We were talking about what Babidi knew about Kaioshin. That’s why the paralysis ability is relevant. Babidi can’t know about it, therefore he doesn’t know everything. There’s good reason to doubt mostly everything he says. Kaioshin and Babidi both think they can handle the other btw.
That narrative would be fine if not for Pui thinking 10G would swing the fight. I can’t let that go. That’s in the story too.
Yeah that’s when the stretch goes too far for me lol.
Because Badibi doesn’t know one thing doesn’t mean you get to throw out everything.
Badibi and Dabura make assessments on Shin’s power that don’t seem to ever be contradicted despite their knowledge being imperfect.
Hell, Shin knows about his paralysis technique yet that doesn’t seem to alter the projected battle anyway.
It’s possible we are drastically overplaying his paralysis ability and perhaps it was just a perfect scenario with Gohan. Perhaps they need to be completed distracted and so on.
Despite the 10G narrative, Pui Pui > Shin is the most consistent, most rational approach to understanding the story by far. It’s not even close.
Badibi did choke the hell out of Shin. There’s a reason they consider each other a good matchup for one another.