Everybody likes the theory until I say I got it from VoR
But either way it’s just one of those spiritual things from eastern philosophy, so it makes sense Dragon Ball would follow this idea.
On the examples you mentioned, I guess it depends on the amount of Evil Ki. Piccolo was a Mazoku/demon and the people he killed were unable to ascend to Enma Daio’s castle, and Raditz doing so was proof Piccolo Jr wasn’t all that evil. Freeza’s goons and Cell probably just weren’t as evil as Piccolo, specially Cell who was mostly driven by his Saiyan urge to fight rather than just destroy. The Saiyans themselves lost control of their minds when accessing their true power as Oozarus.
Majin Boo’s body is magical and resistant to even SSJ3’s strain, so he wouldn’t have these problems. He did fail to control his anger when Mr Satan was shot, however. Not sure about Pui Pui, but Yakon and Dabra at least came from the Demon Realm and were already evil. Imagine bringing up Super

Of course, I don’t think strain is a product of this alone. Roshi and even the SSJ forms didn’t have such large problems, same would apply with Hit. Being evil just seems to be toxic and karma always comes back to bite their arses.