Power gap between movie villians


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Post your movie villians power levels and the gap between each villian. Post the villains highest power for comparasion.

Those are mine

Garlic Jr: 900

Doctor Uiru: 28,000

The gap between Garlic Jr and Doctor Uiru is 31.111x

Tullece: 500,000

The gap between Tullece to Uiru is 17.857×

Slug: 5,500,000

The gap between Slug to Tullece is 11x

Coola: 170,000,000

The gap between Coola id 30.909x

Metal Coola: 565,000,000

The gap between Metal Coola to Coola is 3.323x

Super Android 13: 1,220,000,000

The gap between Super Android 13 and Meta Coola is 2.159x

Movie 8 LSSjin Broli: 60,000,000,000

The gap between Movie 8 LSSjin Broli and Super Android 13 is 49.18x

Bojack: 150,000,000,000

The gap between Bojack and Movie 8 LSSjin Broli is 2x

Movie 10 LSSjin Broli: 310,500,000,000

The gap between Movie 10 LSSjin Broli and Bojack is 2.07x

Bio Broli: 32,100,000,000

Bio Broli is the only exception but he is 9.672x weaker than Movie 10 LSSjin Broli.

Jabemba: 11,075,000,000,000

The gap between Janemba and Bio Broli is 345.015x but if I compare him to the next strongest who is Movie 10 LSSjin Broli then the gap is 35.668x

Hiridegarn: 100,000,000,0000,000

The gap between Hirudegarn and Janemba is 9.029x

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