For the most part, speed correlates with power, which would suggest Roshi's Kamehameha should be on par with BoZ Piccolo if so. Also, the framing of the scene where he destroyed Mount Fry Pan in conjunction with the character reactions would suggest it took more than just a split second to reach that distance, which would weaken the idea of it having Sub-Relativistic speed and, thus, the whole moon feat in general. You also have Popo's "quicker than lightning" statement which would show that those below his level aren't surpassing MHS speed.GreatSaiyaman123 said:@Captain Cadaver what’s the issue with the blast’s speed?
Not exactly the same situation. Throughout most of Z, Planet Busting was practically the pinnacle when it came to power. If not treating Roshi's moon bust as an outlier whilst also treating the form as weaker than Daimao, that would make most of Part 1's high tiers Moon level, despite official sources only bringing up Moon busting in terms of power for 300+ battle powers, whilst only bothering to mention Daimao's City busting as a testament of his.I don’t see how it being a big deal means it was retconed/an outlier. Piccolo also made a big deal out of Goku and Freeza being capable of destroying the world, even though even Saiyan Arc Vegeta (And arguably even BoZ Piccolo) could do that. Unless you think those were also outliers?
It could, though that's still questionable at best when he didn't even bother to use it against Daimao in favour of a technique he knew would probably kill him. You also have the Roshi not long from after destroying the moon stating he'd be unsure if he could take the whole RRA, despite an attack that can completely destroy the moon certainly having the power, speed and range to do so.Animelover5487 said:Could it be possible that Roshi just has an uber powerful buff form that he never uses in battle due to power strain/lack of speed like 100% Freeza and the third staged SSJ?
That's only if inserting scouter numbers and their logic into Part 1, which isn't exactly a solid route when there are several statements contradicting the kind of gaps scouter numbers dictate.I mean, it was heavily implied that Roshi would have killed Oozaru Goku if his Kamehameha hit him. That would mean his manly form is an over ten times multiplier,
Only for a hypothetical Manly GAINZ BoZ Roshi. His 21st TB self was far weaker, and it's kind of arguable if Oozaru Goku would even be 10x Base Roshi from a scouter perspective when he was heavily fatigued.putting his power level over 1,390.
That wouldn't make much sense with how scouters are shown to work though, given how the scouters don't take into account things such as Kaioken or the Kamehameha amp unless it's actually being used.ahill1 said:I had also a nice theory that the scouter took all the power available in Roshi into account when registering him as 139 (aka his buff state), as a scouter is supposed to read a fighter's full power even when they aren't actively exerting themselves (should read Vegeta and Nappa at full power) and suppression didn't seem to be achieved until after the training with Kami, in which chi would be more well crafted.
Captain Cadaver said:For the most part, speed correlates with power, which would suggest Roshi's Kamehameha should be on par with BoZ Piccolo if so. Also, the framing of the scene where he destroyed Mount Fry Pan in conjunction with the character reactions would suggest it took more than just a split second to reach that distance, which would weaken the idea of it having Sub-Relativistic speed and, thus, the whole moon feat in general. You also have Popo's "quicker than lightning" statement which would show that those below his level aren't surpassing MHS speed.GreatSaiyaman123 said:@Captain Cadaver what’s the issue with the blast’s speed?
Not exactly the same situation. Throughout most of Z, Planet Busting was practically the pinnacle when it came to power. If not treating Roshi's moon bust as an outlier whilst also treating the form as weaker than Daimao, that would make most of Part 1's high tiers Moon level, despite official sources only bringing up Moon busting in terms of power for 300+ battle powers, whilst only bothering to mention Daimao's City busting as a testament of his.I don’t see how it being a big deal means it was retconed/an outlier. Piccolo also made a big deal out of Goku and Freeza being capable of destroying the world, even though even Saiyan Arc Vegeta (And arguably even BoZ Piccolo) could do that. Unless you think those were also outliers?
It's case by case with what seems most consistent, and Roshi's Kamehameha certainly isn't consistent with other Part 1 feats.GreatSaiyaman123 said:So an older feat invalidates the newer one, and not the other way around?![]()
Combat speed and beam travelling speed should be about equal, otherwise nobody would be able to outspeed a Kamehameha if they were solidly Sub-Relativistic by the time of the 23rd TB and being quicker than lightning was still a big deal.Popo was mostly refering to the speed in which they move, not the traveling speed of their blasts.
That'd support Roshi being able to solo Part 1 then.What if Roshi’s Kamehameha isn’t weaker than Daimao then?
It’s also worth noting guidebooks such as Daizenshuu 2 and the EML reckon Roshi’s moon busting feat, so doubtful it was just ignored later on.