ahill1 said:
In which world is Freeza so obeying to Vegeta to the point he would transform just because Vegeta told him so? Vegeta of all people...
He is doing no such thing.
Frieza isn't obeying anything, he's playing them letting them think they've revealed a crucial secret & exposed a not so powerful form that they can defeat.
He is conveying the point of you think you know me? You don't know Jack squat.
Frieza is physiologically rendering them powerless by revealing just how outclasssed, out powered they are against him.
ahill1 said:
And he doesn't even need not to transform... leaving a snarky comment like "it's not like I need it" before resorting to it would already suffice. We got nothing. Rather, Kuririn is surprised by Freeza's composure and the idea of him transforming comes soon after with this "hypothetical" full power being never mentioned.
Seriously, this idea is never hinted one inch at the manga and no one would come up with it weren't for the V-Jump, the same magazine that has Gogeta less than 2x Broly and Boohan = SSJ3 Goku. Really.
Are you kidding me, it's everywhere in Frieza's expressions, overconfidence & their cowardice.
He literally stands in front of Piccolo, Gohan, Krillin, while kicking Vegeta's butt daring them to say crap.
Frieza was telling them no matter how strong you think you are, no matter how strong you get. I'm still more powerul & I'll own you.
Nothing absolutely nothing from that first clash with 1st Form Frieza & Vegeta ever said they were equal PowerLevels.
It's part of Vegeta's arrogance & ego.
Vegeta allows Android19 to power up by grabbing him & draining some his power.
He lets Cell Transform into his Perfect form.
He Refuses to fuse with Goku with Buu closing because Goku didn't Transfom into SuperSaiyan 3 in their MajinVegeta vs Goku fight.
Vegeta in the Tournament Of Power provokes Jiren into using the same level of Power when he thrashed Goku.
1st Form Frieza didn't Transform because he had to, he Transformed because of Vegeta's arrogance called for it & Frieza made him reget it.