Luffy's most significant wins

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
i mean in-universe, i think

i think the win against arlong was the 1st one. that was the fight that gave him his first bounty iirc & is wot got ppl to knw him, before that i don't think anyone rly knw him i think (even if he did defeat others like captain-kuro or don-krieg & so-on before before).

the win against crocodile was the 2nd one iirc, because this 1 was the first shichibukai he defeated & wot got doflamingo to notice him seemingly.

the win against eneru didn't do much i think, because eneru was doing his own thing or something & no-one on a world-level scale seemed to care.

how does that go-on, because even if i did watch after eneru, i don't rly remember much (or anything) after eneru? does anyone have the answers? could someone plz answer if they could (but only if they care to or want to), if they do?

that'd be kewl.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
It depends in what way we're looking at it. In terms of his impact on the world, him defeating Lucci would be the most significant as it was the turning point where the World Government could no longer ignore the Straw Hats. Him defeating Katakuri could count for this position when considering it made him the "5th Yonko" though I'd say this was less so when considering it was done purely as bait.
In terms of the impact it had on his character, I'd say either defeating Arlong or Crocodile. Arlong had some weight behind it in what it meant to Nami when coupled with his "You're my Nakama!" line (back before the term became overused), whereas defeating Crocodile held similar significance for Vivi and how happy Luffy was shown to be afterwards. Defeating Crocodile also served as proof to Luffy that he was capable of standing up to the big names of the world and moving forward.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
ye, i meant how that was viewed in-universe. how those wins were perceived & characters over the world were amazed by.

like before arlong no-one rly knw him iiirc. the win against arlong kind-of is what got ppl to notice him.

the win against crocodile is wot got doflamingo to notice him.

defeating doflamingo was supposedly wot brought cracker to fight luffy.

like i guess stages of each win taking luffy to the next level in the one-piece world.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
defeating doflamingo was supposedly wot brought cracker to fight luffy.
This part wouldn't necessarily be true. Given the circumstances involving Sanji, Big Mom would have stationed Cracker in the forest to fight Luffy regardless of if the events at Dressrosa happened or not. If anything, defeating Doflamingo caused more focus to be brought to Luffy by Kaido.

Most of the other examples do line up to some extent, though the level of focus given by the next antagonist from a prior one's defeat does significantly decrease after Alabasta, or at best after Thriller Bark (considering Luffy defeating Lucci would likely have been the stimulus behind Moria using his shadow for Oars).


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Defeating the future Pirate King, Buggy.


High Class Warrior
Dec 16, 2015
Defeating Doflamingo was the most significant in universe. The consequences of that are going to upset the entire balance of power in the world.

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