Movies Battle Powers (戦闘力 Sentō-ryoku)


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Return My Gohan!!

Goku - 334

Piccolo - 322

Chi-Chi - 80

Ginger - 200

Ginger (Powered Up) - 260

Nicky - 180

Nicky (Powered Up) - 240

Sansho - 190

Sansho (Powered Up) - 250

Kami - 300

Gohan - 1

Garlic Jr. - 350

Garlic Jr. (Transformed) - 600

Goku (Full Power) - 416

Piccolo (Full Power) - 408

Gohan (Enraged) - 1307

The World's Strongest Man

Master Roshi - 139

Bio-Men - 80

Goku - 8100

Gohan - 2000

Krillin - 1800

Kishime - 6400

Ebifurya - 6700

Misokatsun - 6000

Piccolo - 5000

Gohan (Enraged) - 6000

Dr. Kochin - 5

Dr. Wheelo - 21,000

Goku (Kaio-ken x2) - 16,200

Goku (Kaio-ken x3) - 24,600

Goku (Kaio-ken x4) - 32,400

Dr. Wheelo (Max Out) - 28,000

Goku's Genki Dama - 200,000

A Super Decisive Battle For Earth

Tien - 8,400

Yamcha - 5,600

Chiaotzu - 2,800

Krillin - 7,700

Daiz - 11,500

Amond - 13,000

Cacao - 10,000

Lakesei & Rasin - 8,000

Gohan - 10,000

Turles - 31,500

Piccolo - 22,500

Goku - 32,000

Goku (Kaio-ken) - 64,000

Gohan (Oozaru) - 100,000

Turles (After Fruit) - 450,000

Goku (Kaio-ken x10) - 320,000

Turles (After 2nd Fruit) - 630,000

Goku's Genki Dama - 400,000

Goku's 2nd Genki Dama - 1,000,000

Super Saiyan Son Goku

Commander Zeeun - 35,000

Lord Slug (Old) - 120,000

Slug's foot soldiers - 50 to 500

Chi-Chi - 80

Gohan - 20,000

Krillin - 18,000

Dorodabo - 38,000

Medamatcha - 40,000

Angila - 42,000

Piccolo - 67,500

Goku - 90,000

Slug - 700,000

Goku - 90,000

Goku (False Super Saiyan) - 2,250,000

Slug (Giant) - 2,500,000

Goku (Piccolo's Energy) - 157,500

Goku (Kaio-ken x20) - 3,150,000

Slug - 2,000,000

Goku's Genki Dama - 5,000,000

The Incredible Strongest vs Strongest

Doore - 640,000

Neiz - 625,000

Salza - 800,000

Gohan - 420,000

Krillin - 80,000

Piccolo - 1,750,000

Goku - 3,500,000

Goku (Zenkai) - 4,700,00

Cooler - 5,000,000

Cooler (5th Form) 170,000,000

Goku (Kaio-ken x10) - 47,000,000

Goku (Kaio-ken x20) - 94,000,000

SSJ Goku - 235,000,000

Clash!! 10,000,000,000 Powerful Warriors

Cyclopian Guards - 1,000,000

Gohan - 3,500,000

Krillin - 1,500,000

Piccolo - 340,000,000

Goku - 8,500,000

Goku (Kaio-ken x20) - 170,000,000

SSJ Goku - 425,000,000

Meta-Cooler - 400,000,000

Meta-Cooler (repair) - 670,000,000

Vegeta - 9,000,000

SSJ Vegeta - 450,000,000

Cooler (Big Gete Star) - 200,000,000

Extreme Battle!! The Three Great Super Saiyans

Goku - 10,700,000

Future Trunks - 8,400,000

Gohan - 3,800,000

Krillin - 1,500,000

SSJ Goku - 535,000,000

SSJ Future Trunks - 420,000,000

Android 14 - 400,000,000

Vegeta - 9,800,000

SSJ Vegeta - 490,000,000

Android 15 - 480,000,000

Piccolo - 785,000,000

Android 13- 540,000,000

Super Android 13 - 1,420,000,000

SSJ Goku (Spirit Bomb Absorbed) - 3,250,000,000

Burn Up!! A Red-Hot, Raging, Super-Fierce Fight

Paragus - 6,000

Vegeta - 102,500,000

Goku - 320,000,000

Gohan - 176,000,000

Future Trunks - 96,000,000

Broly (Restrained) - 4,000

Restrained SSJ Broly - 400,000,000

RSSJ Broly (Ki Rising) - 1,000,000,000+

RSSJ Broly (tanking Vegeta) - 20,250,000,000

RSSJ Broly (Max) - 32,000,000,000

LSSJ Broly - 64,000,000,000

SSJ Goku - 16,000,000,000

SSJ Gohan - 8,800,000,000

ASSJ Trunks - 1,150,000,000

LSSJ Broly (Ki Rising) - 71,000,000,000

Piccolo - 7,000,000,000

ASSJ Vegeta - 10,250,000,000

SSJ Goku (Trunks, Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta's Power) - 85,000,000,000

The Galaxy at the Brink!! The Super Incredible Guy

Future Trunks - 760,000,000

Tien - 50,000,000

SSJ Future Trunks - 38,000,000,000

Krillin - 1,500,000

Piccolo - 20,000,000,000

Gohan - 1,600,000,000

Yamcha - 600,000

Zangya - 32,000,000,000

Kogu - 850,000,000

Kogu (Transformed) - 5,000,000,000

Bido - 39,000,000,000

Bujin - 36,000,000,000

Bojack - 85,000,000,000

Vegeta - 820,000,000

SSJ Vegeta - 41,000,000,000

Bojack (Transformed) - 180,000,000,000

Goku - 1,280,000,000

SSJ2 Gohan - 320,000,000,000

The Dangerous Duo! Super-Warriors Can’t Rest

Goten - 480,000,000

Trunks - 500,000,000

Broly - 2,460,000,000

SSJ Broly - 123,000,000,000

SSJ Goten - 24,000,000,000

SSJ Trunks - 25,000,000,000

Gohan - 1,200,000,000

SSJ Gohan - 60,000,000,000

SSJ2 Gohan - 240,000,000,000

LSSJ Broly - 369,00,000,000

Krillin - 1,250,000

Goku - 2,000,000,000

SSJ Goku - 100,000,000,000

SSJ2 Gohan, SSJ Goku, SSJ Goten (Family Kamehameha) - 450,000,000,000

Super-Warrior Defeat!! I’m the One Who’ll Win

Mr. Satan - 7

Bio-Warrior - 10,000

Goten - 510,000,000

Trunks - 530,000,000

Krillin - 1,300,000

Android 18 - 675,000,000

SSJ Goten - 25,500,000,000

SSJ Trunks - 26,500,000,000

Bio-Broly - 35,000,000,000

SSJ Goten (Enraged) - 36,000,000,00

The Rebirth of Fusion!! Goku and Vegeta

Goku - 2,600,000,000

Pikkon - 88,000,000,000

Fat Janemba - 1,370,000,000,000

Zombies - 4

Videl - 8

Mr. Satan - 7

Mini-Janembas - 400,000,000

SSJ2 Goku - 520,000,000,000

SSJ3 Goku - 2,080,000,000,000

Super Janemba - 3,200,000,000,000

Frieza - 130,000,000

Gohan - 3,000,000,000

Goten & Trunks - 580,000,000

SSJ Goten & Trunks - 29,000,000,000

SSJ Gotenks - 2,655,000,000,000

Vegeta - 2,000,000,000

SSJ2 Vegeta - 400,000,000,000

Veku - 50,000,000

Janemba (Full Power) - 7,000,000,000,000

SSJ Gogeta - 14,700,000,000,000

Dragon Fist Explosion!! If Goku Won’t Do it, Who Will?

Hoi - 10

Tapion - 2,500,000,000

Hirudegarn (Upper Half) - 10,500,000,000,000

Hirudegarn (Lower Half) - 10,500,000,000,000

Hirudegarn - 21,000,000,000,000

Goku - 3,000,000,000

SSJ2 Goku - 600,000,000,000

SSJ Goten & SSJ Trunks - 29,000,000,000

Vegeta - 2,500,000,000

SSJ2 Vegeta - 500,000,000,000

SSJ3 Gotenks - 10,620,000,000,000

Hirudegarn (2nd Form) - 30,000,000,000,000

Ultimate Gohan - 14,700,000,000,000

SSJ3 Goku - 2,400,000,000,000

SSJ3 Goku (Super Dragon Fist) - 40,000,000,000,000

Battle Of Gods

Goku - 4,500,000,000

SSJ Goku - 225,000,000,000

SSJ2 Goku - 900,000,000,000

SSJ 3 Goku - 3,600,000,000,000

Gohan - 3,000,000,000

SSJ Gohan - 150,000,000,000

Ultimate Gohan - 14,700,000,000,000

Vegeta - 4,200,000,000

SSJ Vegeta - 210,000,000,000

SSJ2 Vegeta - 840,000,000,000

SSJ2 Vegeta (Enraged) - 50,000,000,000,000

Good Boo - 480,000,000,000

Piccolo - 17,000,000,000

Android 18 - 675,000,000

Tenshinhan - 8,000,000

Krillin - 1,275,000

Yamcha - 450,000

Goten & Trunks - 600,000,000

SSJ Goten And SSJ Trunks - 30,000,000,000

Gotenks - 54,000,000,000

SSJ Gotenks - 2,700,000,000,000

Beerus (Initial) - 1,800,000,000,000,000

SSJ Goku (Ki Absorbed) - 100,000,000,000,000

SSJ God Goku (80%) - 17,280,000,000,000,000

Beerus (70%) - 25,200,000,000,000,000

Goku (God Ki) - 396,000,000,000,000

SSJ Goku (God Ki) - 19,800,000,000,000,000

SSJ God Goku (100%) - 21,600,000,000,000,000

Beerus (100%) - 36,000,000,000,000,000

Whis - 54,000,000,000,000,000

Resurrection F

Sorbet - 700

Tagoma - 22,500

Shisami - 21,250

1st Form Freeza (Revived) - 400,000

Gohan - 2,300,000,000

SSJ Gohan - 115,000,000,000

Piccolo - 17,500,000,000

Krillin - 1,250,000

Tenshinhan - 8,250,000

Roshi - 3,000

Jaco - 3,500

Shisami (Post Training) - 15,000,000,000

1st Form Freeza (Post Training) - 25,000,000,000,000

Final Form Freeza - 350,000,000,000,000

Goku (God Ki) - 540,000,000,000,000

SSJ God SSJ Goku -27,000,000,000,000,000

Golden Freeza - 28,800,000,000,000,000

Golden Freeza (Fatigued) - 17,000,000,000,000,000

Vegeta (God Ki) - 530,000,000,000,000

SSJ God SSJ Vegeta - 26,000,000,000,000,000

P.S: I will share this too as a bonus.

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