Super-Saiyan God Raditz runs the Gauntlet

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
In the ritual are:

Goku (Beginning of DragonBall Z) & Gohan (Beginning of DragonBall Z) & Vegeta & Nappa & Tarble

And maybe if it changes anything Goku and Gohan can also be post training (so Goku'd be :9000 :9000 :9000 ) for a potential second scenario.

Let's forget about the pure Saiyans thing for the purpose of this thread.

Where does he get to?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Considering the original SSG formed by some regular Saiyans couldn't even destroy all the evil Saiyans in time who likely didn't amount to more than a couple of hundred enemies, a God formed by these lot wouldn't be leagues higher. I'd say out of Freeza's fear at the potential of one, SSG Raditz may be elevated to a level above Freeza, but likely no higher.

SSG Chaditz solos Super and and takes on his master Lord :bitch in a heated battle for succession though. :galu

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
Considering the original SSG formed by some regular Saiyans couldn't even destroy all the evil Saiyans in time who likely didn't amount to more than a couple of hundred enemies, a God formed by these lot wouldn't be leagues higher. I'd say out of Freeza's fear at the potential of one, SSG Raditz may be elevated to a level above Freeza, but likely no higher.

SSG Chaditz solos Super and and takes on his master Lord :bitch in a heated battle for succession though. :galu
To be fair though we have to use DragonBall Super logic when thinking about this. He probably couldn't defeat all the evil Saiyans in time because he didn't want to potentially hurt others and only the evil saiyans specifically and even then he might not have killed. Just Nappa'd them.

SSJ3 Gothic

Super Elite
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Red Ribbon Army
May 30, 2015
Hmmm, I think CC's about right. Maybe a little more. Using just basic multipliers, taking Raditz all the way up to SSJ3 doesn't even bring him up to First Form Freeza. I think having SSJG taking him up to just past that sounds completely fair, considering that increase is still pretty massive and well beyond what the SSJ forms can do for him.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Southern Gothic said:
Hmmm, I think CC's about right. Maybe a little more. Using just basic multipliers, taking Raditz all the way up to SSJ3 doesn't even bring him up to First Form Freeza. I think having SSJG taking him up to just past that sounds completely fair, considering that increase is still pretty massive and well beyond what the SSJ forms can do for him.
Well in BoG, Goku's God Form was potentially >>> SSj3 Vegetto, so you got to also take that into account and it's not just adding their power either since we know that's what happened at first in BoG, but they knew something wasn't right. Beyond that I don't know though.

SSJ3 Gothic

Super Elite
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Red Ribbon Army
May 30, 2015
Well I think even taking the total I mentioned for and SSJ3 Raditz and multiplying it by 500 is enough to wreck Freeza, and SSG is probably a lot bigger than that. You could be right.

But also, going a lot higher, like 2000 times boostor 10,000, doesn't bring you much into early android arc I think. I'm probably still being too conservative for an SSJG multiplier, so if we take it into the tens millions, yes, it takes him probably into high late Android Arc - early/mid Boo Arc. But I still think being conservative with the initial SSJG is acceptable due to the potential growth that happens afterwords can eventually turn into boosting someone by the millions, as seen with SSJB/UI/Limit Break Vegeta.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Southern Gothic said:
Well I think even taking the total I mentioned for and SSJ3 Raditz and multiplying it by 500 is enough to wreck Freeza, and SSG is probably a lot bigger than that. You could be right.

But also, going a lot higher, like 2000 times boostor 10,000, doesn't bring you much into early android arc I think. I'm probably still being too conservative for an SSJG multiplier, so if we take it into the tens millions, yes, it takes him probably into high late Android Arc - early/mid Boo Arc. But I still think being conservative with the initial SSJG is acceptable due to the potential growth that happens afterwords can eventually turn into boosting someone by the millions, as seen with SSJB/UI/Limit Break Vegeta.
Being a bit more conservative with the numbers can be good. At-least you aren't being as biased as you could be in some cases.

There's also the fact that I'm not sure about an actual multiplier for the form. It's hard to tell. What about the Saiyans performing the ritual? Does their power or something-else matter, too? I don't know, but it's worth a thought.

SSJ3 Gothic

Super Elite
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Global Moderator
Red Ribbon Army
May 30, 2015
2kewl4u said:
Southern Gothic said:
Well I think even taking the total I mentioned for and SSJ3 Raditz and multiplying it by 500 is enough to wreck Freeza, and SSG is probably a lot bigger than that. You could be right.

But also, going a lot higher, like 2000 times boostor 10,000, doesn't bring you much into early android arc I think. I'm probably still being too conservative for an SSJG multiplier, so if we take it into the tens millions, yes, it takes him probably into high late Android Arc - early/mid Boo Arc. But I still think being conservative with the initial SSJG is acceptable due to the potential growth that happens afterwords can eventually turn into boosting someone by the millions, as seen with SSJB/UI/Limit Break Vegeta.
Being a bit more conservative with the numbers can be good. At-least you aren't being as biased as you could be in some cases.

There's also the fact that I'm not sure about an actual multiplier for the form. It's hard to tell. What about the Saiyans performing the ritual? Does their power or something-else matter, too? I don't know, but it's worth a thought.
I guess you could go with some unquantifiable amount for SSJG, the way some people do for the idea of "potential." or what not. That's fine but I get bothered by that. I use a x500 boost for SSJ4 even though it's pretty gimp but I can even that out it my head. I don't like to go with potential, or an infinate power. Besides, I always kind of looked at initial SSJG in a conservative way, and then went on to balloon it afterwords.

Don't blame me. The BoG movie kept it pretty conservative and that was written by the man himself. :galu :troll

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Southern Gothic said:
2kewl4u said:
Southern Gothic said:
Well I think even taking the total I mentioned for and SSJ3 Raditz and multiplying it by 500 is enough to wreck Freeza, and SSG is probably a lot bigger than that. You could be right.

But also, going a lot higher, like 2000 times boostor 10,000, doesn't bring you much into early android arc I think. I'm probably still being too conservative for an SSJG multiplier, so if we take it into the tens millions, yes, it takes him probably into high late Android Arc - early/mid Boo Arc. But I still think being conservative with the initial SSJG is acceptable due to the potential growth that happens afterwords can eventually turn into boosting someone by the millions, as seen with SSJB/UI/Limit Break Vegeta.
Being a bit more conservative with the numbers can be good. At-least you aren't being as biased as you could be in some cases.

There's also the fact that I'm not sure about an actual multiplier for the form. It's hard to tell. What about the Saiyans performing the ritual? Does their power or something-else matter, too? I don't know, but it's worth a thought.
I guess you could go with some unquantifiable amount for SSJG, the way some people do for the idea of "potential." or what not. That's fine but I get bothered by that. I use a x500 boost for SSJ4 even though it's pretty gimp but I can even that out it my head. I don't like to go with potential, or an infinate power. Besides, I always kind of looked at initial SSJG in a conservative way, and then went on to balloon it afterwords.

Don't blame me. The BoG movie kept it pretty conservative and that was written by the man himself. :galu :troll
It still seemed to be >>>Potara at that time, which I'd consider alright. :donovan :donovan :donovan

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