Movies Battle Powers


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Return My Gohan!!

Goku - 334

Piccolo - 322

Chi-Chi - 80

Ginger - 200

Ginger (Powered Up) - 260

Nicky - 180

Nicky (Powered Up) - 240

Sansho - 190

Sansho (Powered Up) - 250

Kami - 300

Gohan - 1

Garlic Jr. - 350

Garlic Jr. (Transformed) - 600

Goku (Full Power) - 416

Piccolo (Full Power) - 408

Gohan (Enraged) - 1307

The World's Strongest Man

Master Roshi - 139

Bio-Men - 80

Goku - 8100

Gohan - 2000

Krillin - 1800

Kishime - 6400

Ebifurya - 6700

Misokatsun - 6000

Piccolo - 5000

Gohan (Enraged) - 6000

Dr. Kochin - 5

Dr. Wheelo - 21,000

Goku (Kaio-ken x2) - 16,200

Goku (Kaio-ken x3) - 24,600

Goku (Kaio-ken x4) - 32,400

Dr. Wheelo (Max Out) - 28,000

Goku's Genki Dama - 200,000

A Super Decisive Battle For Earth

Tien - 8,400

Yamcha - 5,600

Chiaotzu - 2,800

Krillin - 7,700

Daiz - 11,500

Amond - 13,000

Cacao - 10,000

Lakesei & Rasin - 8,000

Gohan - 10,000

Turles - 31,500

Piccolo - 22,500

Goku - 32,000

Goku (Kaio-ken) - 64,000

Gohan (Oozaru) - 100,000

Turles (After Fruit) - 450,000

Goku (Kaio-ken x10) - 320,000

Turles (After 2nd Fruit) - 630,000

Goku's Genki Dama - 400,000

Goku's 2nd Genki Dama - 1,000,000

Super Saiyan Son Goku

Commander Zeeun - 35,000

Lord Slug (Old) - 120,000

Slug's foot soldiers - 50 to 500

Chi-Chi - 80

Gohan - 20,000

Krillin - 18,000

Dorodabo - 38,000

Medamatcha - 40,000

Angila - 42,000

Piccolo - 67,500

Goku - 90,000

Slug - 700,000

Goku - 90,000

Goku (False Super Saiyan) - 2,250,000

Slug (Giant) - 2,500,000

Goku (Piccolo's Energy) - 157,500

Goku (Kaio-ken x20) - 3,150,000

Slug - 2,000,000

Goku's Genki Dama - 5,000,000

The Incredible Strongest vs Strongest

Doore - 640,000

Neiz - 625,000

Salza - 800,000

Gohan - 420,000

Krillin - 80,000

Piccolo - 1,750,000

Goku - 3,500,000

Goku (Zenkai) - 4,700,00

Cooler - 5,000,000

Cooler (5th Form) 170,000,000

Goku (Kaio-ken x10) - 47,000,000

Goku (Kaio-ken x20) - 94,000,000

SSJ Goku - 235,000,000

Clash!! 10,000,000,000 Powerful Warriors

Cyclopian Guards - 1,000,000

Gohan - 3,500,000

Krillin - 1,500,000

Piccolo - 340,000,000

Goku - 8,500,000

Goku (Kaio-ken x20) - 170,000,000

SSJ Goku - 425,000,000

Meta-Cooler - 400,000,000

Meta-Cooler (repair) - 670,000,000

Vegeta - 9,000,000

SSJ Vegeta - 450,000,000

Cooler (Big Gete Star) - 200,000,000

Extreme Battle!! The Three Great Super Saiyans

Goku - 10,700,000

Future Trunks - 8,400,000

Gohan - 3,800,000

Krillin - 1,500,000

SSJ Goku - 535,000,000

SSJ Future Trunks - 420,000,000

Android 14 - 400,000,000

Vegeta - 9,800,000

SSJ Vegeta - 490,000,000

Android 15 - 240,000,000

Piccolo - 785,000,000

Android 13- 540,000,000

Super Android 13 - 1,420,000,000

SSJ Goku (Spirit Bomb Absorbed) - 3,250,000,000

Burn Up!! A Red-Hot, Raging, Super-Fierce Fight

Paragus - 6,000

Vegeta - 102,500,000

Goku - 320,000,000

Gohan - 176,000,000

Future Trunks - 96,000,000

Broly (Restrained) - 4,000

Restrained SSJ Broly - 400,000,000

RSSJ Broly (Ki Rising) - 1,000,000,000+

RSSJ Broly (tanking Vegeta) - 20,250,000,000

RSSJ Broly (Max) - 32,000,000,000

LSSJ Broly - 64,000,000,000

SSJ Goku - 16,000,000,000

SSJ Gohan - 8,800,000,000

ASSJ Trunks - 1,150,000,000

LSSJ Broly (Ki Rising) - 71,000,000,000

Piccolo - 7,000,000,000

ASSJ Vegeta - 10,250,000,000

SSJ Goku (Trunks, Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta's Power) - 85,000,000,000

The Galaxy at the Brink!! The Super Incredible Guy

Future Trunks - 760,000,000

Tien - 50,000,000

SSJ Future Trunks - 38,000,000,000

Krillin - 1,500,000

Piccolo - 20,000,000,000

Gohan - 1,600,000,000

Yamcha - 600,000

Zangya - 32,000,000,000

Kogu - 850,000,000

Kogu (Transformed) - 5,000,000,000

Bido - 39,000,000,000

Bujin - 36,000,000,000

Bojack - 85,000,000,000

Vegeta - 820,000,000

SSJ Vegeta - 41,000,000,000

Bojack (Transformed) - 180,000,000,000

Goku - 1,280,000,000

SSJ2 Gohan - 320,000,000,000

The Dangerous Duo! Super-Warriors Can’t Rest

Goten - 480,000,000

Trunks - 500,000,000

Broly - 2,460,000,000

SSJ Broly - 123,000,000,000

SSJ Goten - 24,000,000,000

SSJ Trunks - 25,000,000,000

Gohan - 1,200,000,000

SSJ Gohan - 60,000,000,000

SSJ2 Gohan - 240,000,000,000

LSSJ Broly - 369,00,000,000

Krillin - 1,250,000

Goku - 2,000,000,000

SSJ Goku - 100,000,000,000

SSJ2 Gohan, SSJ Goku, SSJ Goten (Family Kamehameha) - 450,000,000,000

Super-Warrior Defeat!! I’m the One Who’ll Win

Mr. Satan - 7

Bio-Warrior - 10,000

Goten - 510,000,000

Trunks - 530,000,000

Krillin - 1,300,000

Android 18 - 675,000,000

SSJ Goten - 25,500,000,000

SSJ Trunks - 26,500,000,000

Bio-Broly - 35,000,000,000

SSJ Goten (Enraged) - 36,000,000,00

The Rebirth of Fusion!! Goku and Vegeta

Goku - 2,600,000,000

Pikkon - 88,000,000,000

Fat Janemba - 1,370,000,000,000

Zombies - 4

Videl - 8

Mr. Satan - 7

Mini-Janembas - 400,000,000

SSJ2 Goku - 520,000,000,000

SSJ3 Goku - 2,080,000,000,000

Super Janemba - 3,200,000,000,000

Frieza - 130,000,000

Gohan - 3,000,000,000

Goten & Trunks - 580,000,000

SSJ Goten & Trunks - 29,000,000,000

SSJ Gotenks - 2,655,000,000,000

Vegeta - 2,000,000,000

SSJ2 Vegeta - 400,000,000,000

Veku - 50,000,000

Janemba (Full Power) - 7,000,000,000,000

SSJ Gogeta - 14,700,000,000,000

Dragon Fist Explosion!! If Goku Won’t Do it, Who Will?

Hoi - 10

Tapion - 2,500,000,000

Hirudegarn (Upper Half) - 10,500,000,000,000

Hirudegarn (Lower Half) - 10,500,000,000,000

Hirudegarn - 21,000,000,000,000

Goku - 3,000,000,000

SSJ2 Goku - 600,000,000,000

SSJ Goten & SSJ Trunks - 29,000,000,000

Vegeta - 2,500,000,000

SSJ2 Vegeta - 500,000,000,000

SSJ3 Gotenks - 10,620,000,000,000

Hirudegarn (2nd Form) - 30,000,000,000,000

Ultimate Gohan - 14,700,000,000,000

SSJ3 Goku - 2,400,000,000,000

SSJ3 Goku (Super Dragon Fist) - 40,000,000,000,000

Battle Of Gods

Goku - 4,500,000,000

SSJ Goku - 225,000,000,000

SSJ2 Goku - 900,000,000,000

SSJ 3 Goku - 3,600,000,000,000

Gohan - 3,000,000,000

SSJ Gohan - 150,000,000,000

Ultimate Gohan - 14,700,000,000,000

Vegeta - 4,200,000,000

SSJ Vegeta - 210,000,000,000

SSJ2 Vegeta - 840,000,000,000

SSJ2 Vegeta (Enraged) - 50,000,000,000,000

Good Boo - 480,000,000,000

Piccolo - 17,000,000,000

Android 18 - 675,000,000

Tenshinhan - 8,000,000

Krillin - 1,275,000

Yamcha - 450,000

Goten & Trunks - 600,000,000

SSJ Goten And SSJ Trunks - 30,000,000,000

Gotenks - 54,000,000,000

SSJ Gotenks - 2,700,000,000,000

Beerus (Initial) - 1,800,000,000,000,000

SSJ Goku (Ki Absorbed) - 100,000,000,000,000

SSJ God Goku (80%) - 17,280,000,000,000,000

Beerus (70%) - 25,200,000,000,000,000

Goku (God Ki) - 396,000,000,000,000

SSJ Goku (God Ki) - 19,800,000,000,000,000

SSJ God Goku (100%) - 21,600,000,000,000,000

Beerus (100%) - 36,000,000,000,000,000

Whis - 54,000,000,000,000,000

Resurrection F

Sorbet - 700

Tagoma - 22,500

Shisami - 21,250

1st Form Freeza (Revived) - 400,000

Gohan - 2,300,000,000

SSJ Gohan - 115,000,000,000

Piccolo - 17,500,000,000

Krillin - 1,250,000

Tenshinhan - 8,250,000

Roshi - 3,000

Jaco - 3,500

Shisami (Post Training) - 15,000,000,000

1st Form Freeza (Post Training) - 25,000,000,000,000

Final Form Freeza - 350,000,000,000,000

Goku (God Ki) - 540,000,000,000,000

SSJ God SSJ Goku -27,000,000,000,000,000

Golden Freeza - 28,800,000,000,000,000

Golden Freeza (Fatigued) - 17,000,000,000,000,000

Vegeta (God Ki) - 530,000,000,000,000

SSJ God SSJ Vegeta - 26,000,000,000,000,000

Six Trails

May 30, 2015
Why a 25x boost for False Super Saiyan? Why not just 50x if it’s supposed to be Super Saiyan?


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
The multiplier was not known and it fits better and implied


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Yes in a guidebook but it doesn't fit the movie in my opinion


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
Hirudegarn > Gotenks despite Gotenks winning?

It can easily be that Gotenks got him off guard and then blasted him. Nothing really happened. He simply evolved then

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Even if Gotenks caught him off-guard if Gotenks was lower I doubt he'd have been able to defeat Hirudegarn. He might have been affected but not straight-up defeated in that form.

Also 1st Freeza > Cooler's Squadron

Young Lord Slug ~ 1st Form Freeza

2nd fruit didn't give Tullece a power-up

...or so I'd say.


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
Even if Gotenks caught him off-guard if Gotenks was lower I doubt he'd have been able to defeat Hirudegarn. He might have been affected but not straight-up defeated in that form.

Also 1st Freeza > Cooler's Squadron

Young Lord Slug ~ 1st Form Freeza

2nd fruit didn't give Tullece a power-up

...or so I'd say.

Coola's men are stronger than Gohan and Salza held his own vs Piccolo

Young Slug being equal to 1st form Freeza can be true but thats assumption

Agreed about Tullece not gaining strength after the 2nd fruit but just gave him a little power up fo fun lol

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Gohan was nerfed, because at first they said he had a really low power-level even considering they grabbed his tail. They wouldn't say that about 1st Form Freeza.

It's better than just giving him a random power-level.

Tullece post-fruit is 375,000 at best in my opinion.

Good one at Gotenks catching someone who's nearly twice as high as he is off-guard. :cena :cena :cena


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
Gohan was nerfed, because at first they said he had a really low power-level even considering they grabbed his tail. They wouldn't say that about 1st Form Freeza.

It's better than just giving him a random power-level.

Tullece post-fruit is 375,000 at best in my opinion.

Good one at Gotenks catching someone who's nearly twice as high as he is off-guard. :cena :cena :cena

Salza said its pitiful even if you grab his tail and it was 50, unless you think Gohan was just 1000 at full strength. He is obviously as strong as he was vs Freeza. I also have Gohan at his beat during the Freeza arc close to 1st form Freeza without rage

375k? Tullece kicked Gokus ass and Goku was likely between 30k to 40k

The movie intended Tullece to be as strong as 1st form Freeza which is backed up by what Rakasie said too

If anything, Hirudegarn's size is a disadvantage if he doesnt use his teleportation. Gotenks never even beat him.. he just blasted him and then, Hirudegarn evolved.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Pakl said:
Fantastische Hure said:
Gohan was nerfed, because at first they said he had a really low power-level even considering they grabbed his tail. They wouldn't say that about 1st Form Freeza.

It's better than just giving him a random power-level.

Tullece post-fruit is 375,000 at best in my opinion.

Good one at Gotenks catching someone who's nearly twice as high as he is off-guard. :cena :cena :cena

Salza said its pitiful even if you grab his tail and it was 50, unless you think Gohan was just 1000 at full strength. He is obviously as strong as he was vs Freeza. I also have Gohan at his beat during the Freeza arc close to 1st form Freeza without rage

375k? Tullece kicked Gokus ass and Goku was likely between 30k to 40k

The movie intended Tullece to be as strong as 1st form Freeza which is backed up by what Rakasie said too

If anything, Hirudegarn's size is a disadvantage if he doesnt use his teleportation. Gotenks never even beat him.. he just blasted him and then, Hirudegarn evolved.
Who knows? Gohan was nerfed in M5 that's all I know. :mikey :mikey :mikey

375,000 fits that. Why do you give Tullece a higher power-up than necessary? 375,000 is all it takes for a power over 300,000.

So? Hirudegarn being twice as high still means Gotenks' attacks wouldn't have done jack against him even if he caught him off-guard, let alone defeat him. Daizenshuu also supports this by saying Hirudegarn transformed and that Gotenks over-whelmed 1st form Hirudegarn several times.

Also why is Gohan so high in M12?

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