Captain Cadaver said:SSJ Kefla ~ Kaioken x20 SSB Galu's Genki-Dama. Kefla oneshots, unless you assume Kefla's initial SSJ power was over 20x less than what it was by the time she went SS2.
And SSJ Kefla was outright stated to rival the Genki-Dama's power. Your point is?Pakl said:But the genki dama was stronger than KK x20 Goku too lol...
UI Goku (VS Jiren) is at least more than 25x stronger than SSB Goku and SS2 Kefla > UI Goku (VS Kefla) > UI Goku (VS Jiren) by minimal amounts each. Against Kefla, UI Goku only had the advantage in speed and reactions.SIAD said:CC, how many times more powerful do you have UI Goku (Speed / Vs Kefla), UI Goku (Force / Vs Kefla), Kefla SSJ / 2 and UI Goku (Vs Jiren) on Goku SSJB (ToP)?
Captain Cadaver said:And SSJ Kefla was outright stated to rival the Genki-Dama's power. Your point is?Pakl said:But the genki dama was stronger than KK x20 Goku too lol...
UI Goku (VS Jiren) is at least more than 25x stronger than SSB Goku and SS2 Kefla > UI Goku (VS Kefla) > UI Goku (VS Jiren) by minimal amounts each. Against Kefla, UI Goku only had the advantage in speed and reactions.SIAD said:CC, how many times more powerful do you have UI Goku (Speed / Vs Kefla), UI Goku (Force / Vs Kefla), Kefla SSJ / 2 and UI Goku (Vs Jiren) on Goku SSJB (ToP)?
Captain Cadaver said:And SSJ Kefla was outright stated to rival the Genki-Dama's power. Your point is?Pakl said:But the genki dama was stronger than KK x20 Goku too lol...
UI Goku (VS Jiren) is at least more than 25x stronger than SSB Goku and SS2 Kefla > UI Goku (VS Kefla) > UI Goku (VS Jiren) by minimal amounts each. Against Kefla, UI Goku only had the advantage in speed and reactions.SIAD said:CC, how many times more powerful do you have UI Goku (Speed / Vs Kefla), UI Goku (Force / Vs Kefla), Kefla SSJ / 2 and UI Goku (Vs Jiren) on Goku SSJB (ToP)?
Pakl said:But the genki dama was stronger than KK x20 Goku too lol...
4 SSB tier fighters <<<< KKx20 Blue Goku < Genki-Dama, so saying such is irrelevant. Super makes no sense in general, with Genki Trunks' power proving as much, so saying "it made no sense" is little more than pointing out the obvious. However, that's not a reason to outright dismiss something easily comparable, otherwise you're practically saying you believe 4 is a greater number than 20.Pakl said:That Aniraza being beaten by universe 7 combined power is no proof as the gdnki dama was composed from the same fighters.... In fact, the genki dama took their base power... That made no sense anyway
] UI Goku was stronger too... He blinked her away.... Kefla was clearly weaker [/quote said:Piccolo outright stated SS2 Kefla's power was at least in the same league as UI Goku, if not stronger. Goku's speed and reactions were what gave him the edge and won by catching her off guard with a point blank Kamehameha. To say he "blinked her away" in an even fight that lasted an entire episode is outright ignoring what was presented for your own headcannon.
Genki-Dama has always had plot related power, same reason why the one against Boo didn't immediately demolish him from Gohan's Genki alone. 4 SSB tiers and a debatable SSG tier don't equate to reaching Kaioken X20 SSB Goku's level, which is still below the Genki-Dama he used, which SSJ Kefla rivals according to Whis.Pakl said:4 > 20? Well the genki dama was made of the same people so you can't use math here because its the same shit
They were still holding it back to the extent that #17's shield didn't immediately break when facing his attack. Can't say the same would happen if facing an opponent no less than 20x stronger than SSB Goku.Also Aniraza was also weakened amd damaged which is why they won....
If SSB Goku's a 1, Anilasa is about a 4-5, whilst SSJ Kefla is definitely 20+ based on Whis and Piccolo's statements. Still a stomp match.I agree Kefla is stronger than Aniraza... Is would say Aniraza is around Blue Goku with some kaioken multiplierlike x5 or something.. How strong do you have him?