As Pyro said, Vegetto has more going for him. Nothing suggests within the manga that Jiren and MUI Goku surpassed Beerus, with Beerus never acting as though Goku reaching such a level was preposterous (even saying any Hakaishin would recognise the appearance of True Ultra Instinct) and the Zen-Ohs were never shown to lose track of the battle like they did in the Hakaishin battle royale; not to mention Goku making no comment propping up Jiren to the same level of amazement as what he saw of the Gods' movements. There is a guidebook statement for the manga about Jiren "perhaps" being above the 12 Hakaishin, but "perhaps" without anything in the manga supporting it comes off as baseless rumour in-series and contradicts the idea of Broly being "perhaps" stronger than Beerus when guidebooks seem consistent on Broly > Jiren.
That said, stamina wouldn't be a main factor here, given how both competitors have comparable stamina, though Vegetto probably still has the advantage here as it's only referenced that it hasn't been an hour since he diffused, whereas the timeframe of the ToP makes it impossible for Goku to have been using UI for more than 1-2 minutes at best.