GreatSaiyaman123 said:
Someone told be once Gogeta would beat Goku based on some feat from Base Goku shaking the universe or some shit. Who wins?
I believe the feat they're referring to was when Goku destroyed the Shugoroku dimension. However, that area was never shown or stated to be close to a universe in size, so the feat's meaningless.
SSG Goku stomps because universe level punches ermahgerd gg.
If we're talking about his Movie continuity self, however, things get more interesting. There, Beerus isn't stated to be any higher than a Solar System buster and the God tiers don't present any FTL feats beyond Whis' travel speed which could be excused as teleportation, so Gogeta could stomp that version. However, there's also Toriyama stating around the time of his 6-10-15 comparison for the movie that Beerus could destroy the Kaioshinkai, which is stated to be roughly 10% of the DB Universe's total mass in the SEG. Taking that into account, Gogeta would only beat Movie Galu if his assumed superior speed would allow him to outlast the limited time of the God form.