I was only half-serious with this part. Gotenks should still be a tier or two below Boo seeing as how Piccolo immediately calls out Gotenks as too weak to do anything but get killed when he goes to face Boo. As for Gotenks' survival, I imagine it could be down to several factors. For one, Boo's playful nature may have caused him to mess around and give Gotenks an opening to escape. Boo may have also wondered if Gotenks could get any stronger and let him live for that reason, much in the same manner as Future #17 and #18 letting Trunks live.GreatSaiyaman123 said:I'm not sure how serious Gotenks survivingPink Micropenis cum bucketFatso should be taken so he could be like really close to Boo, only weak enough to get beaten up.
Debatable. Piccolo never contradicts Gotenks > Goku, but he never cites it as being so apparent, only that Gotenks is stronger than Boo. You could say the gap is pretty wide because of Goku's lie suggesting SSJ Gotenks > FP Fat Boo > SS3 Goku to Piccolo, but Goku explaining his reasoning to Piccolo would've made it apparent to Big Green Goku was mincing his words, particularly with Goku saying he wasn't sure if he could kill Boo. Basically, all that mattered to Piccolo in regard to Gotenks' strength was that it was enough to beat Boo.The gap between Goku and Gotenks is pretty unknown too, so it makes hard to decide. I definitely don't think Gotenks is a 24 to Goku's 25, Goku saying Gotenks is stronger than Piccolo instantly confirming it makes me think their Kis are easy to diferenciate.
Captain Cadaver said:I was only half-serious with this part. Gotenks should still be a tier or two below Boo seeing as how Piccolo immediately calls out Gotenks as too weak to do anything but get killed when he goes to face Boo. As for Gotenks' survival, I imagine it could be down to several factors. For one, Boo's playful nature may have caused him to mess around and give Gotenks an opening to escape. Boo may have also wondered if Gotenks could get any stronger and let him live for that reason, much in the same manner as Future #17 and #18 letting Trunks live.
Debatable. Piccolo never contradicts Gotenks > Goku, but he never cites it as being so apparent, only that Gotenks is stronger than Boo. You could say the gap is pretty wide because of Goku's lie suggesting SSJ Gotenks > FP Fat Boo > SS3 Goku to Piccolo, but Goku explaining his reasoning to Piccolo would've made it apparent to Big Green Goku was mincing his words, particularly with Goku saying he wasn't sure if he could kill Boo. Basically, all that mattered to Piccolo in regard to Gotenks' strength was that it was enough to beat Boo.
Even if he were to confirm Gotenks as superior to Goku, I believe such a small gap is enough to make the distinction if sensing them properly. For instance, Piccolo was unsure about Gotenks' chances against Evil Boo when the latter was formed, yet sure Gotenks stood no chance once he sensed Boo on Kami's Temple. There's also Vegeta solidly confirming SS2 Goku as stronger than CG Gohan whereas Big Green only saw it as possible, the latter suggesting the difference was minimal whilst the former showing it could easily be discerned. At least Boo Arc-wise, it seems as though the distance to the Ki can be absolutely crucial in how a character accurately judges it.