My Completed Power Level List Starting from The Future of Trunks


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
This list ignores the events of the new material. in particular Super.

The Future

Piccolo = 5,000,000

Vegeta = 5,500,000

Gohan = 3,000,000

- SSJ = 150,000,000

- Post Training (Base) = 4,200,000

- SSJ = 210,000,000

Trunks = 65,000

- SSJ = 3,250,000

- Post Training (Base) = 4,400,000

- SSJ = 220,000,000

Future #18 = 475,000,000

Future #17 35% = 175,000,000

- Full Power = 500,000,000

Android arc

Freeza's Revenge

Piccolo = 2,500,000

Vegeta = 2,750,000

King Cold = 100,000,000

Mecha Freeza = 155,000,000

Trunks = 4,400,000

- SSJ = 220,000,000

Goku = 5,200,000

- SSJ = 260,000,000

3 Years Later

Android 19 = 200,000,000

- Goku's Ki = 250,000,000

Dr. Gero = 280,000,000

- Vegeta' s Ki = 300,000,000

- Piccolo's Ki = 325,000,000

Piccolo = 375,000,000

Trunks = 9,000,000

- SSJ = 450,000,000

Goku = 9,200,000

- SSJ (Sick) = 300,000,000

- Full Power = 460,000,000

Vegeta = 9,500,000

- SSJ = 475,000,000

#18 = 640,000,000

#17 = 700,000,000

Cell arc

#18 = 640,000,000

#17 = 700,000,000

Kamiccolo (Weighted) = 650,000,000

- Full Power = 750,000,000

#16 = 1,050,000,000

Vegeta = 50,000,000

- SSJ = 2,500,000,000

- Grade 2 = 5,000,000,000

- Unseen Grade 3 = 10,000,000,000

Trunks = 48,000,000

- SSJ = 2,400,000,000

- Grade 2 = 4,800,000,000

- Grade 3 = 9,600,000,000

Imperfect Cell (Ginger Town) = 530,000,000

- More Humans = 1,060,000,000

- Semi Perfect (Initial) = 2,200,000,000

- Full Power = 2,750,000,000

- Perfect (Initial) = 4,000,000,000

- Warming Up = 8,000,000,000

- Buffed = 12,000,000,000

Cell Games

Piccolo = 17,500,000,000

Trunks = 440,000,000

- SSJ = 22,000,000,000

Vegeta (Base) = 448,000,000

- SSJ = 22,400,000,000

Cell Juniors = 24,000,000,000

Goku (Base) = 560,000,000

- SSJ Warming Up = 8,000,000,000

- SSJ 50% = 14,000,000,000

- Full Power = 28,000,000,000

- Post Cell, Fatigued = 15,000,000,000

Cell Warming Up = 8,000,000,000

- Less Surpress = 30,000,000,000

- True Speed = 40,000,000,000

- Full Power = 60,000,000,000

- Power Weighted = 70,000,000,000

- Super Perfect = 90,000,000,000

Gohan (Base) = 760,000,000

- SSJ = 38,000,000,000

- SSJ2 = 76,000,000,000

- Rage Boost = 100,000,000,000

Early Boo arc

Kibito = 120,000,000

Kaioshin = 27,000,000,000

Pui Pui = 400,000,000

#18 = 640,000,000

Yakon = 1,000,000,000

Piccolo = 18,000,000,000

Goten = 620,000,000

- SSJ = 31,000,000,000

Trunks = 640,000,000

- SSJ = 32,000,000,000

Dabura = 36,000,000,000

Gohan (Base) = 700,000,000

- SSJ = 35,000,000,000

- SSJ2 = 70,000,000,000

- Hypothetical Rage Boost = 100,000,000,000

- Post Z-Sword (Base) = 3,200,000,000

- SSJ = 160,000,000,000

- SSJ2 = 320,000,000,000

Vegeta (Base) = 840,000,000

- SSJ = 42,000,000,000

- SSJ2 = 84,000,000,000

- Majin Boost = 105,000,000,000

Goku (Base) = 1,050,000,000

- SSJ = 52,500,000,000

- SSJ2 = 105,000,000,000

- SSJ3 = 420,000,000,000

Fat Boo (Initial) = 65,000,000,000

- Full Power = 350,000,000,000

- Evil Boo = 225,000,000,000

- Good Boo = 125,000,000,000

Gotenks (Base) = 10,000,000,000

- SSJ = 500,000,000,000

End of Boo arc

Super Boo (First Power Up) = 700,000,000,000

- Full Power = 250,000,000,000,000

- Bootenks = 530,000,000,000,000

- Boohan = 600,000,000,000,000

Gotenks (Post ROSAT, Base) = 700,000,000,000

- SSJ = 35,000,000,000,000

- SSJ2 = 70,000,000,000,000

- SSJ3 = 280,000,000,000,000

Ultimate Gohan = 350,000,000,000,000

SSJ3 Goku = 420,000,000,000

SSJ2 Vegeta (Majin Power Retained) = 105,000,000,000

Vegito (Base) = 25,000,000,000,000

- SSJ = 1,250,000,000,000,000

Kibito Kai = 80,000,000,000

Good Boo = 125,000,000,000

Kid Boo = 400,000,000,000


Jul 27, 2015
a) IMO, Trunks and Goku are too powerful during the Android Arc. You could drop Trunks down to 200 and Goku down to 240 million.
b) There is no reason to have Android 19 Initial so powerful.
c) Android 19 Post-Absorption should be stronger than Gero Post-Absorption. He went up against Vegeta.
d) Trunks should be closer to Android Saga Piccolo than he is to Goku or Vegeta. Trunks as a Super Saiyan was single shotted from Android 17, but Vegeta wasn't.
e) There should only be a 25% gap (at most) between Android Saga Vegeta and Android 18.
f) Vegeta SSJ Grade 2 should only be roughly, 25-33% stronger than a fully powered Semi Perfect Cell. Cell was able to draw blood on Vegeta when he hit him.
g) Akira Toriyama has stated that Piccolo always trains, he should be much more powerful during the Boo Saga then he was during the Cell Games.
h) Teen Gohan was noted as being stronger than Dabura, but he had difficulty because his skills were rusty.
j) Goten couldn't land a single hit on Gohan, and both of the boys could not tank Android 18, even as Super Saiyans. They are much weaker.
k) Z-Sword Gohan being 3x Majin Vegeta is laughable.
l) Fat Boo is only 2.5x Teen Gohan SSj2. So he would be around 150 on your scale.
m) Good Boo and Evil Boo are weaker than the SSj2s
n) No evidence suggests Gotenks SSj Pre-Rosat surpassed Goku or Fat Boo
o) Super Boo's power-burst was temporary. He returned to Innocent Boo's level.
p) Gotenks SSj Post-Rosat was still weaker than Super Boo (Initial), who in turn is equal to Innocent Boo


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
Tosh said:
a) IMO, Trunks and Goku are too powerful during the Android Arc. You could drop Trunks down to 200 and Goku down to 240 million.
b) There is no reason to have Android 19 Initial so powerful.
c) Android 19 Post-Absorption should be stronger than Gero Post-Absorption. He went up against Vegeta.
d) Trunks should be closer to Android Saga Piccolo than he is to Goku or Vegeta. Trunks as a Super Saiyan was single shotted from Android 17, but Vegeta wasn't.
e) There should only be a 25% gap (at most) between Android Saga Vegeta and Android 18.
f) Vegeta SSJ Grade 2 should only be roughly, 25-33% stronger than a fully powered Semi Perfect Cell. Cell was able to draw blood on Vegeta when he hit him.
g) Akira Toriyama has stated that Piccolo always trains, he should be much more powerful during the Boo Saga then he was during the Cell Games.
h) Teen Gohan was noted as being stronger than Dabura, but he had difficulty because his skills were rusty.
j) Goten couldn't land a single hit on Gohan, and both of the boys could not tank Android 18, even as Super Saiyans. They are much weaker.
k) Z-Sword Gohan being 3x Majin Vegeta is laughable.
l) Fat Boo is only 2.5x Teen Gohan SSj2. So he would be around 150 on your scale.
m) Good Boo and Evil Boo are weaker than the SSj2s
n) No evidence suggests Gotenks SSj Pre-Rosat surpassed Goku or Fat Boo
o) Super Boo's power-burst was temporary. He returned to Innocent Boo's level.
p) Gotenks SSj Post-Rosat was still weaker than Super Boo (Initial), who in turn is equal to Innocent Boo

a)Mecha Freeza is at the least equal to, if not stronger than Namek Goku who is at 150 mil, and Trunks stated that he could kill Freeza in an instant which Goku backs up implying a massive, massive gap between them.

b) 19 took a hell of a beating from Goku, sure you can say 19 being a Android makes him naturally more durable than a human but I doubt if the gap was much more than this 19 would be able to survive such an assault. There is also Piccolo and the others being surprised that 19 and 20 weren't the androids Trunks warned them about and I doubt 19 (With Ki)'s power went up multifold.

c)That doesn't mean 19 is stronger, that just means Gero miscalculated when he thought 19 would be a match for Vegeta. 20 can't let 19 become stronger than him otherwise 19 might rebel like 17 and 18 and he can't have that.

d)17 caught Trunks off-guard and I have 17 over 1.5x stronger than Trunks which is enough to one-shot. Trunks was heavily implied to be on par with Goku and Vegeta.

e)Not really. Vegeta was never a threat to 18, she called him "nothing special".

f)The "drawing blood" thing means little when you tank the attack at blank range and call it "weak". Cell even after becoming perfect where he was stated to have gotten considerably stronger still was weaker than Grade 2 Vegeta and Trunks.

g)Tien always trains and he still didn't surpass Krillin so obviously training gains don't always have to be huge.

h)Who said Teen SSJ Gohan was stronger than Dabura?

j)Neither could Gohan. Gohan was completely on the defense showing noticeable difficulty blocking Goten's attacks. I have the gap between them similar to Vegeta vs Base Zarbon, and Vegeta was a lot more casual when it came to blocking and dodging Zarbon's attacks and easily knocked him on his ass. Them not tanking 18 is irrelevant as their abilities were limited by the Mighty Mask costume and they still put up a fight against her even in base. Once they turned SSJ and fired a surpressed ki blast 18 looked like she was scared for her life and wanted to end the match immediately by throwing a Kienzan at them which we know can cut through any mortal no matter how powerful.

k)Goku thought Gohan might have a chance against Full Powered Fat Boo.

l)Fat Boo didn't do too bad against SSJ3 Goku so he's multifold SSJ2 Gohan.

n)Except Goku outright SAYING Gotenks was stronger than him.

o)SSJ Gotenks (Pre) > SSJ3 Goku > Fat Boo. Piccolo said that Super Boo got stronger and would easily kill Gotenks at that point unless the kids trained in the ROSAT. After the ROSAT, Gotenks believes he's equal to Super Boo in base and I know Gotenks is a very arrogant fighter but this is backed up by Piccolo's confidence in them as well.

Six Trails

May 30, 2015
Great list. I only disagree with 1) Android #17 and Android #18 being so close in power (though I suppose it's a bit more subjective) and 2) Dabra being stronger than Gohan. Gohan forced Dabra to abandon hand-to-hand combat and resort to magic just to stay competitive. Even when he landed a clean shot on Gohan, Dabra failed to inflict any visual damage. Not only that, but Gohan also overpowered Dabra at close quarters when he was able to break Dabra's sword.


High Class Warrior
Mar 6, 2016
1. It's stated that Android 19 greatly powered up after absorbing ki. Raise him to 300 at least

2. Future Gohan with one arm is stronger than less than half Future Androids. He should be 185+

3. Why Future Androids almost rival the Present Ones? Trunks stated that they were far, far stronger THRICE.

4. Gohan is > Dabura. He tanked an OFF-GUARD blast and broke Dabura's sword.


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
@One Piece Bus Ride, 17 and 18 are always talked about as a pair. That to me implies that the difference is minimal, also I have 17 almost 1.1x 18 which is a bit out of the rivaling gap so 17's statement about no one rivaling him still holds true.

Now for Dabura. It could have just been due to Gohan's lack of skill but Goku and Vegeta seemed pretty disappointed by Gohan's performance, Goku even said that Gohan was losing but what puts Dabura above Gohan for me was his line about taking Goku and Vegeta on after his fight with Gohan implying that he was stronger but I can see Gohan being stronger as well.

HUEBR_Tapion said:
1. It's stated that Android 19 greatly powered up after absorbing ki. Raise him to 300 at least

2. Future Gohan with one arm is stronger than less than half Future Androids. He should be 185+

3. Why Future Androids almost rival the Present Ones? Trunks stated that they were far, far stronger THRICE.

4. Gohan is > Dabura. He tanked an OFF-GUARD blast and broke Dabura's sword.

1. 200 to 250 is a 1.25x gap. That is a considerable power-up.

2. I have Post Training Gohan over the ~50% Future Androids.

3. I have the Future Androids almost 70% of the Present ones. That's far from rivaling.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Personally I view Gohan breaking Dabra's sword as a pretty good reason to have him superior in power. Just imagining overpowering a guy who has a sword over your head seems like a huge feat to me. Gohan has to stop all of Dabra's momentum, and then use his own force to break the sword, while still stopping Dabra's force.


High Class Warrior
Mar 6, 2016
17's statement doesn't have to include 18 imo, i think that he was talking about Z Senshi


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
Zoro said:
Personally I view Gohan breaking Dabra's sword as a pretty good reason to have him superior in power. Just imagining overpowering a guy who has a sword over your head seems like a huge feat to me. Gohan has to stop all of Dabra's momentum, and then use his own force to break the sword, while still stopping Dabra's force.

I wouldn't have a problem with having Gohan over Dabura if it wasn't for these statements.

Chapter: 455 (DBZ 261), P10.5-6
Context: as Gohan fights Dabra
Vegeta: “Damn it…this is pissing me off! Alright, I’ll finish this!”
Goku: “Don’t, Vegeta! Let [Gohan] do it. It ain’t like he’s completely losing.”

Chapter: 459 (DBZ 265), P2.2-3
Badidi: “How about it, Dabra? Just to be sure, do you have confidence that you can defeat that Earthling [Gohan]?”
Dabra: “Naturally. I fought him a little bit before, after all. There’s no doubt that I can take care of trash like that.”


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Well, him losing can be attributed to his poor battle skills and rustiness. Both of those statements can be referring to Gohan's skill and not his power.


Jul 27, 2015
a)Mecha Freeza is at the least equal to, if not stronger than Namek Goku who is at 150 mil, and Trunks stated that he could kill Freeza in an instant which Goku backs up implying a massive, massive gap between them.
He should be close to Goku was on Namek, but not quite there yet. He brought Kind Cold for backup, that infers his infeiority.

b) 19 took a hell of a beating from Goku, sure you can say 19 being a Android makes him naturally more durable than a human but I doubt if the gap was much more than this 19 would be able to survive such an assault. There is also Piccolo and the others being surprised that 19 and 20 weren't the androids Trunks warned them about and I doubt 19 (With Ki)'s power went up multifold.

Goku could have been extremely weak in comparison to his Yardrat self. Standing Chi is much different from fighting Chi, so Tienshinhan's reaction is not entirely reliable if one doesn't want it to be.

c)That doesn't mean 19 is stronger, that just means Gero miscalculated when he thought 19 would be a match for Vegeta. 20 can't let 19 become stronger than him otherwise 19 might rebel like 17 and 18 and he can't have that.
Android 19 has much better feats than Gero does. Gero was nearly single shotted from Piccolo, who is around the level of a much weaker Trunks; whereas, Android 19 was able to fight and wear down Vegeta SSj2

d)17 caught Trunks off-guard and I have 17 over 1.5x stronger than Trunks which is enough to one-shot. Trunks was heavily implied to be on par with Goku and Vegeta.
This is a bad excuse. Trunks was thrown right into Vegeta SSj. Trunks was knocked out but Vegeta wasn't.

The feats discredit fallible statements and prove that Trunks is definitely weaker, by a rather degree.

e)Not really. Vegeta was never a threat to 18, she called him "nothing special".
Android 18 could not tank a punch from Vegeta, and she had to wear him down before she started to gain the upper-hand.

f)The "drawing blood" thing means little when you tank the attack at blank range and call it "weak". Cell even after becoming perfect where he was stated to have gotten considerably stronger still was weaker than Grade 2 Vegeta and Trunks.

They should still be closer. Vegeta and Trunks were not capable of one shotting Semi-Perfect Cell at Grade 2. They should definitely be closer. 25% stronger works, with Perfect Cell (Initial) receiving a 20% increase over his previous transformation.

g)Tien always trains and he still didn't surpass Krillin so obviously training gains don't always have to be huge
Tienshinhan is not Piccolo.

h)Who said Teen SSJ Gohan was stronger than Dabura?
The people above me.

j)Neither could Gohan. Gohan was completely on the defense showing noticeable difficulty blocking Goten's attacks. I have the gap between them similar to Vegeta vs Base Zarbon, and Vegeta was a lot more casual when it came to blocking and dodging Zarbon's attacks and easily knocked him on his ass. Them not tanking 18 is irrelevant as their abilities were limited by the Mighty Mask costume and they still put up a fight against her even in base. Once they turned SSJ and fired a surpressed ki blast 18 looked like she was scared for her life and wanted to end the match immediately by throwing a Kienzan at them which we know can cut through any mortal no matter how powerful.

Goten was not able to land a single strike and called his big brother amazing. He is clearly in a different league.

The Mighty Mask costume was stated as limiting their movements, not their Chi strength or physical strength or durability. Therefore, because they are significantly weaker than Gohan individually, and unable to tank Android 18 or single shot her physically, they are not so much significantly more powerful than she is. They likely fit into the gap between Semi Perfect Cell and Android 18.

k)Goku thought Gohan might have a chance against Full Powered Fat Boo.

Gohan said his arm strength increased, the Z-Sword was only arm training, which on its own does not make someone more powerful.

l)Fat Boo didn't do too bad against SSJ3 Goku so he's multifold SSJ2 Gohan

Fat Boo is implied to be 2.5x Teen Gohan SSj2, by the meter system. It is a reliable system because it maxed out at 3,000 for Super Saiyan Goku, so it contradicts nothing. And that same Fat Boo who fought Goku SSj3, had a-lot of difficulty with someone of Vegeta SSj2's calibre. That, and Goku was only trying to buy time.

He's much too powerful here.

o)SSJ Gotenks (Pre) > SSJ3 Goku > Fat Boo. Piccolo said that Super Boo got stronger and would easily kill Gotenks at that point unless the kids trained in the ROSAT. After the ROSAT, Gotenks believes he's equal to Super Boo in base and I know Gotenks is a very arrogant fighter but this is backed up by Piccolo's confidence in them as well.

During Super Boo's initial transformation, he did a temporary power-burst to test his new abilities; this is highly implied within the Manga, because Super Boo is clearly seen examining himself. It is here that Piccolo realizes that Gotenks is boned, because of how powerful Super Boo's power-burst was, and not his superficial power.

Other notable Chi sensors do not immediately catch onto Super Boo's complete power and they don't bother commenting on it. Therefore, Super Boo's initial transformation is likely as powerful as Innocent Boo was; because he is comprised of the exact same material, so once he split and refused into one being, he began at his previous battle power before the split. Nobody noted an increase in his power, except for the people that witnessed Super Boo's temporary power-burst, hence why nobody but Dende and Piccolo caught onto it.

Even though Piccolo knows Gotenks is essentially fucked, he doesn't immediately send Gotenks into the Room Of Spirit & Time, he lets the boys continue to sleep. It is only once Super Boo reveals that he can sense Chi and shows up unexpectedly at the look-out, does Piccolo send them in, but not before.

During their room of spirit and time training, Goten & Trunks only acquire Super Saiyan 3 six hours prior to Piccolo's and Super Boo's arrival; so it's implied that they probably spent most of their time trying to achieve it as opposed to making solid gains individually, or as the sum of the product.

When Super Boo finally arrives, he is still at Innocent Boo's level and Gotenks Base Post is still unable to do anything. It is only when he transforms into a Super Saiyan do the tables turn. Super Boo's initial power -which is the same level as Innocent Boo, isn't strong enough to make the battle completely one sided, and Gotenks actually comes close to getting the better of him.

Therefore, Gotenks finally lived up to the expectations once he hit the Rost for some additional training.

Super Boo (Full Power) > Super Boo (Initial) =/= Innocent Boo >= Gotenks Ssj Post > Gotenks Ssj Pre > Gotenks Base Post > Gotenks Base Pre



Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015

This is a bad excuse. Trunks was thrown right into Vegeta SSj. Trunks was knocked out but Vegeta wasn't.

I already said that. Trunks was hit in the gut by Vegeta's backside area. I rather not be Trunks in that situation. There's nothing wrong with having Trunks fairly close to Vegeta, by the way that's what is implied by Tenshinhan's lumping them together and Trunks keeping up with Vegeta's while flying.

Also, actually there's much implying Gotenks SSJ was above Fat Boo. Goku flat out stated that 2x.


Very good list. Congrats.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
While I think the three Saiyans are in the same range of power, I'd increase a bit the difference between Vegeta and Trunks. Like Trunks being at 88-90% of his father.


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
Tosh said:
a)Mecha Freeza is at the least equal to, if not stronger than Namek Goku who is at 150 mil, and Trunks stated that he could kill Freeza in an instant which Goku backs up implying a massive, massive gap between them.
He should be close to Goku was on Namek, but not quite there yet. He brought Kind Cold for backup, that infers his infeiority.

b) 19 took a hell of a beating from Goku, sure you can say 19 being a Android makes him naturally more durable than a human but I doubt if the gap was much more than this 19 would be able to survive such an assault. There is also Piccolo and the others being surprised that 19 and 20 weren't the androids Trunks warned them about and I doubt 19 (With Ki)'s power went up multifold.

Goku could have been extremely weak in comparison to his Yardrat self. Standing Chi is much different from fighting Chi, so Tienshinhan's reaction is not entirely reliable if one doesn't want it to be.

c)That doesn't mean 19 is stronger, that just means Gero miscalculated when he thought 19 would be a match for Vegeta. 20 can't let 19 become stronger than him otherwise 19 might rebel like 17 and 18 and he can't have that.
Android 19 has much better feats than Gero does. Gero was nearly single shotted from Piccolo, who is around the level of a much weaker Trunks; whereas, Android 19 was able to fight and wear down Vegeta SSj2

d)17 caught Trunks off-guard and I have 17 over 1.5x stronger than Trunks which is enough to one-shot. Trunks was heavily implied to be on par with Goku and Vegeta.
This is a bad excuse. Trunks was thrown right into Vegeta SSj. Trunks was knocked out but Vegeta wasn't.

The feats discredit fallible statements and prove that Trunks is definitely weaker, by a rather degree.

e)Not really. Vegeta was never a threat to 18, she called him "nothing special".
Android 18 could not tank a punch from Vegeta, and she had to wear him down before she started to gain the upper-hand.

f)The "drawing blood" thing means little when you tank the attack at blank range and call it "weak". Cell even after becoming perfect where he was stated to have gotten considerably stronger still was weaker than Grade 2 Vegeta and Trunks.

They should still be closer. Vegeta and Trunks were not capable of one shotting Semi-Perfect Cell at Grade 2. They should definitely be closer. 25% stronger works, with Perfect Cell (Initial) receiving a 20% increase over his previous transformation.

g)Tien always trains and he still didn't surpass Krillin so obviously training gains don't always have to be huge
Tienshinhan is not Piccolo.

h)Who said Teen SSJ Gohan was stronger than Dabura?
The people above me.

j)Neither could Gohan. Gohan was completely on the defense showing noticeable difficulty blocking Goten's attacks. I have the gap between them similar to Vegeta vs Base Zarbon, and Vegeta was a lot more casual when it came to blocking and dodging Zarbon's attacks and easily knocked him on his ass. Them not tanking 18 is irrelevant as their abilities were limited by the Mighty Mask costume and they still put up a fight against her even in base. Once they turned SSJ and fired a surpressed ki blast 18 looked like she was scared for her life and wanted to end the match immediately by throwing a Kienzan at them which we know can cut through any mortal no matter how powerful.

Goten was not able to land a single strike and called his big brother amazing. He is clearly in a different league.

The Mighty Mask costume was stated as limiting their movements, not their Chi strength or physical strength or durability. Therefore, because they are significantly weaker than Gohan individually, and unable to tank Android 18 or single shot her physically, they are not so much significantly more powerful than she is. They likely fit into the gap between Semi Perfect Cell and Android 18.

k)Goku thought Gohan might have a chance against Full Powered Fat Boo.

Gohan said his arm strength increased, the Z-Sword was only arm training, which on its own does not make someone more powerful.

l)Fat Boo didn't do too bad against SSJ3 Goku so he's multifold SSJ2 Gohan

Fat Boo is implied to be 2.5x Teen Gohan SSj2, by the meter system. It is a reliable system because it maxed out at 3,000 for Super Saiyan Goku, so it contradicts nothing. And that same Fat Boo who fought Goku SSj3, had a-lot of difficulty with someone of Vegeta SSj2's calibre. That, and Goku was only trying to buy time.

He's much too powerful here.

o)SSJ Gotenks (Pre) > SSJ3 Goku > Fat Boo. Piccolo said that Super Boo got stronger and would easily kill Gotenks at that point unless the kids trained in the ROSAT. After the ROSAT, Gotenks believes he's equal to Super Boo in base and I know Gotenks is a very arrogant fighter but this is backed up by Piccolo's confidence in them as well.

During Super Boo's initial transformation, he did a temporary power-burst to test his new abilities; this is highly implied within the Manga, because Super Boo is clearly seen examining himself. It is here that Piccolo realizes that Gotenks is boned, because of how powerful Super Boo's power-burst was, and not his superficial power.

Other notable Chi sensors do not immediately catch onto Super Boo's complete power and they don't bother commenting on it. Therefore, Super Boo's initial transformation is likely as powerful as Innocent Boo was; because he is comprised of the exact same material, so once he split and refused into one being, he began at his previous battle power before the split. Nobody noted an increase in his power, except for the people that witnessed Super Boo's temporary power-burst, hence why nobody but Dende and Piccolo caught onto it.

Even though Piccolo knows Gotenks is essentially fucked, he doesn't immediately send Gotenks into the Room Of Spirit & Time, he lets the boys continue to sleep. It is only once Super Boo reveals that he can sense Chi and shows up unexpectedly at the look-out, does Piccolo send them in, but not before.

During their room of spirit and time training, Goten & Trunks only acquire Super Saiyan 3 six hours prior to Piccolo's and Super Boo's arrival; so it's implied that they probably spent most of their time trying to achieve it as opposed to making solid gains individually, or as the sum of the product.

When Super Boo finally arrives, he is still at Innocent Boo's level and Gotenks Base Post is still unable to do anything. It is only when he transforms into a Super Saiyan do the tables turn. Super Boo's initial power -which is the same level as Innocent Boo, isn't strong enough to make the battle completely one sided, and Gotenks actually comes close to getting the better of him.

Therefore, Gotenks finally lived up to the expectations once he hit the Rost for some additional training.

Super Boo (Full Power) > Super Boo (Initial) =/= Innocent Boo >= Gotenks Ssj Post > Gotenks Ssj Pre > Gotenks Base Post > Gotenks Base Pre


1. Freeza said he could probably defeat Goku on his own, it would just be definite with Cold's help so I would say he was equal, or slightly stronger.

2. Except, everyone is at awe during Goku's fight with 19 only Piccolo and Gohan (who were the only ones who knew Goku's full capabilities) noticed Goku's "pitiful" condition, everyone else thought Goku was as strong as ever and noted how unbelieveable it was that 19 survived so many attacks.

3. I wouldn't say Gero nearly one-shotted Piccolo handily defeated him but it wasn't the worst curb-stomp in the series. 19 only tired Vegeta because Vegeta let 19 suck his ki. Also the BBA is a pretty taxing technique.

4. Vegeta was faced down and could hardly move, I wouldn't call that much better than being knocked out.

5. 18's statement about Vegeta being nothing special says otherwise.

9. Goten calling Gohan amazing doesn't have to mean they are in a different league. Characters on par with each other or even characters weaker have called each other amazing before.

The kids were in base when they fought 18 in Mighty Mask so they were about on par with her at the time. The only time they engaged 18 at SSJ was when they shot that surpressed blast at her.

10. It was mostly his arm strength but overall his power had increased many times as well. The Kaioshin said that Gohan's power had greatly rose and Goku even questioned whether it would be enough to defeat Boo. If he was much weaker than Boo then there should be no thinking about it.

11. The meter system has Yakon at 800 under 4x weaker than SSJ Goku when he was at best on par with Base Goku who is 50x weaker. That system isn't reliable.

12. Ok I will bite who is Innocent Boo? Are you talking about Good Boo? Either way, whatever power Piccolo felt earlier from Super Boo's power up he knew it was over Pre ROSAT SSJ Gotenks's afterward nce they trained in the ROSAT Piccolo felt confident in them standing a chance against Super Boo even in base.


Jul 27, 2015
ahill1 said:

This is a bad excuse. Trunks was thrown right into Vegeta SSj. Trunks was knocked out but Vegeta wasn't.

I already said that. Trunks was hit in the gut by Vegeta's backside area. I rather not be Trunks in that situation. There's nothing wrong with having Trunks fairly close to Vegeta, by the way that's what is implied by Tenshinhan's lumping them together and Trunks keeping up with Vegeta's while flying.

Also, actually there's much implying Gotenks SSJ was above Fat Boo. Goku flat out stated that 2x.


Very good list. Congrats.
That is looking too far into it. Throwing your own personal preference into a situation within the story is completely unnecessary and entirely irrelevant.

Trunks and Vegeta both suffered from the exact same attack, but Vegeta got back up.

If this isn't enough to convince you other-wise, then there is simply no changing your mind because your personal and subjective canon dictates otherwise.

1. Freeza said he could probably defeat Goku on his own, it would just be definite with Cold's help so I would say he was equal, or slightly stronger.
It's subjective.

He can be stronger or weaker than Goku and both perspectives hold relevancy.
2. Except, everyone is at awe during Goku's fight with 19 only Piccolo and Gohan (who were the only ones who knew Goku's full capabilities) noticed Goku's "pitiful" condition, everyone else thought Goku was as strong as ever and noted how unbelieveable it was that 19 survived so many attacks.
Standing Chi is completely different from fighting Chi, so making a comparison between a standing Yardrat Goku and a fighting Goku from the Android Saga is faulty logic at best.

3. I wouldn't say Gero nearly one-shotted Piccolo handily defeated him but it wasn't the worst curb-stomp in the series. 19 only tired Vegeta because Vegeta let 19 suck his ki. Also the BBA is a pretty taxing technique.
Piccolo is far above Gero. He effortlessly took him down, once Gero realized that he was boned, he basically fucked off from the situation lmao.

4. Vegeta was faced down and could hardly move, I wouldn't call that much better than being knocked out.
Trunks was knocked out while Vegeta was completely conscious and was capable of continuing to fight.

There is a huge difference.

5. 18's statement about Vegeta being nothing special says otherwise.
The feats between Android 18 and Vegeta dictate differently. Feats always hold precedence over statements and/or implications, especially within the context of a story.
9. Goten calling Gohan amazing doesn't have to mean they are in a different league. Characters on par with each other or even characters weaker have called each other amazing before.
See point 5.

Goten was unable to land a single strike or hit Gohan. As Super Saiyans, they could not defeat someone of Android 18's caliber, there is a huge difference in power.

10. It was mostly his arm strength but overall his power had increased many times as well. The Kaioshin said that Gohan's power had greatly rose and Goku even questioned whether it would be enough to defeat Boo. If he was much weaker than Boo then there should be no thinking about it.
It is only stated that it was his arm strength, and to argue that he increased in Chi as well contradicts with Akira Toriyama's interview where he states that in order to get stronger, one must master Chi control, he says nothing about arm strength on it's own.

It's conflicting and doesn't hold merit.
11. The meter system has Yakon at 800 under 4x weaker than SSJ Goku when he was at best on par with Base Goku who is 50x weaker. That system isn't reliable.
The system maxed out at 3,000, it does not contradict anything.

12. Ok I will bite who is Innocent Boo? Are you talking about Good Boo? Either way, whatever power Piccolo felt earlier from Super Boo's power up he knew it was over Pre ROSAT SSJ Gotenks's afterward nce they trained in the ROSAT Piccolo felt confident in them standing a chance against Super Boo even in base.
Innocent Boo is Fat Boo, Good Boo is the version of Boo that was expelled from Innocent Boo.

Nothing in your statement holds any weight in the face of what I posed.

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