Captain Cadaver said:Hard to say who is stronger. Super #13 is inferior to #16, likely vastly so based on his far less impressive feats, yet being so far above someone that their hand disintegrates from trying to punch you is a far more impressive tanking feat than any other in the franchise. In an actual fight though, Cell would win as he could easily just steal Goku's Genki through a Taiyoken + Life Drain, not to mention Goku really only getting one shot at his target.
Captain Cadaver said:Considering his unprecedented tanking feat, it's hard to say. He could be on par with FP Cell or far above him. We simply have too little scale of comparison when this is the only feat of such a magnitude in the franchise.
If that were the case, Goku's body would've disintegrated from internalising such heat. Heat resistance is something shown to be very limited for characters in the anime continuity compared to their destructive capability.Pakl said:How about the fact that his hands got burned because of the heat? If Semi Cell had such heat ki it would be the same/
If we're not comparing feats, then we have absolutely nothing to compare the two, making this entire topic pointless.Remember this is TOEI and feats are inconsistent here.
That's meta logic not backed up by anything in-universe.I think Semi Cell level makes sense due to the time line of this movie.