In that case, Kuriza would help bolster the rate of Freeza's training gains, with him perhaps achieving the Golden form in 3 months (

). As in canon, he'd choose to go to Earth sooner than in canon. If Galu and Vegeta haven't achieved SSB yet, he kills them. If they have, then things go as in canon with Kuriza still being too weak to help out against either Saiyan. After the battle, the Dragon Team stop Kuriza from fleeing and decide what to do, Vegeta being worried he'll follow in his father's footsteps and won't make the mistakes he did, wanting to kill him. However, the group agree as a majority that he was young and impressionable and could change in the right environment (considering he's shown as fairly innocent in Neko Majin), coming to the conclusion to let him stay on Earth. However, Vegeta demands he stay at Capsule Corp. so he can keep him under supervision.
Things are peaceful and Kuriza quickly becomes friends with Goten and Trunks. The Universe 6 tournament would remain unchanged as Kuriza likely wouldn't pass the exam even if filling in Boo's place. Seeing Frost and how pathetically he was beaten after his display would serve in solidifying Kuriza's change though in believing his father's way of things would always be undone.
Kuriza plays no role again until the ToP, in which he'd replace Boo instead of his father and Vegeta would bring him into the Rosat in an attempt for him to tap into all his latent power quickly. This would work and likely bring him up to what his father's power was at the time as well as have him master the Golden form. As Kuriza wouldn't be devious enough to trick Frost into getting rid of most of the U9 team for them though, Universe 7 would have a more difficult time defeating them, though fighters with valuable support moves like Kuririn and Tenshinhan not getting oneshotted by Frost immediately in this scenario would allow for them to help make some of the opponents more easy to deal with via teamwork. The fight with Jiren goes similarly beyond who is the winner, #17 instead being the one to help Galu bring Jiren out of the ring and Kuriza remaining in due to him being considered too inexperienced to do the job correctly. Having saved the multiverse with the same wish, Kuriza earns the Dragon Team's trust enough that he's allowed to go back into space if he wishes; him doing so with the goal of reforming the Freeza Force as something similar to what the U6 Saiyans are, accomplishing this and having them ally with the Galactic Patrol within a few months. The Broly events obviously don't happen, though that doesn't matter for now. This alliance means that Moro doesn't get far if he escapes from prison, seeing as how Kuriza likely wouldn't mess around like Vegeta did. This means Galu doesn't master UI Sign, which may have significance somewhere down the line.
One major conflict that does arise from this, however, is that the Kuriza Force would become aware of New Namek's location due to the Galactic Patrol's database. This would lead to several veterans of the Freeza Force not content as peacekeepers to secretly invade Namek for the Dragon Balls. With Kuriza having taken a more hands-on approach to training his men when seeing the standard that fighters such as Cabba presented, they'd be strong enough to deal with the Namekians and get the Dragon Balls after some time (maybe with Cranberry's help after he faked reforming), reviving Freeza. Upon seeing what became of his legacy when left unchecked after talking to the soldiers, Freeza's old desire emerges and he wishes to be immortal. The final wish is for the creator of Earth's Dragon Balls to be destroyed, which works due to Porunga's superiority to Dende. He then immediately destroys Namek after his men leave it and decides to visit his son to find out what the meaning of this is. He's disgusted to find out how those of Earth have influenced his son and fights against him. The two are dead even, with Frost having had more time to become stronger, yet Freeza has greater experience. However, Kuriza's innocence causes him to pull his punches and lose shouki, with Freeza ultimately defeating him. He does not kill him though, being unwilling to destroy a part of himself, and instead sends him to Earth to tell the Earthlings they have no way of beating him this time whilst his men massacre the galactic patrol and any Kuriza loyalists, absorbing the prisoners into their ranks.
Upon Dende's mysterious death, Goku contacts Kaio to ask if there's any cause for this, with Kaio having become aware of Freeza's revival. Kuriza arrives on Earth after several days and gives the Dragon Team the full details. Vegeta is appalled with Kuriza and loses any faith he has in the child. Kuriza wouldn't be aware of Freeza's immortality, however, a detail none of the group would learn. As the battle to come would be one in which there would be no second-chances if anyone died, only Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Gohan and Kuriza come to the battlefield to face Freeza. After revealing his immortality, Freeza quickly wears down Goku and Vegeta. Piccolo sees the Mafuba as the only option and materialises a bottle with the seal, giving Galu and senzu whilst Gohan and Kuriza distract Freeza. Goku performs the mafuba and seals Freeza away, but likely dies from the strain when needing PSSB to do so. Learning he was too soft and idealistic, Kuriza then executes all of the turncoats and then places the bottle in the Rosat so Freeza will never return, destroying the door for assurance. To restore the damages, the main cast take a trip to Universe 6 and adventure around Universe 7 (maybe the group will fight Broly in the process with Gohan and Vegeta fusing to beat him). After gathering the Super Dragon Balls, the group have Namek and its inhabitants restored to how they were before Freeza's men attacked it, the Namekians then reviving Dende, Galu and everyone killed by Freeza's men. Believing it was his fault that all this happened, Kuriza decides to go live out his days on an obscure planet away from anyone. After this, only time will tell how these changes create ripples in future events.