p123 said:Gohan went there thinking he could beat both Androids together.
Trunks gets a little bit stronger, thinks he can do the same...
Gohan has to be somewhere around 1.2-1.25x the Androids. Trunks is probably 1.33x.
People always downplay this gap between Gohan and the Androids, but they fail because Trunks further solidifies the point. We have not only one, but now two characters, willing to risk it all in a 2 on 1 situation. The story doesn't make sense if you can't reasonably show this...
1) Zarbon/Dodoria can definitely defeat Vegeta.
2) Goku, Vegeta and Gohan can definitely defeat Fat Buu Powered Up.
So we should take those levels into account. Gohan thinks he can reasonably win means there should be a larger gap between Gohan and the Androids than Fat Buu had on the Saiyans and Vegeta has on Freeza's bitches.