Plastic Man Respect Thread

Southern Gothic

Super Elite
Staff member
Global Moderator
Red Ribbon Army
May 30, 2015
*This thread will focus on Plastic Man from the Earth 31 Universe, the same universe that depicted the events of The Dark Knight Strikes Again. I am using this version of the character in order to present him with a simplified history yet still maintain an overall view of the character's powers. This Earth 31 counterpart is closer to his Post-Crisis version, which is more suitable for a versus thread since the New 52 Version is now immortal.



Universe: Earth 31

Name: Patrick "Eel" O'Brien

Height: 6'1

Weight: 178 ibs

Hair: Black

Eyes: Blue

SUMMARY: As a small time crook, Patrick O'Brien was shot several times by a security guard while attempting a robbery at the Crawford Chemical Works facility. In the frenzy of trying to esape, O'Brien overturned an unknown type of special acid. The chemical compound then seeped into his wounds and after recovering from the injuries, O'Brien discovered that he had gained the ability to stretch and manipulate his body shape.

Unlike his normal DC Universe counterpart, who became a detective and showed an impressive amount of intelligence, Earth 31 Plastic Man is known to be absolutely insane due to his years of confinement and isolation. He was freed from the confines of Arkham Asylum by Batman, who sought the stretchy hero as an ally in an upcoming battle against Lex Luthor and Superman.

His extreme demeanor and personality, combined with his powers, make Plastic Man a dangerous foe. Upon being freed from Arkham, Batman remarks that O'Brien could murder everyone on his team if he so wished, a group that included The Flash, Elongated Man, Batman and Carrie Kelly.
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Powers and Abilities

The powers granted to Plastic Man by the unknown acid are a force to be reckoned with. His body is said to exist in a liquid state, giving him complete control over every molecule in his being. He can change the density of his mass, becoming harder than rock, or extremely flexible and soft like rubber.

Stretching: Plastic Man can stretch and extent his body to endless lengths. No length has ever been shown to cause him stress or pain. With this, he can also change the thickness of any particular appendage, becoming thin or thick to his desire.
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Shapeshifting: The limits to how far Plastic Man can change his shape is unknown. He once changed size to fit into a pouch on Batman's utility belt. In other comics, he has reached hundreds of feet tall. On a more even scale, Plastic Man has kept himself to a relative scale of size and shape. Growing some, shrinking some, by a inches or feet. His shapeshifting is nonetheless complex and detailed.

An easy example of this is when he turned himself into a woman. Not too long afterwords, he was also able to form himself into a working, functioning hot-air balloon, ushering Batman and his team to safety away from Arkham.
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Unlike most other shapeshifters and those endowed with stretchy powers, Plastic Man holds the rare ability to form his body into a working, complex mechanism.
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Here, he is able to transform into an egg beater, complete with working gears and a handle. Using this form Plastic Man kills dozens of armed guards quite horribly and painfully. (large image).
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Telepathic Resistance: Plastic Man is no longer considered to be an organic being. His body has been transfomed entirely into a malleable substance. This includes his brain, making him 100% invulnerable to psychic attacks.

Resistance: Due to the nature of his body, Plastic Man is invulnerable to high velocity impact (blunt objects), explosions, knives and gunfire. Conjecture has ranged as to his resistance for anything outside of everyday weapons. While he has never been shown sustaining injury, a few occasions have flirted with his limist, such as having been shot while unguarded to the point of bleeding a foreign residue, to Batman suggesting that O'Brien may survive a nuclear blast.

He can also regenerate over time, marginally faster than a normal human. This too has also been exaggerated several times in the comics. It is safe to say that Plastic Man has his limits. Lex Luthor was able to keep him in an elongated state by stuffing him into an industrial washing machine.
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Weapons and Armor: Plastic Man's only gear consists of his red and yellow suit and a pair of goggles. It is made of a highly resistant material and has the ability to stretch and shape along with him.

OVERALL: Plastic Man is dangerous and unpredictable. His wide array of transformations, resistance, and insanity make him a constant threat to any who oppose him. There is a good chance that he is the most powerful of all the stretchy based superheroes. When it comes to purely measuring him as a physical threat, Plastic Man far outweighs the likes of Mr. Fantastic or Elongated Man, even in his Earth 31 form.