Southern Gothic said:Qui-Gon stomps. Taking Legends into account, he's got far more duelling feats than Luke at this point. That, and he was also regarded as the best swordsmen of his day. Considering that, and all his years as formal training, and this should be a no-contest. Luke probably doesn't win this until his Jedi Academy Trilogy days, when he was still young but far more studied and practised with his lightsaber.
Warmmeup said:Luke stomps.
Luke>=Anakin>Vader>Yoda>Mace Windu>=Qui-Gon>Darth Maul
It had more to due with Maul having superior stamina, as it's been noted that Qui-Gon's age was a major factor in his loss, hence why he needed to go into the meditative stance when he got the chance.Warmmeup said:No it was just after. The bit where Palpatine says "no matter, he was merely a tool".
I think it was implied that Maul got lucky due to the emotional stress/distractions that Qui-Gon was subjected to. He was worried about Anakin.
Captain Cadaver said:Qui-Gon ought to win. It's noted by Snoke in one of the novels that the only conceivable way that Vader lost to Luke was due to his inner conflict causing him to hold back, plus even if you consider the rage boost to have brought Luke above Vader, that won't be a factor against Qui-Gon. Qui-Gon has far more experience and has been stated to be on the level of most Council members in terms of duelling prowess. I think Luke's strength in the Force may be somewhat higher due to his Skywalker lineage, though not by enough to wear Qui-Gon down before the master wins.