I'm not sure if "Super Saiyan tier" characters got tired from fighting the soldiers. They all ate Senzus, but Piccolo's main fight (in the movie) was with that red bull guy who briefly kicked his arse, and Gohan's stamina was so bad he could hardly maintain SSJ. The humans are as weak or weaker than their Cell arc selves (barring Roshi

) considering they've been sidelining for ages now, so those aren't anywhere near SSJ tier imo.
Anyway, if it's 1 on 1 the SSJG probably rapes imo. He most likely wanted to avoid killing off the Oozarus he fought (since he was apparently righteous), so he probably defeated them while holding back rather than vaporizing them all at once. Most likely he was at least above some shithead like 1st form Freeza considering SSJG's hype, and the fact that it contains God ki