supersaiyangodgogeta said:
No, there isn't any evidence that Vados has a complete understanding of all that Zeno and the Grand Priest can do with their power.
And there isn't any evidence that she doesn't. She certainly understands their power far better than Jiren's. And yes, they are relevant, because it's the proof that your reasoning is completely flawed.
If Jiren is beyond Vados' comprehension, then he's above her.
He's not, for the simple reason that the site placed him at the level of a God of Destruction.
SSB Goku has never replicated Jiren's feat, so no to him surpassing time.
1)Surpassed the Tokitobashi, which manipulates (skips) time.
2)Destroyed a space literally made of time.
So yes, Goku technically surpassed time.
Jiren didn't one shot 17 and a Jiren is far superior to Beerus as well as any God, so the logic doesn't hold.
There isn't even an evidence that Jiren is superior to Beerus, let alone far superior. And the only reason he didn't one shot 17 is because of plot armor.
Jiren tanked Vegeta easily when Vegeta initially rushed him with Vegeta stating that he never fought anyone with energy as strong as Jiren.
Then we're not talking about the same moment...
When did I state that SSB Goku was stronger than Beyond Blue Vegeta?
If this wasn't your point, then Whis > Beerus > Beyond Blue Vegeta (full power) > GoD Toppo > Beyond Blue Vegeta (initial) = Kaioken Goku > Goku Blue
From there, it's obvious that Whis was holding back.
SSB Kaioken Goku is as strong as him and Beyond Blue Vegeta thrashed God Toppo but needed a suicide move to overcome the Destruction energy. Kaioken Goku would need to do something similar to overcome the Destruction energy.
SSB Kaioken Goku was on the same level as Beyond Blue Vegeta
before the latter powered up through resolve. And before this power-up, Toppo was beating up Vegeta.
You already misread my posts, so this isn't going anywhere. I'm done. I already know this is just going to be me constantly correcting you. And most of your points are going to be obscure at best and are just going to leave me scratching my head wondering how anyone would even come to such a conclusion, like your Jiren and Zeno comparison.
You sure have a lot of nerve for someone who lacks common sense.