Saiyan-Saga Fill-Out

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Another Saiyan-Saga fill-out but this one is very different from the others:

Vegeta - 100
-- post vs Kaio-Ken x3 Goku --
-- post getting blasted by KHH --
-- Oozaru --
-- post Oozaru --
-- post Genki-Dama --

Goku -
-- Kaio-Ken --
--- Genki-Dama --
-- Genki-Dama (power-lost) --

Gohan -
-- enraged (Masenko) --
-- vs Vegeta (for Genki-Dama) --
-- Oozaru --

Nappa -
-- Initial --

Master-Kaio -

Enma-daio -

Piccolo -

Tenshinhan -
-- Kikoho --

Kuririn -

Yamcha -

Saiba-meng -

Raditz -

Bardock -

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
I'll just use scouter numbers for the fill out, since that's easier overall than having a lot of round ups and integers.

Vegeta - 18,000
-- post getting blasted by KHH -- 6,000
-- post-Power Ball -- 4,500
-- Oozaru -- 45,000
-- post Oozaru -- 3,600
-- post Genki-Dama -- 1,800

Goku - 8,010
-- Kaio-Ken -- 16,020
--- Genki-Dama -- 50,000
-- Genki-Dama (power-lost) -- 20,000

Gohan -
-- enraged (Masenko) -- 2,800
-- vs Vegeta (for Genki-Dama) -- 3,300
-- Fatigued against Vegeta -- 594
-- Oozaru -- 5,940

Nappa -
-- Initial -- 4,000
-- Full power -- 7,500

Master-Kaio - 3,500

Enma-daio - 3,100

Piccolo - 2,500

Tenshinhan - 1,830
-- Kikoho -- 3,050

Kuririn - 1,770

Yamcha - 1,480

Saiba-meng - 1,200

Raditz - 1,250

Bardock - 10,000

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Do you really think Kikoho is higher than Masenko?

I think Vegeta post Genki-Dama could be way lower than 1.8k. If I'm not mistaken he was surprised he couldn't even defeat everyone after doing that one attack and Kuririn was already basically unable to move anymore at that point so Kuririn is probably <<< his normal power and he still didn't die from that. Or maybe that was after Yajirobe slashed him and that could have lowered his power as-well.

Also it wouldn't be a fill-out with-out the 100 but I know why you did that & appreciate that. I just wanted to point that out. :troll2 :troll2 :troll2

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
Do you really think Kikoho is higher than Masenko?
Nappa commented how it almost gave him a scare and it did do a decent level of superficial damage to his armour and scuffs across his body. Nappa did have comparable mixtures of praise and condescension when commenting on the Masenko, though the difference in his reaction prior to both attacks hitting him is fairly telling.

I think Vegeta post Genki-Dama could be way lower than 1.8k. If I'm not mistaken he was surprised he couldn't even defeat everyone after doing that one attack and Kuririn was already basically unable to move anymore at that point so Kuririn is probably <<< his normal power and he still didn't die from that. Or maybe that was after Yajirobe slashed him and that could have lowered his power as-well.
I place Yajirobe at his V-Jump level of 970 and Vegeta was still strong enough to oneshot him and defeat everuone else. Gohan didn't seem in too bad a shape after the Genki-Dama compared to Kuririn either and ought to be fairly close to his full non-enraged power, so Vegeta ought to still be at least above 1.5k or so.
There is Yajirobe actually cutting through Vegeta's armour and wounding him with his sword, though that was an off-guard feat worth about as much as Piccolo's kick on 50% Freeza :troll

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Also forgot Chaozu and self-destruction.

Also I meant Vegeta doing that attack that encompassed the whole battle-field and he was still surprised they were still alive. That was also against a Kuririn who couldn't even stand-up anymore IIRC.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
Also forgot Chaozu and self-destruction.
Chaozu - 610
-- Self Destruction -- 2,745

Also I meant Vegeta doing that attack that encompassed the whole battle-field and he was still surprised they were still alive. That was also against a Kuririn who couldn't even stand-up anymore IIRC.
I'm willing to chalk a lot of it up to plot armouring. After all, Goku was also in the vicinity, was beaten up to the point of immobility with barely any Ki left and still survived.

Dragon Ball Fan

Sep 18, 2016
Vegeta - 100
-- post vs Kaio-Ken x3 Goku -- 83
-- post getting blasted by KHH -- 75
-- Oozaru -- 280
-- post Oozaru -- 19.5
-- post Genki-Dama -- 6.66

Goku - 44
-- Kaio-Ken -- 88
--- Genki-Dama -- 350
-- Genki-Dama (power-lost) -- 175

Gohan - 8.33
-- enraged (Masenko) -- 15.5
-- vs Vegeta (for Genki-Dama) -- 15.5
-- Oozaru -- 77

Nappa - 23
-- Initial -- 23

Master-Kaio - 19.5

Enma-daio - 13

Piccolo - 19.5

Tenshinhan - 10.1
-- Kikoho -- 21

Kuririn - 9.8

Yamcha - 8.2

Saiba-meng - 6.66

Raditz - 8.33

Bardock - 19.5


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Much like CC, I'll use scouters instead of Vegeta = 100 for simplicity's sake.

Vegeta: 18,000
~ Garlic Gun: 24,000 or 62,500 (Not sure if Kamehameha amp should be counted over Kaio-Ken)
~ Post Beam Struggle: 14,500
~ Post Power Ball: 4,500
~ Oozaru: 45,000
~ Post Oozaru: 3,000
~ Post Genki Dama: 1,200

Goku: 5,000
~ Full Power: 8,250
~ Kaio-ken x2: 16,500
~ Kaio-ken x3: 24,750
~ Kaio-ken Kamehameha x3: 61,875
~ Kaio-ken Kamehameha x4: 82,500
~ Post Beam Struggle: 4,125
~ Genki-Dama: 100,000
~ Genki-Dama (Power Lost): 40,000

Gohan (Suppressed): 981
~ Full Power: 2,500
~ Masenko: 2,800
~ Oozaru: 6,250

Nappa: 4,000
~ Full Power: 6,000

Piccolo: 2,250

Tenshinhan: 1,830
~ Kikohou: 4,575

Kuririn: 1,770

Yamcha: 1,480

Chaozu: 610
~ Self destruction: 2,440

Yajirobe: 970

Saiba-meng: 1,200

Raditz: 1,200

Bardock: 9,600 for OVA, 2,400 for DB-

Since we are talking about Saiyan Saga power levels, what should we make of the Kaio-Ken Kamehameha/Garlic Gun amp [mention]Captain Cadaver[/mention] [mention]Fantastische Hure[/mention]? Are they just that strong or were amps nerfed?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
I'd say the Kamehameha was definitely nerfed after the Raditz fight, given the only time it's treat as a game changer afterwards was Goku VS Cell and even then, it was low enough Gohan still viewed Goku as not going all-out. I'd go with the former level you have for the Gyarikku Ho.

The Supreme Being

Aug 25, 2019
Vegeta - 18,000
-- post vs Kaio-Ken x3 Goku -- 15,000
-- post getting blasted by KHH -- 12,000
-- post-Power Ball -- 6,000
-- Oozaru -- 60,000
-- post Oozaru -- 2,500
-- post Genki-Dama -- 1,000

Goku - 8,050
-- Kaio-Ken -- 16,100
--- Genki-Dama -- 75,000
-- Genki-Dama (power-lost) -- 25,000

Gohan - 1,307
-- enraged (Masenko) -- 2,800
-- vs Vegeta (for Genki-Dama) -- 1,050
-- Oozaru -- 10,500

Nappa - 4,000
-- Initial -- 7,500

Master-Kaio - 3,500

Enma-daio - 2,500

Piccolo - 2,500

Tenshinhan - 1,800
-- Kikoho -- 3,500

Kuririn - 1,500

Yamcha - 1,350

Chaozu - 850
-- Self destruction -- 2,550

Yajirobe - 650

Saiba-meng - 1,200

Raditz - 1,250

Bardock - 3,000


Jun 19, 2015
Vegeta - 18.000
-- post vs Kaio-Ken x3 Goku -- 16.500
-- post getting blasted by KHH -- 4.800
-- Oozaru -- 45.000
-- post Oozaru -- 4.500
-- post Genki-Dama -- 1.800

Goku - 8.100
-- Kaio-Ken -- 16.200
--- Genki-Dama -- 60.000
-- Genki-Dama (power-lost) -- 6.000

Gohan - 1.400
-- enraged (Masenko) -- 2.800
-- vs Vegeta (for Genki-Dama) -- 4.200
-- Oozaru -- 14.000

Nappa - 7.500
-- Initial -- 3.500

Master-Kaio - 3.000

Enma-daio - 2.500

Piccolo - 2.250

Tenshinhan - 1.500
-- Kikoho -- 3.500

Kuririn - 1.400

Yamcha - 1.250

Saiba-meng - 1.200

Raditz - 1.250

Bardock - 9.500

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