This thread is for guys like KidBuu55 and Simplexible who spout that SSjin 3 Goku is stronger than Ultimate Gohan... That means they have SSjin Goku > SSjin Gotenks so who wins??
Goku was lying... He is a suicidal maniacal freak who sends two children to die with the Earth... He said SSjin Gotenks would beat Fat Boo but he ends out to be weaker than SSjin Goku... I bet Piccolo can give SSjin Gotenks before ROSAT a good fight... My Neoseeker fellow and not troll Simplexible says Goku is stronger than Gotenks so he knows what he says...
Goku was sparing Vegeta's feelings and lying in the entirety of the saga. He actually hates the Earth and that's why he trusted its fate on SSJ Gotenks's hands. When Goku was in the other world, some guy caught him off guard and striked him in the head so hard he returned to his original, evil Saiyan-self, but he managed to hide it from everyone, even Vegeta
That guy was Paikkon. He forgot to remove his weighted boots during the battle and got salty he lost because of it, so he dropped them on Goku's head to get his revenge