Even leaving aside plot armour, durability has been Goku's most impressive stat ever since after his training with Popo such as blocking an attack stronger than his Super Kamehameha with minimal damage, being complimented by Raditz for his durability when Raditz was going for the kill or enduring several hits from Oozaru Vegeta in his base state.GreatSaiyaman123 said:Even after Freeza was done playing with Goku he didn't really kill him. The reason he went to 50% was to kill Goku, but he didn't actually go for the kill until well after Goku threw the Genki Dama at him.
Freeza still had his transformations, something the narrative alludes to when Kuririn ponders over why Freeza is so calm. In fact, this part would, if anything, support Vegeta being near 530k Freeza as both Kuririn being astounded Freeza was this strong despite nobody contradicting Vegeta's assertion Goku would get stomped even after Goku used Kaioken and Freeza's Ki only being noted to increase after his body starts to undergo his transformation.Meanwhile, we know for a fact Freeza was holding back either way: Not only he didn't transform to flex his power on Vegeta, his calm composure after grappling (In contrast to Vegeta getting all sweaty and winded) would imply he's not throwing all he's got yet. He wanted to torture Vegeta and co. rather than wipe them all out at once, he wasn't counting on Vegeta having powered up that much.
Captain Cadaver said:Freeza still had his transformations, something the narrative alludes to when Kuririn ponders over why Freeza is so calm. In fact, this part would, if anything, support Vegeta being near 530k Freeza as both Kuririn being astounded Freeza was this strong despite nobody contradicting Vegeta's assertion Goku would get stomped even after Goku used Kaioken and Freeza's Ki only being noted to increase after his body starts to undergo his transformation.
Chapter: 290 (DBZ 96) said:Context: after Goku says Vegeta can’t kill him, Gohan, and Kuririn
Vegeta: “Well, he’s right. There’s the matter of the dragonballs, and more than anything I need your power to fight Freeza…particularly Kakarot’s…”
Or Frieza was so far ahead power wise Goku was still no threat even after getting hit by the SpiritBomb.Captain Cadaver said:Even leaving aside plot armour, durability has been Goku's most impressive stat ever since after his training with Popo such as blocking an attack stronger than his Super Kamehameha with minimal damage, being complimented by Raditz for his durability when Raditz was going for the kill or enduring several hits from Oozaru Vegeta in his base state.
Captain Cadaver said:Freeza still had his transformations, something the narrative alludes to when Kuririn ponders over why Freeza is so calm. In fact, this part would, if anything, support Vegeta being near 530k Freeza as both Kuririn being astounded Freeza was this strong despite nobody contradicting Vegeta's assertion Goku would get stomped even after Goku used Kaioken and Freeza's Ki only being noted to increase after his body starts to undergo his transformation.
ahill1 said:I'd say Vegeta being winded up while Freeza seemed quite collected only means Vegeta had to exert extra effort to keep up with Freeza... but the fact that he still kept Freeza steady stands, so at most this serves as an argument for 1st form Freeza being > Vegeta. Freeza wasn't just casually grappling Vegeta either and Kuririn wonders right afterwards "why was Freeza so calm", implying Freeza shouldn't be this calm given the circumstances, with Vegeta replying with a "transform yourself, Freeza", indirectly responding to Kuririn's question and showing that was the reason of his calmness. Freeza being still in his 1st form in a measly panel doesn't mean much, either... we see for instance that Goku when transforming into a SSJ3 was still with his SSJ2 appearance during some panels and some transformations just don't feature the character transforming into the evolved state right away.
ahill1 said:Freeza not going all out is never hinted, that's the problem. Vegeta's "transform, Freeza!" comes right after Kuririn's questioning of Freeza's collected behavior and enemies can put some extra effort as seen with Goku and Kid Boo in their Genki-Dama struggle, for instance, and while they were going all out before, they never seemed to be straining so hard. The rest is special pleading.
And the braggart Freeza wouldn't even say that not even his transformation is needed, like he noticed when going to his final form, that he's only doing that needlessly so they can have a taste on true terror?VampireWicked said:ahill1 said:Freeza not going all out is never hinted, that's the problem. Vegeta's "transform, Freeza!" comes right after Kuririn's questioning of Freeza's collected behavior and enemies can put some extra effort as seen with Goku and Kid Boo in their Genki-Dama struggle, for instance, and while they were going all out before, they never seemed to be straining so hard. The rest is special pleading.
Frieza Transformed because Vegeta revealed he could.
Vegeta called him out to Transform, I know you have a Transformation so stop hiding it & show me.
Frieza didn't think it was necessary, Vegeta's arrogance begged for it.
theallpowerfulpuipui said:Believing Vegeta was 250k is like believing in Santa
Super Saiyan said:![]()
I see an angry Freeza who is trying to decimate Vegeta. In what world does this look like holding back?