Sesshomaru vs Naraku

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Not familiar with Inuyasha at all, though looking up their feats, Sesshomaru has better feats and more solid scaling by the end of the series, plus his celluar destruction is the perfect counter for Naraku's regeneration. Sesshomaru wins with high diff.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
Not familiar with Inuyasha at all, though looking up their feats, Sesshomaru has better feats and more solid scaling by the end of the series, plus his celluar destruction is the perfect counter for Naraku's regeneration. Sesshomaru wins with high diff.
That's what I thought. It always seemed like Sesshomaru just couldn't be bothered going after Naraku as obsessively as the others. He just had a give no fack attitude. He'll deal with him, when the time is there. Even-though Naraku was nearly unkillable for most of the series, but that's because he either always put fakes of himself out there or his own creations.

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