Kid Trunks = future Trunks (before training)

Dragon Ball Fan

Sep 18, 2016
Keedounan said:
Look, we've been at it for 3 days. I'm not interested in keeping up a debate with someone who is willing to downplay literally every single one of the kids' showings, even when there are undisputable evidences that their opponents weren't holding back a whole lot. Somehow, Gohan having his SSJ aura up and exerting tons of effort was holding back so much even a Trunks pre-RoSaT level character can give him a fight? All in favor of a single statement that isn't remotely supported by any of their showings? Nevermind the fact Vegeta could have learned 17 knows of Trunks' power from back in Cell Games due to hearing what happened?

Yeah, I'm done here.
Ok. But I acknowledge that you had a good argumentation when arguing that the kids were a threat to #18 bringing up points I didn't consider, like Trunks maturity in keeping it a battle free of Ki energy attacks earlier against Goten. I'm willing to concede that they were stronger than a level that wasn't sufficient to scratch #18, but I still stand to them being not far from her level based on my arguments.

As a side point, how do you take Goku choosing to bring Kuririn and Tenshinhan over the kids to attend the ToP?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Dragon Ball Fan said:
As a side point, how do you take Goku choosing to bring Kuririn and Tenshinhan over the kids to attend the ToP?
The characters make it apparent that Goten and Trunks' inexperience wouldn't make for a good enough team. Also, Kuririn and Tenshinhan's feats throughout the ToP were far more impressive than their Z selves, or most Z characters in general for that matter (Anime Ten damaging a ring made of material far stronger than what Gohan couldn't scratch with the Z-Sword, Anime Kuririn being of relevance in helping #18, who presented feats at least on par with ToP Base Goku, Manga Kuririn/Ten dodging Magetta's attack, etc.).

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Racist bigots with no social lives huehuehue
pivots constantly to playing the victim while throwing insults in every post huehuehue
Bro got caught deleting his post huehuehue