Rate the last Anime/Manga you finished out of 10


Super Elite
Aug 13, 2016
Armitage III 6/10

Apparently I saw the movie edit, but the dub has Kiefer Sutherland and the chick from saved by the bell.

With the events of Armitage I and Armitage II unsaid (and the sequel also being called Armitage III) pretty much Harrison Ford, I mean Hero McProtagonist loses his family to runaway to Mars to fall in love with an "18 year old" Android. The film plays out like a group of high school kids watched Blade Runner and Total Recall and someone's step dad had a five figure sum to produce a cartoon of their idea. The cut of the film makes the plot disjointed but fast paced, there's plenty of action.

The last third of the film has some Neon Genesis Evangelion vibes as it uses elements Western Humanities and Theology to completely flesh out the backstory and symbolism. Now whether this was done for artistic reasons or was simply the bare minimum, who knows, the film straddles that fine line between art, action, and pornography.

Pretty much, feminists took over Earth and Mars is essentially the wild west depending on (mostly male) immigration. Men impregnating the robots poses a risk of Earth controlling Mars, as they could procreate and not depend on Earth.

So, Armitage has sweet robot angel wings Han Syllabus pulls a mech suit out of his ass and they choose to live as Adam and Eve after they got exiled from the Garden.

Probably would have hit harder 20 years ago but it's probably better to watch it with a much wider perspective.


Low Class Warrior
Nov 2, 2024
Darling in the FranXX: 8/10 (Manga)

Very nice, much better ending than the Anime... unfortunate my favorite moment is not in the Manga


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
Dandadan Season 1 - 8/10. Very unique, unpredictable, subverts tropes (only noticeable after watching other shows. Might not ve so obvious to future generations of anime fans. Like how Haruhi was more original for its time than now), well-written and realistic characters and relationships for the genre, not a hilarious show (like One Piece or Gintama) but it has some good humour to it for sure even in the fights, one moving backstory, some good action but a lot is just ok. Looks great visually, very good animation and camera angles, great pacing, soundtrack was never noticeable but it's never in the way or felt lacking if it had One Piece type epic music it would throw off the light-hearted tone. I'd say 7.5 if not for how well-made the anime is.

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