Jiren vs Broli vs Beerus

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Promotional material cites Broly as the strongest adversary yet and Goku says he may be stronger than Beerus, so LSSJ Broly ~ Beerus > Jiren. In a no-holds-barred fight, however, Beerus would win due to Hakai as well as his psuedo-UI if these are their manga selves.


Dec 13, 2016
Probably Jiren, anime-wise at least, as he was stronger than Belmod, who beat Beerus in an arm wrestling (and was said to be stronger by Whis) even before he broke his limits. On the other hand, Broly is only said to be questionably stronger than Beerus. As far as I am concerned, anime/movie statements take precedence over promotional ones.

While Whis doesn't say anything about the mortal and the universe he was living in, it was likely done in an attempt to keep the mystery of the mortal stronger than the God of Destruction out-of-universe. A decent amount of people guessed it wasn't Jiren, but a mortal coming from another universe, after all.

Add to that the fact that, going from the spoilers, Broly hasn't really done anything that Jiren couldn't pull off in the movie, and Jiren > Broly isn't an unreasonable conclusion.

Manga versions might be a different story, though, as Belmod doesn't beat Beerus there. Also, if there is an anime retelling of Broly's story, we might need to see if he is treated any differently.

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