell Line) In terms of power and the Androids (Cell Line) are just as bad as in the Future Trunks Line?
Yeah, basically. At least if we adhere to the manga panel of Cell's exposition in how some events unfold in his timeline. Since we know that Trunks and Cell's interference in the main's timeline changed up how the events were supposed to play, I think that the fact that only Trunks showed up might change some events -- in comparison to Trunks' timeline, while leaving some other events/occurences intact. Then the androids were as strong as in the main's timeline -- which alings with Cell foreseeing them being a match for Kamiccolo -- but at the same time as evil as they were in Trunks' timeline, which alings with all the Z warriors being exterminated at their hands... so it'd be kind of a mix between Trunks' and the main's timeline, resembling more the former though due to how much the world was devastated similarly to Trunks' timeline. That's how I like to see the events unfolding, which also adds in explaining why Cell's view on the androids seemed to match the present androids' strength.
I have thought about this theory, it would mean that when Future Trunks arrived at the Main Line, it would make the Androids more powerful, maybe because when this arrived, it made the Z Warriors become stronger and Gero would be present of that and would make Androids # 17 and # 18 are stronger. Cell to reach the Main Timeline, would make the Androids are not bad.
While I agree with this train of thought, I don't necessarily subscribe to the theory that the androids were stronger due to Goku surviving, therein leading to Gero making stronger androids... because if that were the case, why'd Gero opt to try conquering the world with himself and #19? They are still far less powerful than the future androids. But yes, I think Trunks changed some occurences while Cell did other ones. Still, I find that kinda tough to discuss as we are venturing too much in the events of a timeline that was merely mentioned by Cell in a page or so. It is still too much of an unmapped out territory -- by the story itself, I mean.
That theory is good, but the big problem is that at one point Cell remembers his past and listens to Gero telling # 17 that Cell at birth would be stronger than them, therefore Cell (Initial) would be> Androids (Line Cell), therefore I would not ballast with the theory.
Maybe Cell was indeed more powerful than the androids upon being born, but he regressed in power after reverting himself into an egg, as implied by the lack of an aura the Cell we know more of had when batling Kamiccolo whereas the Cell from Trunks' timeline promptly showed one when powering up. I think it'd make sense for Gero to program Cell into a being stronger than the androids right outta the gate, rather than him having to go through the problem of absorbing people to surpass the androids... maybe absorbing people was just necessary in the main timeline, as Cell had to hatch again in order to fit in the spaceship.
I find it easier to think that AK was wrong in making a Fututure Trunks travel to the Cell Line. Besides supposing that the Androids of the Cell Line were as powerful as those of the Main Timeline and were bad, it would be difficult for me to think that Goku had not managed to survive having teleportation as an option.
I see. While I also think AT simply recycling the panel is a viable thing, I like to think it was made intentionally so Cell's timeline can be changed enough to make his androids = the present ones a more viable option.

It is possible that everything you say is true. Then could you explain me well the 4 Time Lines? How did they originate?

The only thing that, apparently Cell (Future Line Trunks) had absorbed some people.

Who thinks the rest?


May 30, 2015
I discovered a problem with the theory that a Future Trunks went to the Cell Line.

  If it were true, that Future Trunks would have its own Line. That Future Trunks would create the Cell Line. Cell of the Cell Line created the Main Line. Future Trunks created another Line by returning to the Future. There was also the Universe Time Line 12. There was also the Zamasu Line.

  Then there would be 6 Temporary Lines, as shown in DBS at the Arc Zamasu, but the unknown would be why Trunks Linea Cell was going to travel to the Present (1 year before Frieza's arrival on Earth), if he knew that although Goku survived the disease, even if they were all killed by the Androids?

  It is possible that Trunks (Cell Line) traveled to another past (similar to the Main Line) and there gained control and thus could stop the Androids. If that had been the case, in DBS there would be 7 Time Rings instead of 6.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
SIAD said:
It is possible that everything you say is true. Then could you explain me well the 4 Time Lines? How did they originate?
Following this theory, this is how I think everything happened:

History A1 - Son Goku returns to Earth and defeats Freeza and Cold. The Saiyajin then dies of a heart disease and the androids # 17 and # 18 dominate the events of A1, forcing Trunks A1 to travel to the past (pretty much a parallel of Mirai Trunks' timeline). The rest of the events are unknown.

Past Alternative A2 - Trunks of the future A1 defeats Freeza and cold. However this is still not enough to prevent Son Goku's death, the androids sow the destruction, but due to unknown events they are somehow disabled (some people saynit's due to a remote control). Pass 23 years from the incubation of Cell A2 and he starts his search for the androids. The A2 Trunks decides to travel to the past to change the events, however chooses 1 year before the arrival of Freeza and Cold for whatever reason. With no knowledge that there was a third android (Cell), the Trunks A2 is defeated easily by Cell A2 and this latter returns to the past to attain his perfect form. In this example the Cell A2 will travel to the past alternative B2 (explained below).

History B1 - Son Goku returns to Earth and defeats Freeza and cold. The Saiyajin dies of a heart disease and the androids #17 and #18 dominate the events until Trunks B1 travels to the past. With his return after the triumph in the past B2, the trunks B1 destroys the androids #17 and #18 and years later defeats the Cell B1, preventing him from returning to the past. In this line of events the Cell B1 is aware of the existence of Trunks B1, but the data itself is unknown.

Past alternative B2 - the Cell A2 travels to the past without being aware of the parameters of the journey and reaches this new past 1 year before the arrival of Trunks B1. Then, it happens the history portrayed in the manga, the Cell B2 is destroyed while still in larva, the Cell A2 reaches his perfect form and is defeated by Son Gohan in the Cell Games. The past alternative B2 is saved and Trunks B1 returns to his time and saves it as well.

Also, it's worth noting that, in the future Cell's timeline, Goku probably didn't die from a heart virus (considering that the future Trunks who came from yet another timeline should have obviously handed him the medicine)... he likely died because of the androids, so as far as the Trunks from Future Cell's timeline knows, Goku wouldn't be this game-changer as it was portrayed by Bulma in Future Trunks' timeline (as well as in the timeline of the future Trunks who went to future Celk's timeline)... so that could explain why that Trunks from Cell's timeline didn't try to travel to the past until he had already killed the androids... he didn't travel to the past to hand Goku the medicine, as the Goku from his timeline dies in another way. So the Trunks from Cell's timeline obviously perceived Goku in a different way compared to the aforementioned Trunkss.

Moreover, there isn't a need to have a timeline to where the Trunks from future Cell's timeline travelled to... that isn't hinted at the manga, and he could very well have destroyed the androids from his time without having to resort to traveling back in time... maybe the Trunks from Cell's timeline also found the scripts in the underground laboratory somehow, dunno.

A chart made from a member of Kanzenshuu:


Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
sei'taer said:
Trunks could fight fairly well with androids that weren't fighting seriously in the future. A stronger vegeta didn't stand a chance against them not fighting seriously in the present.

I've never understood why people want to try making present = future a thing. Trunks comment is solely there to say the opposite.

This, Trunks already said it clearly and there's no denying it.


May 30, 2015
ahill1 said:
SIAD said:
It is possible that everything you say is true. Then could you explain me well the 4 Time Lines? How did they originate?
Following this theory, this is how I think everything happened:

History A1 - Son Goku returns to Earth and defeats Freeza and Cold. The Saiyajin then dies of a heart disease and the androids # 17 and # 18 dominate the events of A1, forcing Trunks A1 to travel to the past (pretty much a parallel of Mirai Trunks' timeline). The rest of the events are unknown.

Past Alternative A2 - Trunks of the future A1 defeats Freeza and cold. However this is still not enough to prevent Son Goku's death, the androids sow the destruction, but due to unknown events they are somehow disabled (some people saynit's due to a remote control). Pass 23 years from the incubation of Cell A2 and he starts his search for the androids. The A2 Trunks decides to travel to the past to change the events, however chooses 1 year before the arrival of Freeza and Cold for whatever reason. With no knowledge that there was a third android (Cell), the Trunks A2 is defeated easily by Cell A2 and this latter returns to the past to attain his perfect form. In this example the Cell A2 will travel to the past alternative B2 (explained below).

History B1 - Son Goku returns to Earth and defeats Freeza and cold. The Saiyajin dies of a heart disease and the androids #17 and #18 dominate the events until Trunks B1 travels to the past. With his return after the triumph in the past B2, the trunks B1 destroys the androids #17 and #18 and years later defeats the Cell B1, preventing him from returning to the past. In this line of events the Cell B1 is aware of the existence of Trunks B1, but the data itself is unknown.

Past alternative B2 - the Cell A2 travels to the past without being aware of the parameters of the journey and reaches this new past 1 year before the arrival of Trunks B1. Then, it happens the history portrayed in the manga, the Cell B2 is destroyed while still in larva, the Cell A2 reaches his perfect form and is defeated by Son Gohan in the Cell Games. The past alternative B2 is saved and Trunks B1 returns to his time and saves it as well.

Also, it's worth noting that, in the future Cell's timeline, Goku probably didn't die from a heart virus (considering that the future Trunks who came from yet another timeline should have obviously handed him the medicine)... he likely died because of the androids, so as far as the Trunks from Future Cell's timeline knows, Goku wouldn't be this game-changer as it was portrayed by Bulma in Future Trunks' timeline (as well as in the timeline of the future Trunks who went to future Celk's timeline)... so that could explain why that Trunks from Cell's timeline didn't try to travel to the past until he had already killed the androids... he didn't travel to the past to hand Goku the medicine, as the Goku from his timeline dies in another way. So the Trunks from Cell's timeline obviously perceived Goku in a different way compared to the aforementioned Trunkss.

Moreover, there isn't a need to have a timeline to where the Trunks from future Cell's timeline travelled to... that isn't hinted at the manga, and he could very well have destroyed the androids from his time without having to resort to traveling back in time... maybe the Trunks from Cell's timeline also found the scripts in the underground laboratory somehow, dunno.

A chart made from a member of Kanzenshuu:


It looks interesting. We could make a thread talking about this topic.

  As for History A1, perhaps that Future Trunks was also killed by the Androids of Past Alternative A2. Maybe Goku (Past Alternative A2) was killed by the Androids while he was sick in bed, maybe the Androids did not take it as a game to go and look for Goku. But maybe Goku to know that all but him died, maybe he had trained in the Rosat and had finished with the Androids.

  Finally in History A1, Cell in the future would have absorbed those Androids, but years later Zeno would have destroyed the U7 along with the other 7 Universes.


May 30, 2015
ahill1 said:
SIAD said:
It is possible that everything you say is true. Then could you explain me well the 4 Time Lines? How did they originate?
Following this theory, this is how I think everything happened:

History A1 - Son Goku returns to Earth and defeats Freeza and Cold. The Saiyajin then dies of a heart disease and the androids # 17 and # 18 dominate the events of A1, forcing Trunks A1 to travel to the past (pretty much a parallel of Mirai Trunks' timeline). The rest of the events are unknown.

Past Alternative A2 - Trunks of the future A1 defeats Freeza and cold. However this is still not enough to prevent Son Goku's death, the androids sow the destruction, but due to unknown events they are somehow disabled (some people saynit's due to a remote control). Pass 23 years from the incubation of Cell A2 and he starts his search for the androids. The A2 Trunks decides to travel to the past to change the events, however chooses 1 year before the arrival of Freeza and Cold for whatever reason. With no knowledge that there was a third android (Cell), the Trunks A2 is defeated easily by Cell A2 and this latter returns to the past to attain his perfect form. In this example the Cell A2 will travel to the past alternative B2 (explained below).

History B1 - Son Goku returns to Earth and defeats Freeza and cold. The Saiyajin dies of a heart disease and the androids #17 and #18 dominate the events until Trunks B1 travels to the past. With his return after the triumph in the past B2, the trunks B1 destroys the androids #17 and #18 and years later defeats the Cell B1, preventing him from returning to the past. In this line of events the Cell B1 is aware of the existence of Trunks B1, but the data itself is unknown.

Past alternative B2 - the Cell A2 travels to the past without being aware of the parameters of the journey and reaches this new past 1 year before the arrival of Trunks B1. Then, it happens the history portrayed in the manga, the Cell B2 is destroyed while still in larva, the Cell A2 reaches his perfect form and is defeated by Son Gohan in the Cell Games. The past alternative B2 is saved and Trunks B1 returns to his time and saves it as well.

Also, it's worth noting that, in the future Cell's timeline, Goku probably didn't die from a heart virus (considering that the future Trunks who came from yet another timeline should have obviously handed him the medicine)... he likely died because of the androids, so as far as the Trunks from Future Cell's timeline knows, Goku wouldn't be this game-changer as it was portrayed by Bulma in Future Trunks' timeline (as well as in the timeline of the future Trunks who went to future Celk's timeline)... so that could explain why that Trunks from Cell's timeline didn't try to travel to the past until he had already killed the androids... he didn't travel to the past to hand Goku the medicine, as the Goku from his timeline dies in another way. So the Trunks from Cell's timeline obviously perceived Goku in a different way compared to the aforementioned Trunkss.

Moreover, there isn't a need to have a timeline to where the Trunks from future Cell's timeline travelled to... that isn't hinted at the manga, and he could very well have destroyed the androids from his time without having to resort to traveling back in time... maybe the Trunks from Cell's timeline also found the scripts in the underground laboratory somehow, dunno.

A chart made from a member of Kanzenshuu:


I found a problem with your theory. I was watching the Anime, chapter 143 and 144. When Cell tells Piccolo about his past, he shows the scenes of Future Trunks eliminating Frieza and King Cold. Cell talks about taking cells from Frieza and King Cold. Later he says that they had the possibility of extracting the cells of a warrior named Trunks. Later Cell tells when I kill Trunks. When Future Trunks and Kirilin appear at the place of battle between Piccolo and Cell, the latter is shocked to see another Trunks and says that not only should he kill him in the future, but also on that Line. Also when Krillin realizes that Cell can use Goku's Kamehameha, Krillin says to tell Goku. Later he is surprised that Goku is still alive. That explains that Goku (Cell Line) probably died in the same way as in the Timeline of Future Trunks.

 That means that Cell knows only 2 Trunks. Maybe those scenes of Trunks killing Frieza and King Cold, they only used it to save drawings and time.