Broli is nowhere near Celll... I can see OVA Z fighters being their CG selves but its a fact M8 is pre cell games due to the time of the movie... Furthermore the OVA follows movie 8 so they clearly can't be their CG levels..
Do you not even read your own comments?
Let me get this straight? OVA Z fighters can be the CG selves but Movie 8 fighters cannot.
Yet it is stated in the OVA that Hatchy essentially rivals Broly, at most being possibly stronger, clearly putting the two on similar levels. This Hatchy was crushing all of the fighters, fighters you have admitted are Cell Games levels.
Then you even have Hatchy on FP Cell's level of power, again Hatchy who rivals Broly, and yet apparently Broly can't be on Perfect Cell's level, hell he apparently can't even on SSJ Kid Gohan's level or something.
Do you honestly not realize how fucking stupid that sounds?