Piccolo Daimao's full power


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Why do you think that using his full power shortens his lifespan? He's the only character in the series who I can think of who has this issue.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
I’ve seen a theory that Evil Ki is actually harmful to the body. I’m not sure if the material directly supports this, but goes in hand with how some people think bad/evil thoughts/energies like stress or anger make them sick more often or age faster.

Either way this actually manifests with other characters, but in different ways. Piccolo Jr doesn’t have any trouble with his full power, but he’s more prone to becoming good. Freeza’s body buffs up, Super Saiyan forms sap life energy… and Babidi’s newer minions, who had their power drawn from evil thoughts, had their bodies looking constantly strained.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
GreatSaiyaman123 said:
I’ve seen a theory that Evil Ki is actually harmful to the body. I’m not sure if the material directly supports this, but goes in hand with how some people think bad/evil thoughts/energies like stress or anger make them sick more often or age faster.

Either way this actually manifests with other characters, but in different ways. Piccolo Jr doesn’t have any trouble with his full power, but he’s more prone to becoming good. Freeza’s body buffs up, Super Saiyan forms sap life energy… and Babidi’s newer minions, who had their power drawn from evil thoughts, had their bodies looking constantly strained.

It's an interesting theory but there are too many evil characters far stronger than Daimao that don't get strained from their evil ki like the Saiyans, Freeza's minions, Cell and Majin Boo (including the pure evil versions), Goku Black/Zamasu who don't get strained by evil ki. Not to mention that Dabura (who's probably the most evil of Babidi's minions) wasn't strained by becoming Majin, nor were Yakon and PuiPui. In fact, the only ones who had veins pop out that were affected by Babidi's spell were earthlings and Vegeta (who has similar enough physiology to Earthlings to breed with human females).

Considering that a not-so-evil character like Hit couldn't even take his full power for over a minute, it just seems like it's a matter of learning to get used to your full power more than anything else. Super Saiyan is an unnatural transformation too, which is why Rou Dai Kaioshin considers his ritual superior because it strengthens your natural state.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
As Kenshi alluded to, Daimao's unfamiliarity with using that much effort is the most likely answer when he had yet to find someone who could really challenge him. It can also be argued Daimao isn't the only case of this and that he's simply the only one who it's explicitly mentioned about. If taking DBO into account, Goku felt his death approaching when his body wasn't even in its 60s despite Saiyan lifespans being little different from humans and Rou-Dai Kaioshin's life that he gave Galu still having 1000 years to it, suggesting that adding far more intensity to the body can reduce lifespan as Super Saiyan is stated to do. Comparing it to real life, take for example how most powerlifters tend to have low lifespans with many dying in their 30s and 40s due to the intensity of their lifestyle (even when factoring in the many cases of steroid abuse). A guy who's been sitting in a jar for 300+ years suddenly fighting at his limits by enough that his veins are clearly visible isn't exactly going to walk away without some repercussions.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Everybody likes the theory until I say I got it from VoR :shc

But either way it’s just one of those spiritual things from eastern philosophy, so it makes sense Dragon Ball would follow this idea.

On the examples you mentioned, I guess it depends on the amount of Evil Ki. Piccolo was a Mazoku/demon and the people he killed were unable to ascend to Enma Daio’s castle, and Raditz doing so was proof Piccolo Jr wasn’t all that evil. Freeza’s goons and Cell probably just weren’t as evil as Piccolo, specially Cell who was mostly driven by his Saiyan urge to fight rather than just destroy. The Saiyans themselves lost control of their minds when accessing their true power as Oozarus.

Majin Boo’s body is magical and resistant to even SSJ3’s strain, so he wouldn’t have these problems. He did fail to control his anger when Mr Satan was shot, however. Not sure about Pui Pui, but Yakon and Dabra at least came from the Demon Realm and were already evil. Imagine bringing up Super :troll2

Of course, I don’t think strain is a product of this alone. Roshi and even the SSJ forms didn’t have such large problems, same would apply with Hit. Being evil just seems to be toxic and karma always comes back to bite their arses.



Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
The earthlings killed by Nappa didn't have problems ascending to the afterlife either, unlike when they were murdered by Piccolo or Piccolo's goons, plus Kami-sama at that time was labeled a God, with his antithesis being Piccolo Daimao -- basically the representation of a demon, pure evil one. So I think the idea of a full pure evil chi being detrimental to one's life spam has some merit, although the Kid Boo later on was also described as "pure evil" and he didn't seem to suffer from such problems.

I'd give in though that the problem seems to lie more on Piccolo's unusuality to a power of that caliber, even more so with him spending a fuck long time stuck into that jar.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Captain Cadaver said:
Comparing it to real life, take for example how most powerlifters tend to have low lifespans with many dying in their 30s and 40s due to the intensity of their lifestyle (even when factoring in the many cases of steroid abuse).

RIP Rich Piana :brother :brother

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
GreatSaiyaman123 said:
Captain Cadaver said:
Comparing it to real life, take for example how most powerlifters tend to have low lifespans with many dying in their 30s and 40s due to the intensity of their lifestyle (even when factoring in the many cases of steroid abuse).

RIP Rich Piana :brother :brother

Future Warrior

Dec 12, 2015
I believe he, like Freeza, probably has the lack of experience in using his full power in a fight due to never meeting a someone that can match him. Always do stretches before doing your exercises kids!

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