That was Sauzer. Neizu got oneshotted pretty pathetically by Piccolo reversing his own technique on him through sheer power. He should still scale to Dore though, who was capable of providing difficulty to a Base Goku that shouldn't have been holding back tremendously.Super Saiyan said:Wasn’t Neiz capable of trading blows with post-Namek Piccolo? He should be at least on par with initial 2nd Form Freeza I’d have to think.
Captain Cadaver said:Neizu was stronger than post-Namek Gohan who ought to be in the 1mil range, so this is an absolute stomp in Neizu's favour.
Captain Cadaver said:Gohan's post-Zenkai self was powerful enough for Vegeta to have hope in them being able to face Freeza, who had powered up since his previous bout with enraged Gohan who had already been able to deal some superficial damage to Initial 2nd form Freeza. It's pretty obvious post-Zenkai Gohan would have to more or less on the 1mil mark. I'm surprised I even need to explain that, unless you've forgotten huge chunks of the Freeza Arc.
Things wouldn't be better if Gohan wasn't at least as strong as his enraged self, especially after Freeza had already powered up. Comparing Vegeta's critical demeanour when enraged Gohan is fighting 2nd form Freeza to his optimism after the Zenkai paints a clear enough picture. More importantly, Vegeta never makes mention of Gohan's Zenkai being below that of his enraged self, something you'd think he'd be quick to point out if that were the case.Pakl said:Actually no. Vegeta just said things are getting a little better which is right as Gohan got stronger.
The very fact that Vegeta viewed their chances as better debunks this.Nothing indicates Gohan even surpaased Vegeta.
If anything, that only makes powered up 2nd form Freeza more powerful in the anime.Also in the Anime they all fire ki blasts at Freeza and he was not even scratched. We can use the Anime as this is non canon versus.
You do remember that 2nd form Freeza powered up and stomped enraged Gohan, don't you? Even with Gohan having powered up beyond his enraged state, there is still plenty of room for Freeza to be far above him.If Gohan was really that high he would be relvant to Frieza and Piccolo and he clearly was not.
Gohan still knew he couldn't take the Armoured Squad by himself when delivering the Senzu and we later see that he and Kuririn got stomped by Sazuer. Also, Neizu was able to deflect Goku's Ki blast no worse than Dore, so even if he's the weakest of the 3, it isn't by a completely different tier.GreatSaiyaman123 said:But @Captain Cadaver didn’t Cooler’s squad only overwhelm Gohan so easily because of his tail?
ok. iirc gohan fought 50% freeza or so when freeza thought he defeated ssj goku or something, soo...We can use the Anime as this is non canon versus.
You actually bumped up a 1 year old thread which I don't even remember what was the argument about.ok. iirc gohan fought 50% freeza or so when freeza thought he defeated ssj goku or something, soo...