Captain Cadaver said:4.5mil VS 3mil. Definite stomp in SSJ Goku's favour.
I've said it once and I'll say it again, battle power gap "logic" has zero consistency in determining an absolute standard for gaps. The fact you have things such as oneshot minimums and the like being heavily contradicted by an injured Goku taking serious hits from Oozaru Vegeta are enough to make this blatantly obvious. Moreover, battle powers stopped being part of the plot once Freeza transformed (bar the irrelevant last use in the manga of suppressed Trunks), so treating them so scrupulously after their use has ended is basically the same as trying to make a battle power list for Part 1 work. That said, the chain doesn't contradict the 3mil entry at all when all that's required is accepting that gaps are completely plot dependant and simply making those between certain characters relatively small.Pakl said:I think it's obvious Goku is way ahead of 3 million.
Goku ~ Initial final form Freeza >> Vegeta > final form Freeza (expected power) >> 3rd form Freeza >> Piccolo > FP 2nd form Freeza > Weighted Piccolo > Powered up 2nd form Freeza > Initial 2nd form Freeza who was over 1 million
No way Goku is 3 million.
Captain Cadaver said:I've said it once and I'll say it again, battle power gap "logic" has zero consistency in determining an absolute standard for gaps. The fact you have things such as oneshot minimums and the like being heavily contradicted by an injured Goku taking serious hits from Oozaru Vegeta are enough to make this blatantly obvious. Moreover, battle powers stopped being part of the plot once Freeza transformed (bar the irrelevant last use in the manga of suppressed Trunks), so treating them so scrupulously after their use has ended is basically the same as trying to make a battle power list for Part 1 work. That said, the chain doesn't contradict the 3mil entry at all when all that's required is accepting that gaps are completely plot dependant and simply making those between certain characters relatively small.Pakl said:I think it's obvious Goku is way ahead of 3 million.
Goku ~ Initial final form Freeza >> Vegeta > final form Freeza (expected power) >> 3rd form Freeza >> Piccolo > FP 2nd form Freeza > Weighted Piccolo > Powered up 2nd form Freeza > Initial 2nd form Freeza who was over 1 million
No way Goku is 3 million.
Once again, actual sources serve as more solid, objective evidence than fanmade battle power lists.
Because that is an official number stated by a source, thereby holding far more value as evidence than any fanbased list and pretentious overthinking on something Toriyama never intended to be a linear system.Pakl said:If power levels stopped being important why do you use the 3 million number from the guide?
Completely different kettle of fish. The battle powers for Part 1 presented in guides don't work not because of "muh gaps" but because they outright contradict statements within the series that make clear power chains such as V-Jump saying 22nd TB Tenshinhan > 23rd TB Yamcha or Piccolo Daimao > Kami. The 3 million figure, however, contradicts nothing within the original manga and only goes against the flawed perceptions some people project onto it.Guidebooks don't overcome the manga unless you also accept the DB power levels for the manga which are wrong
Pakl said:I think it's obvious Goku is way ahead of 3 million.
Goku ~ Initial final form Freeza >> Vegeta > final form Freeza (expected power) >> 3rd form Freeza >> Piccolo > FP 2nd form Freeza > Weighted Piccolo > Powered up 2nd form Freeza > Initial 2nd form Freeza who was over 1 million
No way Goku is 3 million. I have Goku at 6.5 million. It also fits my theory that M4 False SSjin Goku is as strong as Final Zenkai Vegeta who was a false SSjin using 50x multiplier placing both at 4.5 million.
Hector said:Captain Cadaver said:4.5mil VS 3mil. Definite stomp in SSJ Goku's favour.
Show me your Freeza Saga numbers.