Others unlocked foresight but never had it powerful enough to read dozens of minds at once or to read verbal thoughts (unless this was just a way to illustrate that he could read emotions and the only way to show that and how overwhelming the mental noise was, was by putting them in verbal form). Even reading non-verbal thoughts was never shown by anyone else.
It suggests his foresight ceiling should be way beyond almost anyone, at least in range.
Something else they could have used it for is giving him stronger conqueror's haki, by making him more motivated. When he can feel the thoughts of his marines or civilians, he could have more willpower, boosting his conqueror's haki. That would be more of a one-off, but it would've fit the Pizzaro moment. Though, I think the Pizzaro punch is fine just being a product of his normal conqueror's+his training.
Or when he's knocked down in a big fight, he could hear people's thoughts and it wakes him up, to save them from the pirates or from a Gorosei/Holy Knight. Like how Usopp motivated Luffy to stand in Enies Lobby, but Koby just hears their thoughts instead of being shouted to. Then he jumps out and one-shots whoever the pirate was that knocked him down, saving the civilians and also helping Shamrock, who was fighting the pirate. At the same time, because his mind-reading was boosted for a few seconds he also hears the Shamrock's bad thoughts (that he hates the civilians and that the pirate only pretended to fight him to make Shamrock look good) and decides to fight Shamrock. You get the idea anyway.